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2� 1 ��31 �9 <br /> proceeds sha�l be appiied �o �he sums secured by�his Se�urity lnsfirumen�, whe�her a� not�hen due, tirvifih <br /> the excess, if any, paid to Barro�nrer. Such �nsurance proceeds shal� be app��ed in�he order prov�ded for in <br /> Sect�on �. <br /> �f Borrower abandons �he Property, Lender may fle, nego��a�� and set�le any ava�lab�e insurance <br /> claEm and rela�ed maiters. [f Borrower dves no� respand wi�hin 3fl days �o a na�ic� from Lender tha� �he <br /> insurance car�ier has offered�a settle a �la�m, �hen Lender may nego�ia�e and s�t�le�he claim. The 3�-day <br /> per�od will �egin when the no�ice is �iven. In e��her e�enf, vr if Lender a��uires�he Property under Sec�ion <br /> �4 ar o�hen�vise, Borrow�r here�y assigns to Lender�a} Borro�nrer's righ�s�o any insurance proceeds in an <br /> amounf nv��a exceed�he amounts unpaid under fihe No�e or fihis Se�urity Ins�rumen�, and �b}any o�her of <br /> B�rrower's righ�s �other �han �he r�ght to any refun� of unearned prem�ums paid by Borrnwer} under a�f <br /> insurance pol�cies cn�ering the Praper�y, insofar as su�h rights are applicabie to �he co�erage af �he <br /> Proper�y. Lend�r may use �he insurance pro�eeds eEther �o repair or res�ore the pr�perky or ta pay <br /> am�unts unpaid und�r�he No��or this Secur��y lnstrum�nt,�rvhe�her or no��hen due. <br /> �. C�ccupancy. Borro�rver sha�i oc�upy, es�a�Eish, and us� the �'roperty as Borrawer's pr�nc�pa! <br /> r�s�den�e �rv�fihin �� days after�he exe�u�[on of�h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� and sha�l �vnt�nue �o o�cupy fhe <br /> Property as Borrower's prin�ipal residence for at leas�one year after fihe date of occupanGy, unl�ss Lend�r <br /> otherwise agrees in wr��ing, which Gonsen� sha[l no� be unreas�nably w�fihheld, or uniess ex�enuafing <br /> cir�ums�ances exist which are beyond Borrower's con�roE. <br /> 7. Pr�servation, Mainte�anc� and Pr�tec�i�n of the P�-��erty; Ins�ec�i�nsy Borrow�r shal� no� <br /> desfiroy, damage or Empair the �'roperty, a[faw the Property to de�erivrate ar Gommit was�e on the Proper�y. <br /> �111hether or not Borrvwer is residYng �n fhe Property, Borrower shal� maintain the Property in o�der �o <br /> preven��he Property from de�eriflrating ar de�reas�ng in �aiue due�o its �andi��on. Un�ess i�is de�erm'rned <br /> pursuan�tv Sec��on ��ha�repa�r or res�oration is no� ecvnomically feas�b��, Borrovver shaI[ promp�ly repair <br /> �he Proper�y if damaged �o a�oid further de�e�iorafivn o�damage. 1f insu�ance a�candemnafion proceeds <br /> are paid in connect�on with dama�e �a, vr the taking of, the Proper�y, Borrower shali be responsible for <br /> repa���ng flr restoring fihe Property only �f Lender has re�eased proceeds far su�h purpases. Lender may <br /> disburse prQceeds for the repairs and res�ora�ion in a sin��e paymen�or in a series of progress payments <br /> as the�rvork is cflm�l��ed. lf�he insuranGe or cnna�emna�Eon proceeds ar� not sufficienfi ta repa�r ar restore <br /> the Property, Borrav�rer is no� re�ie�ed of Borrower's ob��ga�ion for the compfe�ion of such repair or <br /> res�ora��on. <br /> Lender or ��s agen� may make reasonab�e en�r�es upon and inspec�ions of �he Prap�rfy. !f it has <br /> reasonable cause, Lender may inspec��he interior af the �mpro�emen�s on the Property. Lender shali gi�e <br /> Bflrrower no�i�e a�the�Eme of or prior�o suGh an interior Enspec�ion specEfying su�h r�asonab[e cause. <br /> 8. B�rrow�r's Loan Ap�li�a�d�n. Borrower shall be En defaui� if, during the Laan app�Eca�ion <br /> proc�ss, Sorrflwer or any pers�ns or en�i�ies act�ng a� fhe d�rec�ion af Borrower or with Borro�rver's <br /> knovtirledge or consent ga�e ma�e�ially fais�, misleading, or inaccurate informa�ion or s�atemen�s to Lender <br /> ��r failed �o pro��d� Lender with ma��ria� informa�ion} �n cannec�ion with the Loan. 'Ma�er�ai <br /> represenfations include, bu� are not Iimi�ed �a, represen�ations c�nce�ning Barrvwer's occupancy of the <br /> Prvperty�s Borrower's pr�nc�pai res�dence. <br /> 9. F'ro�ectivn of Le�der'� In#erest �n �he Praperty and Rights �Jnd��r this Se�ur�t� �nstrument. <br /> If �a} Bo�rower faifs ta perform �he co�enan�s and a�reemen�s canta�ned �n this Securi�y Instrumen�, �b} <br /> �he�e is a Iegal proc�edin� �hat mi�h� sign�f�an�iy affec� Lender's interes� in �he Praperty andl�r rights <br /> under �his S�curEty lnstrumen� �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, probafe, for condemnaf�on ar <br /> forfeiture, for �nfvrcemen� of a lien vrrh�ch may a�tain prior�ty o�er �his S�cur��y lnstrument ar to enfarc� <br /> laws or �e�u�ations}, or �c} Borrov�rer has a�andor�ed �he Proper�y, �hen Lender may da and pay for <br /> �vhate�er is reasonab[e or appr�pria�e �o protec� Lender'� in�eres� in �he Property and r�gh�s under this <br /> Security lns��ument, including pratec�ing andlor assessing fhe �alue of�he Praper�y, and securing andlor <br /> r�pairin�fihe Property. Lende�'s ac�Enns can include, bu�are no�lim�ted �o: �a} paying any sums secured �y <br /> � b s 8 v * � M C M o R T v o T � <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famil}+`�NIF�RM lNSTRUMENT <br /> Accenture Mvrtgage Cadence Document Cenfer Q 37'[fi�61'!3 Page 7'af�4 <br />