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2� 1 ��312� <br /> �'l. H�zardous�ubstances.As used�n tlus Section��: �a} "Hazarc�ou.s Su�star�ce.s"aare those substances <br /> defined as toxic or ha�ardaus substances,pal�utants,�r wastes�y Environmental La�v and the fol���ing <br /> substances:gaso�in�,keros�n.e,other flammab�e or t�xic pe#roleum products,toxic pesticid�s and herb�cic�es, <br /> volatile solvents, material�containing asbes�os ar formald�hyde, and radioacti�e materials; �b} <br /> ".,�r�viro►�►neratc�l�c�w"means federallaws and laws of the jurisdi�tion where the Property is�acated that <br /> relate to health, safety or enWu�nmenta�protecti�n; (c) "Er�vironrneratal�'lear�up"includes any response <br /> action, remedia�act��n, ar remo�al a��ian, a�defined in Environ�mental Law; and(d}an "E�a�iror�►ner�tal <br /> Gor�ditior�"means a cvndi�ion that can caus�, contribute to, Qr otherwise trigger an Environmental C�eanup. <br /> . <br /> Borrotiver sha�1 not caus�or permit the pr�sence,use,disposa�,sfiorage,or re�ease of an�Hazardous <br /> Substanc�s,ar threaten to release any Hazardous Substances,on or in the 1'roperty. Borrov�er sha11 not do, <br /> nor a11ow aayone else to do,anything affecting the Property(a��hat i�in violation of any Envir�nmenta.l <br /> Law, (b}which create�an Enviranmental Condition,or(c}which,due to�he presence,use,or release af a <br /> Hazardous Substance,creates a cond�tian that adversely affects the�a�ue of the Property. The preceding twa <br /> sentenGes shall not appl�to the presence,use,or storage on th�Property of sma11 quantit�es of Hazardous <br /> Substances that are generatty recogn��ed to be apprapriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of <br /> th�Property(including,but not limited to,ha2ardous�ubstances in c�nsumer produGts}. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written nat�ce af(a�any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agenc}�or private par�y invo�vin�the Pro�erCy and any Hazardous <br /> �ubstance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knaw�edge, (b}any Environm�ntal <br /> Condition, includin�but not limited to,any spil��ng, leaking,discharge,release or threat of release of any <br /> Hazard�us Substance,an�i(c)any condition cau�ed by the presence,use or release vf a Hazardou�Substance <br /> Which adversely affects the value of th�Property, If Barrower learns,or is notif�ed by any gavernment�,�or <br /> regulatory authority,or any priva�e party,that an�remaval ar other remediatian of any Hazardous 5�bstance <br /> affecting the Property is necessary, Borra�ver sha�l promptly take a��necessary rernedial actions in <br /> accordance with Environmen�al Law.Nothing herein sha11 create any obligation on Lender for an <br /> Environm�ntal Gleanup. <br /> N�n-Unifvrm Co��nants.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> Z�. Acce�eration;Remedies.Lender sha��give natice t4 Borrower prior to acceleration fo�lawing <br /> Borrawer's breach vf any cave�ant or agreemen�in this�ecurity Instrument�but not prior to <br /> acce�eratian under Se�tion 1S unless App�i�able Law pravides�therw�.se}.The notice shall speGify; �a} <br /> the default; �b}the action required ta cure the default; �c}a da�ea not less�han 3U da�s from the date <br /> the notice is given ta Borrower,by v�hi�h the default must be cured;and�d}that failure tQ cur�the <br /> default on nr bef�re the date specified�n the notice rna�result in accelera�ion af the sums secured by <br /> �h�s SeGurity Instrument and sale of#he Prvperty.The noti�e shall further inf�rm Barrower af the <br /> right�o reins�ate after acceleration and the righ�to bring a caurt activn to assert the non-existence of a <br /> default or any v�her defense vf Borrawer tv a��eleratian and sale.If the default is not cured an or <br /> befvre the da�e spe�ified in the n�t�ce,Lender at its option may require immed�ate payment in full�f <br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may in�ake the pow�r�f sa�e <br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law.L�nder shall be en�itled#�c�ll��t all expenses <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies pro�ided in this�ecti�n�2,inc�uding,but not�imited t�,reasanab�e <br /> attorneys'fees and costs�f title evidence. <br /> q�335398G570 0�33 354 1417 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiky-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIFflRM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3Q28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA4NE�(13Q2}.�4 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia�Services Page 14 of 1? <br />