2� 1 ��3�81
<br /> DEED �F �'�L�ST'
<br /> .
<br /> �t��t�nu�d �a�ge �
<br /> in�erest at the Credi# Agreement �ate '�ram the date of the expenditure untii repaid. Expenses �o�ered by this
<br /> paragraph include, withou�(imita�ion, howe�er�uk�ject to any fimi�s under applicab�e [aw, Lender's attorn�ys'f��s
<br /> and Lender's legal expenses, whe�her or not there is a lawsuit, �ncluding attorneys' fees and �xpenses �or
<br /> bankruptcy pro�eedings �including ef�orts to madi�y or�acate any autvmatic stay o�-in�unction}, appeais, and any
<br /> antic[pated post�udgmen� cal�ection services, the cost o� searching records, ob�a�ning ti#f e reports tinc�uding
<br /> foreclvsure �epvrts}, 5LlNL]IDI"5' repo�ts, and ap�ra�isal fees, ��tle insuran�e, and �fees#or#h�Trus#ee, t❑fihe ex#ertt
<br /> permitted by applicable[aw. Trustar also w��i pay any c�urt casts, in additian to al��ther sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Righ�s v�Trust�e. Trustee sha!!have ali af�he rights and duties o�Lender as s�t for�h�n this section.
<br /> P�WERS AND �BLIGATI�NS aF T1��STEE, The folfowing pra�isions re[a�ing to the powers and abligativns a�Trustee
<br /> are part�f this❑eed a�Trus�:
<br /> Powers vf Trus'�ee. In addition ta a�l po�rvers o�Trustee a�ising as a mat�er af law,Trustee shal� have the potrver�o
<br /> take the failawirrg actions with respect ta the Property upon#he v�rrit'�en request of Lender and Tr-ustar: �a}jain !n
<br /> preparing and fif�ng a map ��- pla� of the �ea! Praperty, including the dedicatEan af streets or ather righ�s �o fhe
<br /> public; tb} �oin in grant9ng any eas�men� ar �reating any res�ri�tian ❑n the f�eal Praperty; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordination or other agreemen�afFecfi�ng this Deed of Trust�r the interest o�Lender under this��ed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shafl meet a�l quafi�i�a�ions required far Trustee under appl�cable law. �n addEt�on t❑ the rights
<br /> and remedies set fiar�h abfl�e, with respect to a�i ar any par� of the prape�y, the Trustee shali have the right t�
<br /> �Q!'�?C��SE b]I nO�i��? �C1C� 5aI0, and Lend�r wii� have �he right fio foreclose by Judicial fareclosure, in either case in
<br /> accordance wi�h and to the fu��extent provided by appli�able law.
<br /> 5ucc�ssor Truste�. Lender, at Lender's opfiian, may from time to�ime appoint a successor Trustee t�any Trustee
<br /> appainted under this Deed of Trus# by an instrumenfi executed and a�knowledged by Lender and rec�rded in the
<br /> o�fice o� the reco�der a� Hail County, State of hlebraska, The instrum�n� sha[[ cvntain, in additian �❑ al! other
<br /> ma�ters required �y stafe law, th� names of the original Lender, Trus#ee, and Trustor, �he book and page �or
<br /> �omputer sysfiem refet-en�e} wher-e this ❑eed of Trus� is re�arded, and the name and address ��the successar
<br /> trustee,and the instrument shaf! be executed and acknaw�edged by all the benefic�aries under th�s[Jeed o�Trust or
<br /> their�uccessors in �nteres�: The successar trustee; withau� �conW�yance ofi the Praperty, shal� succeed to a!! the
<br /> �i#�e, power,and dufies can�'erred upon the Trus�ee in this Deed v�Trust and by applicable law. This procedure�or
<br /> subs�i�u�ic�n o�Trustee shall ga�ern ta�he exclusian o�all other pro�isivns for substitution.
<br /> N4TICE5. Any nvfii�e required ta be gi�en under this aeed of Trust, includ�n� withou�limi#a�i�n any nat�ce afi defauf�
<br /> and any nat�ce vf sale sha[I he gi�en in w�iting, and sha�f be e�fec�ive wh�n a�tua�ly deiiWered, when actua�ly re�ei�ed
<br /> by te�efacsim�le�unless atherwise required by law},when deposited with a nationally�ecognized a�ernight courier, ❑r, if
<br /> m�i�ed,when deposited in �he United S'�ates ma�l, as first class, cer�ified ar regis�ered maii postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> fhe addresses shawn near the b�ginning o�this Deed af Trus�. Ai1 copies c�f notices ofi foreclosure fr�m the hofder ofi
<br /> any lien which haS priori�y a�er this Deed of Trust shal! �e sent to L�nder's ad��ess, a� shawn near the beginning of
<br /> this Deed af Trust. Any person.may change his �r h�r addres�far notices under fihis ❑eed of Trust by giv�ng forma�
<br /> written notice to the other persnn ❑r persons, spe�ifying �hat the purpos� o� th� no#ic� is to change the person`s
<br /> address. For natice purposes,Trust�r agrees to keep Lender informed a�aif�imes of Trustor'� curt-ent address. Unfess
<br /> otherwise pro�ided or required by law, if�here is mar�than one Trustor, any notic� gi�en by Lende�'to any Trusfar is
<br /> deemed fia be notice given to aI�Tr�ustvrs. 1t will he Trus�or's respons�bility to tell the t�thers a�the notice�rom Lender.
<br /> 11�iSCELLANEDUS PR�VISI�NS. The�allowing misceilaneous pro��sians are a part of this�eed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. VI1ha� is written in #his De�d of Trust and in �he F�e�ated Dacurnents is Trustor's en�ire agreement
<br /> with Lender concerning the ma#�ers co�ered by�his Deed o�Trust. To be e�fecfii�e, any chang�or amendment ta
<br /> th�s Deed of Trus�mus�be in writing and must be signed by whoe��r will be bound or❑b�iga�ed by th� change or
<br /> amendmenfi.
<br /> Gaption Headings. Captivn headings in this �eed of Trus� are �or �an�enience purposes only and are nat �o be
<br /> used�o interprefi nr define the pro��sians o�this Deed�f Trus#.
<br /> 11�erger, There shaii be no merg�r of th�infierest❑r estate created by this D�ed o�Trust w�th any ather interest flr
<br /> es'�ate in the Property at any fime heid k�y or fior the benefit of Lender in any capacity;wi#houf�he written consent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> �overning Law. This Qeed �f Trus� wiIl be go�erned by federaf la�v appl�cable �o Lender and, �a �he extent not
<br /> preempted by federai law,the laws af the S�ate af Nebraska v►rith�ut regard to its canfiic�s of law pra�isions. This
<br /> Deed af Trus#has been accepted by Lender En the State of Nebraska.
<br /> J�int and 5evera[ Liabi�i�y. All ❑bligat�vrrs of Trustar under this Deed of Trus�sha�l be}ain� and se�eral, and all
<br /> t-e�'erences �a Trustar shall mean each and e��ry Trus�or. This means that ea�h Trustar signing befow is
<br /> responsib�e.for a�l obligatians in this De�d of Trus�. _
<br /> No iNai�e�r by. Lender. Trustor understands Lender�nrilf nvt g�ve up any af Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust
<br /> un�ess Lender daes so in writing. The �ac�that Lender delays ar omits to e��rcise any �-ight vvili r�vt mean tha�fi
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. ff Lender daes agree in �nrriting �❑ gE�e u� one Qf Lender`s rights, that does not
<br /> mean Trustvr will no� ha�e to comp�y.with the vth�r�rovisivns of this Deed vf Trus�. Trustor afs� understands
<br /> �hat if Lender do�s cansen#t� a reques�, that does not mean �hat Trustar�`rvil� nofi have.#❑ ge� Lender's consent
<br /> again if the situation happens again. Trustvr.�urther understands tha�just because Lender cvnsents ta one ar more .
<br /> o�Trustor's requests,tha�does not mean Lender wi�( be required to consent to any a�Trusto�'s�Future requests.
<br /> Trustar waiv�s presentment,demand f�r payment, prates#,and no�ice of dishvnar.
<br /> Se�erability. lf a court fnds fihat any prov�sion of this ❑eed of Trust �s no'�vafid or sh�uld no� be en�arced, tha�
<br /> �act by i��e�f wiil not mean that th��-est of this I�eed v�Trust will not be�alid ar en�orced, Theretore, �i CDL11"k WIII
<br /> �nfarce th�rest�f the pra�isions�f this Deed a�Tt-us�even if a prov�s�an of�his Deed of Trust may be�Found�o be
<br /> irtvalid or unen�orceable.
<br /> SuGcessors and Assigns. Subject t❑ any limitatians s�ated in this Deed o�Trust vn transfer��Trustor's interest,
<br /> #his Deed of Trust shaf! be binding upon and inure to the bene�i� o�the parties, �heir su�cessars and ass�gns. If
<br /> ownership ❑f the Property becames t�es'ted in a person o�her�han Trustor, Lender, with�ut no�ice to Trus�ar, may
<br /> dea�with Trustar's suc�essors with referen�e to this D�ed v�F Trust and the lndebtedness by way af forhearance�r
<br /> extension without releas�ng Trustor from the obl�gatians o��h�s❑eed�f Trust or iiability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is❑f fihe Essence. Time is�f the�ssence in th�per�armar��e of�his❑eed ❑f Trust.
<br /> �JVai�e Jury. A1� pa�ties to this Deed of Trust hereby wai�e fhe right t�any jut-y�rial in any action, praceeding, vr
<br /> coun�erclairn brought by any party against any other party.
<br /> 1Nai�er of Hnmestead Exemptivn. Trustar hereby releases and wai�es all I'Eg}��5 and benefits af�he homestead
<br /> exsmp�ivn iaws�f the State❑f Nebraska as to all lndebtedness secured by this Deed o�f Trust.
<br /> DEFINIT[�NS, The fol�owing words sha1�have the�ol�ow�ng mean�ngs when used in�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Bene���iary. The vtirord"Benefciary"means First hlationa! Bank af�maha,and its successors and assigns,
<br /> �orrower. The word "BorroWver" means Thamas 1N Zi[ier and Angela J Zi�ler and includes all cv-signers and
<br />