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2� 1 ��31 �9 <br /> paid by any fihird par�y �ather�han insurance proceeds paid under the c��erages desc�ibed in Sec�ion �} <br /> for: ��} damage�o, ar des�rucfiion af, fihe Proper�y; �ii�condemna�ion or other�aking �f all ar any pa�t of the <br /> Praperty; �ii�} �onWeyance in lieu of condemna�ion; ar ��iv} m�srepresen�ations of, or amiss�ons as �o, �he <br /> �a�ue andlor�nndi�ion of�he Pro�erty. <br /> �N� jiPeriadic Paymen�" means �h� regula�[y schedui�d amoun� due fo� �i}�p�incipa� and interest�und�r <br /> �he No��, p�us ��i}any am�un�s under S�ction 3 of th�s Security Instrumen�. <br /> ��} "RES�A7' means �h� Real Esta�e Set�lement Prvicedures A�� ��� U.S.C. ���fl� et seq.} and i�s <br /> �mp�emen��ng regu[a�Eon, Regula�ian X ��� �.F.R. Parf 'i 0�4}, as they migh� be amended from t�me �o <br /> �ime, ar any additional or suc�essor legEs�a��on or regu�a�ion that goWerns �he same su�j�c� ma�ter. As <br /> used in fihis Security �nstrument, "RESPA" r�fers �o ali requirements and res�ricfians �ha� are �mpased in <br /> rega�d �o a "federally rela�ed mar�gage loan" e�en if �he Loan does na� qua[�fy as a "federafly related <br /> mor�gage loan" under RESPA. <br /> �P� "Successar in lnterest �f Borr�wer" means any party tha� has �aken �i�ie to �he Property, whefher <br /> or nat thafi par�y has assumed Barrower's nb�igat�ons under�he No�e andlor th�s 5ecurity lns�rumen�. <br /> TRANSFER�F R1�HTS EN THE PR�PERTY <br /> This Securi�y lnstrumenf secures �o L�nder: �i} �he repaym�nt of�he Loan, and a�l renewals, ex��nsians <br /> and modificafions of fhe No�e; and �ii} fihe performance of Borrawer's co�enants and agr�emen�s under <br /> fih�s 5�curity Ins�rumen� and fihe No�e. For �h�s purpos�, Borrower �rre�o�a�ly gran�s and conveys �o <br /> T�us�ee, in�rust,w�fih po�rve�of sale, �he fo[fo�nring descr�bed property�ocated in the��UNTY of H�l�: <br /> �e�Attacne� Exhibit..A,. <br /> which curren�ly has �he address �f 4��5 B�ston Circle Gra�nd ls��nd, lVe�raska 688�3 �"P�vperty <br /> Address"}: <br /> T��ETH ER �IV�TH a�[ the �mpra�ements now or hereaf�er erec�ed vn �the properky, and ai[ <br /> easements, appurtenances, and fx�ures naw flr hereafter a part of �he prvperky. A[[ replacemenfs and <br /> addi�ions shaf! also be co�ered by th�s Securi�y [nstrumen�. AI! of #h� foregoing is referred to �n this <br /> 5ecuri�y [ns�rumenf as fhe"Property." - <br /> B�RR��11lER CUVENANTS that Borrower�is iaw�u�fy seis�d of the es�ate hereby conveyed and has <br /> �he r�ght �v �ran# and con�ey the Property and tha� �he Properky is unen�um�ered, exc�p� for <br /> encumbrances af record. Borrower warran�s�and �nrill defend generally the ti�fe fio the Property against aif <br /> claims and demands, subjec�ta any encumbrances of recard. <br /> TH1S SE�URiTY iiVSTRL]iVIENT combines unifvrm co�enants fo� nafiiona� use and non-un�form <br /> covenants with limi�ed �aria�i�ns �y jurisdiction �o constitute a un�form secu�i�y inst�umen� co�ering real <br /> property. <br /> L]N�F�RM G�VENANTS. Borrawer and Lender co�enant and agree as�fo[lows: <br /> '�. Payr�en� �f I�ri�cig�al, �nter�s�, Escr�v�r ��e�s, Prep��m�n� �ha�rge�, andl ILa�� ���rgesK <br /> Ba�r�wer sha�l pay when due fihe principal af, and interest on, fhe �debt e�idenced by �he Note and any <br /> � <br /> ,,� � g � � ,k � M C M D R T D D T � <br /> NEBRASKA�—Single FamiiJ�UN1FDRM�NSTR�MENT <br /> Ac��nture Martgage Cad�nce Document Center Q 37'l6 051'I 3 Page 3 of'14 <br />