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2� 1 ��3�81 <br /> DI��C� �F TF�LI�T <br /> � <br /> �on��r�u� ��g� � <br /> co�-makers s�gning the�redi�Agreemen�and a!�their Successors and assEgns. <br /> Credi�A reemen�. The words"Credit Agreement"mean�he cred��agreement d�t$d May `l Cl, 2�`16, wi�h credit <br /> �Im[� o�$'��,��CD.�❑ from Trustor t� Lender, togefher w�th ali r�newals of, extensians af, modi�ica�ions of, <br /> refinancings ❑f, c�nso�idat�ans of, and subs�itutians fo��he prom�ssory nate ❑r agreem�nt. Th� mafu�ity date of <br /> this D�ed of Trust is May �D, 2[�4�: NOT[GE TD TRUSTQR: THE C1REDlT AGREEMENT,CQNTAlNS A VARIABLE <br /> INTEREST RATE, <br /> Deed v�Trus�. The words "Deed af Trusfi" mean this Deed o�Trusf among Trustar, Lend�r, and Trustee, and <br /> �n�ludes wi�haut limitation af{ assignment and s�curi#y Eilf��'�?S� p�OV151�C15 relating ta the Personal Praper�y and <br /> �ents, <br /> En�ironmentaI ILaws. The words "En�irqnmental Laws" mean any and all state, federa� and loGaf statu�es, <br /> reguiat�ans and ❑rdinances relating to �he pro�ec�ian ❑f human heaith or th� en�ironmenfi, including withvut <br /> [�mi�a�ian the Cvmp�ehensive Environmental Response, Campensatian, and �.iahi�i�y A�t o� �98�, as amended,4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ection 95�'1, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, �he 5uper�und Amendments and Reauthorization Act of'�586, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-4�9 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materials Transpar�a��on Act,4-9 IJ.S.C. Sec�ion 'I 80'f, et seq.,the Resau�ce <br /> Conse�vatian and Recovery Acf, 42 LJ.S.C. 5ec�ion �9��, e�seq., or other a�plicable s�a�e or federal latirvs, �ules, <br /> or regulations adop�ed pursuant�her�to. �. <br /> Even�of Default. The wards"Event o�De�auEt"mean any o��he events�f default s�t f�r�h in this Deed of Trust in <br /> �he events of defau[�sectEon'af�his❑eed o�Trust_ �-_...:,,,...�«...,:,�...r.a,��.-�.4�,�,,:�.,.���,.�.N�.;.�.},...��-2,�,. ....,.__.A,.,�....�.. <br /> � - E;�r ��,::r:: ' �-:.;:.;;�k.�- , <br /> ,,:::::_,'.: :::.:.:::•_�.:.' •: ..:,..,;...::_ri:-9_t�.:.; ;. : <br /> Exist[ng lndebtedness. The words "Exis�ing �ndeb�ednes�s":mea.n,the::in�ebtedn�ss d'escri�ed in the �xisting Li�ns <br /> pro�ision�f,this Deed af Trus�. _ . .. , '` 'i} ,=�°,` <br /> � h ��,.. -� ��� . <br /> i i..'.�.�. ........:.��-��:.'i �.�:� :. : :... _= _ <br /> � f�..� ��.' 1•�LY•:..'�..::-::..� _'-.. "j"'"'. -�. . ." ' '' :. <br /> '�}�...-.h_�....:ie3!•..:...-._.�.-.iA•.I.eY�s.tL_.i�:.:i-.�n�-.�iSi�.�.krlalJ�!!FHi�.::i......�:.,�'.i":.:�-.....r..�-:..-..�.......:..:��� <br /> . Hazardvus Substances� The wQrds "Ha�ardous 5u�'stan�es" mean materiais that, because �f �heir quanti�y, <br /> cancentratian or physicaf, chemical or in�Fectiaus characteristics, may cause ❑r pose a pr�sent ❑r potentiaf ha�ard <br /> to human heal�h or fhe en�ironment when im�roperfy used, treated, stored, disposed of, generatedF inanufactured, <br /> transparted ❑r ofherwise handfed. The words"Hazardo�s 5ubs�an�es"are used in their�ery braa�est sense and <br /> includ� without limitat�on any and ali hazardous or taxic substances, materiais crr waste as defined by ar fisted <br /> under th�Enviranmentaf Laws. The term "Hazardous 5uhsfances"also incjudes,withou�limifation, pe�roleum and <br /> petrvleum by-produ��s or any fraction thereof and ashestos. <br /> impravements, The word "lmprovements" means ail existEng and future impra�ements, buildings, strucfures, <br /> mabile homes a�fiixed an �he Reai Praper�y, facili�ies, add��ions, repfacements and ❑ther �onst�uc�ion on the Real <br /> Propet�y. <br /> lnde�tedness. The word "lndebtedness" means a�[ principai, �nterest, and other amaunts, costs and expenses <br /> payabl� under the C�edi� Ag�eemen� ot� Reiated Dacuments, #oge#her uvith a!I renewa�s of, extensions of, <br /> modifica�ions o�, consof�dations of �nd substitut�ons fo�' �he Credit Agreement or Related Dacuments and any <br /> amounts expended ❑r ad�anGed fay Lender�o dischar�e Trustor's ❑bl�gatians or expenses incurred by Trustee or <br /> Lender to enfarc� TrustQr's obligations under this Deed ❑f Trus�, together wi�h inter�st an such amoun�s as <br /> pro�ided in this Deed af Trust. <br /> Lender, The v�rard "Lender" means First Nationa� Bank of �maha, ifis successars and assign5. The �rvords <br /> "successvrs❑r assigns"mean any persan or company that acquires any interes�in�he Credit Agreement. <br /> Persona! Prope�y, The virards "P�rsonal Property" mean all equipmen�, �ix�ures, and ofiher ar�icles of person�l <br /> prnperty n�w ar h�reafter awned by Trus�or, and nvw ar hereaf�er a�#ached or affixed �o the Rea! Pr�rperty; <br /> toge�h�r with a!� accessions, parts, and addi�ions �o, all replacements of, and a!I substitu�ions for, any af such <br /> proper�y; and �oge�her �i�h a[i proce�ds (in�luding without limitation aii insurance praceeds and refunds af <br /> prem�ums�fram any sal�or other dispositian of the Praperty. <br /> Prvperty. The word"Proper�y"means coilecti�ely the Real Property and#he Persona�Property. <br /> Real Property. The words"Real Proper#y"mean�he real proper�y, interests and rights, as further describ�d in this <br /> Deed af Trust. <br /> Rela�ed Docur�nen�s. The uvards "Refated D�cuments" mean aI� pramissory nQtes, credit agreements, loa�� <br /> agreements, en�iranmental agreements, guaran�ies, security agreements, mortgages, deeds af trust, security <br /> deed�, collateral mortgages, and all other instruments, agreemenfs and documents, whether naw or herea�ter <br /> exis��ng, �xecuted in connection with the lndebtedness. <br /> Rents. The uvard "F�en�s" means all present and �uture �ents, re�enues, income, �ssues, royalties, profits, and <br /> o�her benefi�s deri�ed f�-am the Property. <br /> Trustee. Th�word"Trustee" means First Nationa� Bank of�maha, uvhose address is �62D Dodge Street, Qmaha, <br /> NE �8'197 and any 5ubstitu�e or successar truste�s. <br /> Trustor. The word"Trust�r"means Thomas til11 Ziller and Ange{a J Ziller, <br /> 1EACH TF�USTUR ACKNDWLEDGES HAVING REA❑ ALL THE PROVIS[aNS aF THIS DEED �F TRUST, AND EAGH <br /> TRlJSTDR AGREES T�IT5 TERIU�S. <br /> TR[lSTDR: <br /> � <br /> � . �� <br /> Thvmas 111!Z�fier <br /> � f <br /> Ange�a J iiler <br />