2� 1 ��31 �9
<br /> a lien wh�ch has prio�i�y over this Securi�y lns��ument; �b} appear�ng in cour�; and �c} paying reasonable
<br /> aftorneys' fees fio prafect its in�eres� in �he P�operty andlor r�gh�s under this Security Ins�rumen�, including
<br /> i�s secured posi�ion in a bankruptcy pro�eeding. Securing the Property inc[udes, bu� is n�� [�mi�ed �o,
<br /> enfer�ng fhe Property�a make repairs, change [flcks, rep�ace or bvard up doars and wEndows, d�a�n v�ra�er
<br /> from pipes, e[Emina�� buEfd�n� or��her code via[a�ions vr dangerous condi��ans, and ha�e u�ili�ies furned on
<br /> or aff. Althou�h Lender may �ake ac��vn und�r this Se�tion 9, Lender does not haWe f� do so and is not
<br /> under any du�y ar obliga�ion �o do sa. It �s agreed �hat Lender �ncurs no liab��i�y far not �aking any �r a11
<br /> act�vns au�horized under fihis 5ec��on 9.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under th�s 5ec��on 9 shaii become addi�ional deb� of Borrower
<br /> secured by �h�s Securi�y [ns�rumenf. These amounts shai� bear inferes� at �he Note rat� from �he da�e of
<br /> disbursemen� and shal� be payable, wi�h such interest, upon na�ice fram Lender to Borrower r�ques�ing
<br /> paymen�.
<br /> lf this Secur��y lns�rument is vn a leasehoCd, Borraw�r shall comply w�fih a1f �he pro�is��ns of the
<br /> [ease. lf Borrower acquires fee ti�le to �h� Property, fh� Ieasehold and fihe fee t��le shall no� merge un�ess
<br /> Lender ag�ees to the merger in wri��ng.
<br /> '��. Assic�n�nent �f illl�scel�aneaus Pr�cee�s; F�r�e��ure. All Miscellaneous Pro�eeds ar� hereby
<br /> assigned to and sha�! be paid�a Lender.
<br /> lf�he Properfy is damaged, such Miscel�ane�us Pro��eds shal� be applied fia res�t�ra�ion ar repair af
<br /> �he Proper�y, if the resfioraf�on ar repair is ec�nomicaliy feasib�e and Lender's security is not lessened.
<br /> During su�h repair and restora��an per�od, Lender shall ha�e the ��gh� to hold such M�s�ellaneaus
<br /> Proceeds un�i1 Lender has had an opp�rtuni�y to insp��t such Property �o ensure the w�rk has been
<br /> c�mp[�ted to Lender's sa�isfac��on, pravided �hat such inspec��on shail be under�aken pr�mptly. Lender
<br /> may pay for the repairs and res�v�ation in a s�ngle disbursement or in a ser�es of progress payments as
<br /> the work is completed. Unless an agr�emenf is made in vvri��ng or Applicab�e Law requires in�e�es��o be
<br /> paid on such MisceE�aneous �'roceeds, Lender sha�[ n�f be required �o pay Bo�rower any interes� or
<br /> earnings on such iVliscef�aneou� Pr�ceeds. �f �he restora�ian or repa�r Es no� �con�mically feasib�e or
<br /> Lender's securi�y wauld be l�ssened,�he lVliscef[aneous Praceeds shal� be appiied to the sums secured by
<br /> �his Securi�y lnsfrumen�, vvhe�her or nat then due, �rv�th �he excess, �f any, paid fo Borrovver. Such
<br /> MisCe�laneaus Proceeds shall be app�ied in the order�rovided for in Se�tian �.
<br /> In �he ev�nfi �f a �ota� �aking, des��uct�an, �r loss in va�ue of fihe Praperty, �he Miscel�an�vus
<br /> Proceeds sha�f be appiied �o �h� sums secured by�his S�cur�fiy Cnstrumenfi, whe�her or not�h�n due, v�ri�h
<br /> �h�ex�ess, if any, paid�o Borra��r.
<br /> �n the e�ent of a partial �aking, des�ruct�on, or foss in �a�ue of the Property in �rvhich �he fair markefi
<br /> va�ue of �he Proper�y immedia�e�y before �he partia[ �ak�ng, des�ructEon, or loss in �a�ue �s equa! ta or
<br /> grea�er than �he amoun� of�he sums se�ured by �his Se�uri�y Ins�rument immedia�ely before �h� par�iai
<br /> tak�ng, destruc��on, or loss �n va�ue, unless Borrovtirer and Lender otherwise agree in writing, �he sums
<br /> s�cu�ed by �his Securify Insfrumen� shal� be r�duced by the amount of th� Misce�ianeous Proceeds
<br /> multip�ied by�he fo��owing fra�tion: �a}�he���al amoun�of�he sums secured immed�ately before�h� par�ia�
<br /> �aking, des�ruc�ian, or loss in �a�u� div�ded by�b}the fair market�a1ue of the Praper�y��mmediat�ly befare
<br /> the partial�aking, desfruc�ian, or lass in vaiue.Any�alan��shall be paid�o Borr�wer.
<br /> ln �he e�en� of a partia[ taking, dest�uc��on, or �oss in �alue of the Property �n �rh�ch �he fa�r market
<br /> value af�he Praper�y immed�at�[y before the part�a� �aking, dest�u�t�on, or �vss in �alue is �ess �han �he
<br /> am�unt of �he sums se�ured immedia�ely befare the partia� �aking, des�ru��ion, or loss En �alue, unl�ss
<br /> Borr�wer and Lend�r otherw�se agree �n writing,the Mis�el�aneous Proceeds shali �e appfied ��the sums
<br /> secu�ed �y�his 5ecurity lns�rumen�whe�her ar nofi�h�sums are�hen due.
<br /> lf the �'roperty�s abandaned by Borrawer, or if, a�t�r no�ice by Lender�o Borrower that�he �pposing
<br /> Party �as def ned �n fihe ne�fi sen�en�e} vffe�s �a make an award �o sefit�e a cfaim for damages, Barrower
<br /> fa�is to respond �� Lender wi�hin 34 days after�he da#e�he no�ice is gEven, Lender is auth�rized �o �o�iec�
<br /> � 6 $ � o � � m c M o R T D v T �
<br /> Accenture Mortgage Cadence❑ocument Center Q 37'I6�CI'13 Page 8 of'i4
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