2� 1 ��31 �9
<br /> �xisting under the laws of YF�E UN�TE� STATE���F ►A�ERI�A. 'Lend��'s address is ��� �vu�th ►���. �
<br /> 1'�S 980,�f�inn�apo[is,��IIN ��4'�5�'I 6�4.�Lender is�he benefic�ary under this 5ecuri�y �ns�rurnen�.
<br /> ��D} "Trust��7'�is 1FNT�C.,A N IE ��R��, 1?9'�'� ilon��Carrman►A►►e.,Sui#�3��,�I�►ra�e, �e4 9��'�4.
<br /> t1E� "Note" means �he promissory nofe��signed by ��orro�rver and da�ed ��ay '�'�, 2�'��. The N`ote states
<br /> �hat Borrower nwes�Lender�NE HU�V�3IRIE� EIC�HIT'V F��R THI�L���IfV� �1NE HUN�RE� �E'V'EN AfV�
<br /> Na!'��� D���ars �U.S. $'��84,9D7.DD} p�us in�eres�. Borrower has prom�sed fo pay �his deb� �in regular
<br /> Per�od�� Paym�nts and to pay the debt in fuil no�la�er than Ju�e q'�, ��46.
<br /> �F} "Prvper�y" means the praperty that is descri�ed be�ow under�he heading "Transfer af Rights in �he
<br /> Property.,,
<br /> ��} "Lvan" means the deb� e�id�nced �by �he No�e, p[us in�eres�, any prepayrnent charges and Ia�e
<br /> charges due under��he No�e, and all sums due under��his S�curity Ins�rum�nt, plus �n�er�st.
<br /> �H} "Riders" means ali �Riders �o �his Securi�y Instrurnen��ha� ar� execu�ed� �y`Borrawer. The fol[flwing
<br /> REders are�o be execu�ed by Borrower�check box as applicable�:
<br /> �� a Condominium Rider [ � �radua�ed Payrnent Rider
<br /> � � ] P�anned �ni� De�e[opment Rider ��X� �fher�s} [spe�ifya
<br /> ►4►ssur�p�io� R�d�r
<br /> �[� "Appl�cab�e 'La�r" means aIi cantrolfing applicable federai, state and facal s#a�u�es, regulations,
<br /> ordinances and adminisfira�ive ruies and flrders ���hat ha�e �he effect of�law} as wef!�as a�l app[�cable fnal,
<br /> non-�appeaEab�e�udicial opin�ons. If�he�inde�t�dness secured hereby�is guaranteed �r Ensured�under Ti�le
<br /> 38, Uni�ed ��a#es Code, such Ti��e and Re�u�ations �ssued ��her�under and in effect on fhe da�e hereaf
<br /> sha�i goWern �he rEgh�s, dut�es and liab��i�ies of �he parfies here�o, and any pro��sions of ��his or other
<br /> instrumen�s exe�u�ed �n �onnection with said �indeb�edness which are incons'rsfen� with �saEd TEtle �r
<br /> R�gufat�flns are hereby amended to cvnform�here#o.
<br /> �J� "�o�nmunit� ►4�s��cia�i�n '�ue�, Fe�s, and I�s�ess�ner�ts" means all dues, fe�s, assessmen�s
<br /> and other �charges �ha� are imposed on Borrower flr the Prap�rty by a �cvndarniniurn assaciation,
<br /> homeowners assoc�a�ion ar sim��ar o�gani�at�on.
<br /> t��C} "Electrc�nic �unds Transfer" means any �ransfer of funds, �o�her ��han a transac�ian orig�na�ed �y
<br /> ch�ck, draft, or similar ,paper insfi�umenfi, vuhich ��s ini�ia��d fihrough an �electronic �te�mina[, ���ephon��
<br /> �nsf�umen�, �om�u�er, or�magne�ic tape so as �o�order, ��nstrucf, or aufharize a�f nancial�insti�uf�an �o�debit
<br /> or �r�di� an accoun�. 5uch te�m �ncludes, �u� �is no� �I�mited to, ,point�-of sa�e �ransfers, autvrnated �e[ler
<br /> machine transactions, �ransfe�s ini�iated by �telephone, �vire �ransfer�, �and automa�ed �clear�nghouse
<br /> firansfers.
<br /> �L� "E�cr�w �f�r��" m�ans fihose ife; s that ar��des�ribed�in�SecfiEon 3.
<br /> ��} "�iscellaneou� P��cee�s�' rneans�any corn,pensafiion, se�tlernen�, �award of damages,��r praceeds
<br /> , � � ' �
<br /> � �
<br /> � ' �
<br /> ` � �
<br /> ' � � � i
<br /> i � � �
<br /> � � s s v � � �M �c �M o �R T v o -r �
<br /> AGcenture Mvrtgage Cader�ce❑v�e�m�nt Center�37'�5'�61'I 3 'Page 2 of 14
<br />