2� 1 ��3�81
<br /> DEED �F TRL��T
<br /> ���n�i�L��d� Page �
<br /> grants t❑Lender a Uniform Commerciaf Gode securi�y int�rest in th�Personal Prope�y and Rents.
<br /> TE�MS: �
<br /> PA�MENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excepf as ❑�herwise pra�ided in this Deed of Trus'�, Trustor sha�l pay�o Lender all
<br /> amounts secut'ed by th�s Deed o�Trust as �hey become due, and sha�l s�rictly and in a timely manner perform all of
<br /> Trustor's obfigations under the Credit Agreement,th�s�e�d of Trust,and the Related aocuments.
<br /> �'C��SESSIDN AND MAINTENAIVCE �F THE RRQPERTY. Trust�r agrees that Trustor's passession and use c�� the
<br /> P�oper�y sha�l ba go�e�-ned by the foIl�wing pravisians:
<br /> Passession and Use. Until the ac�urrence af an Event c�f DefauIt, Trus�or may ��} remain in possession and
<br /> contral a�the Proper�y; €�} use, aperate or manage the Pr�perty;and �3} collect the Rents�rom�he Property.
<br /> Duty �a �Vlaintain. Trustar shall maintain �he Prvperty in good candition and promptly per�orm ail repa�rs,
<br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary t❑preserve its�alue.
<br /> �ampliance V1�ith Env�ronmental Laws. Trusfor represents and warrants to Lender that: �1} During the period of
<br /> Trus�or's o�vnership af the Property,�here has b�en no use,genera�ian, manu�acture,storage,treatmenfi,dispasaf,
<br /> t'elease or threa'tened release ofi any Hazardous 5ubsfiartce by any person ❑n, under, ab�ut ❑r�rom th� Property;
<br /> �2} Trus�or has no knowied.ge o�, or reason ta believe that there has been, except as �re�iously d�s�losed to and
<br /> ackrrowle�ged by Lender �n writing, . �a} any breach or �iolation of any En�ironmenta! Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> generatiQn, manu�acture, s�orage, treatment, disposal, release or threatene� release o#any Hazardous Substance
<br /> an, under, abau� or from the Property by any pr�ar o�nrners.nr o��upan�s<af the Property; or �c} any actual or
<br /> threatened �f��gation ❑t-claims a�any kind by any persan relating to su�h ma�ters; and {3} Except a� �reviausly
<br /> disclased to and acknow�edged by Lender in writ�ng, �a} neither Trustor nar any tenan�,contractor,agent ar❑ther
<br /> author�zed user af the Praper#y shall use, genera�e, manufa�ture,stare,treat, dispose of or refease any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubs��nce an, under, about ar from the Prope�y;and {b} any such act��ity shai}be canducted in campliance with
<br /> all app�icabie. �edera�, s�ate, and Ioca� laws; regulations and ardinances; incfuding; w�thout �im��at�vn al!
<br /> Envirvnmental Laws. Trus�or autharizes L�nder an� i�s agents to enter upon the Prap�r�y tv make su�h � .
<br /> inspectians and tests, at Trustar's expense, as,Lender.may deem apprvpriate �o de�ermine c�mpliance af the
<br /> Proper#y w�fih #his seGtion af the C�eed vf Trus�. Any inspec�ions o�tests made by Lend�r shall be�ar Lender`s
<br /> purpases❑niy and shall nfl�be construed to create any responsibili#y or liab�l��y on�he par�of Lender to Trus�ar or
<br /> ta any❑ther person. The representatians and w�rranties contained herein are based on Trustvr's due d�[igen�e in
<br /> �n�estigating �he Pr�per#y�or Hazardous 5ubstance�. Trustor hs�eby �`I} reieases and wai�es any future c�a�ms
<br /> against L�nder for indemn��y or cantri�utian in �he�e��nt Trustar becomes liab�e far cl�anup a�vther cvs�s under
<br /> any such faws; and ��} agrees tv indemnify, defend, and hald harmiess Lender agains�any and al� claims, losses,
<br /> fiabili�ies, darnages, pena�ties, and expenses whi�h Lender may d�r�ctly��-3ndi�-ectly sustain or sutFer resulting€rom
<br /> a breach �f�this sectivn o�the ❑eed af Trus� ar as a consequence a�any use, gener�tian, manufacfure, starage,
<br /> dispasal, re�ease❑r threatened re�ease occurr�ng priar�a Trus�or's'v�nrnership vr in�eresf in th�Property,vvhether vr
<br /> nv� the same vtiras or should ha�e be�n known to Trustar: The praWisians of this section of the Deed o�Trus�,
<br /> �ncluding the abligation�fl�ndemnify and de�end��.shall sun�i�e#he paym�nt af#h�Indebfedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and r�can�eyan�e of the lien af this Deed of Trust and shaii no�be affected by Lend�r's a�quisition of any interest
<br /> in the Proper�y,whether by�Fvrec�osure ar othe�-wise.
<br /> Nuisance, 1�I1�aste. Trustor shai� not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance no� cammit, permit, vr su�fer any
<br /> s�ripping o�ar waste on ❑r�o the Praper�y or any po�ion ❑f the PrQperty. V11i�hou� Iimi�ing fihe generafi�y of the
<br /> f�regoing, Trustor wili nvt remave, ar gran�ta any other party th�righ�fo remo�e, a�y�imber, minerals (incEuding
<br /> ail and gas},c�al,-c�ay, scaria,soii, graWei or rock prvduc�s w�thvut Lender`s privr writ�en consent.
<br /> Remo�al af lmpro�ements. Trustor shaif nvt demalish or r�move any lmpro�ements fram�he Reai Proper�y wi�haut
<br /> Lender's priar writ'ten cansent. As a canditi�n to the remo�a! of�ny fmprv�ements, Lender may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangemen#s satisfac��ry �a Lender ta rep�ace such Impro�emenfs with lmpro�ements af at �east equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. Lender and Lender's.agents and representati��s may enter upon the Real Prope�ty at a�i
<br /> reasonable t�mes to attend to Lender's interests �nd to inspect fhe Reai Proper#y �or purp�ses,of Trustnr`s
<br /> �ompiiar►ce wi�h�he terms and cvnditian�vf this Q�ed o�Trust.
<br /> Compliance with �overnmen�al �.equirements. Trus�ar shal� pramptfy �omply w�th all laws; vrdinances, and
<br /> regu�ativns, now vr herea�ter in e�fect, of ali gavernmen�al authvr�fies appiicabie �v�he use or occupancy o�#he
<br /> Property, Trus��r may c�ntes�in gvvd faith any su�h {aw, ordinance;or regu�ation and withhold campi�ance during
<br /> any praceeding, including appropria�e appeais,�so �ong as Trustor has n��i�ied L�nder in wri�ing prior t❑ daing sa
<br /> and sa�vng as, in Lender's soie opinion, Lender's interests in�he Proper�y.are not�eopardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trust�r�o post adequate s�curity❑r a surety bond, reasvnably,satisfactory t❑Lender,�o pratect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty to Pro�ec�. Trustvr agrees nei�her t❑_abandon or leave unattended �he P.rope�ty, Trusfior shal� d❑ a�� vther
<br /> ac'�s, in addi�ion ta those acts set�orth abave in this section,wh�ch�rom�he�haract�r and use o�the Properky are
<br /> reasonab[y nec�ssary to pro�ec�and preserve�he P�operty.
<br /> D�E(]N SALE���NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a�Lende�'s optior�;declar��mmedia�ely due and paya�Ie all sums
<br /> secured by#�is Deed v�'Trust upan the sale or firans�`er,virifhout Lender's prior w�i�ten consent, af all or any part o�the
<br /> Real Property, nr any interest in the Rea1 Property. A"sale or trans#er"means�he c�nveyance o�Real Praper�y or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the Rea! Property; whether �egal, bene�icia! or equitable; whe�her voluntary ar in�r�luntary;
<br /> whether- by outrigh� sa1e, deed, insfallment safe cvntract, �and contract, con�rac� �or deed, leasehald infierest with a
<br /> term grea�er than thr�e�3}yeat-s, lease-optian.�vn��-act; or 10�sal�, assignmen�, or trans�er o�any beneficial �nterest in
<br /> ar tv any land tr�us�holding�itle to the Real Praperty;vr by any�ther methvd of�onveyance vf an interest in the Real
<br /> Praperky. Hawe�er, �his ❑ptivn shafl nvt be exercised �y Lender i� such exer�ise is prvhibified by federai law or by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAiCES AN❑ L1EN5, The ��I�owing pra��sians relating fo �h� taxes and liens on �he Prvp�rty ��e pa�k vf this De�d of
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payment. T�ustor sha��pay when due �and�n all e�ents priar fo dejinquen�y}a!�tax�s,spec�al taxesa�55L55CTleI��Si
<br /> charges �inciuding water and sewer}, fines and imposi��ans levied against ar an acc�unt of�he Praperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due ail claims far wori�done �n ar�Far se�vices rendered ar ma#erial furnished ta the Proper�y. Trustor
<br /> shal� ma�nta�n#he Praperty�re�of al� liens ha�ing priority o�er vr equai�o the interest of Lender under�his Deed.af
<br /> Trust, except �vr the �ien t�f ta�ces and assessm�nts. not due, �xc�pt f�r th� Existing-�ndebtedness referred t❑
<br /> belvw,and except as atherwise prvvided in this Deed o�Tr-ust.
<br /> Right tv Ganfiest. Trustor may withhold paymen�of any tax, assessmenf, or ciaim in connection with a good faith
<br /> d�spute vver�he ob�igativn t�pay, �❑�ong as Lende�-'s interest in the Prope�fiy is nat�eopardized. !f a lien arises ar
<br /> is filed as a result o� nvnpayment, Trus�or shal! w�th�n fif�een ��5} days af�er�he I�en ar�ses or, if a li�n is f��ed,
<br /> wi�hin ffteen �`I5} days af�er Trustor has notice of the filing, secure the discharge of the lien, o�'if r�quest�d by
<br />