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<br /> WIIHEN REC�RDIED �111A�L T�:
<br /> F�rst Na�ionai Bank�f�maha
<br /> Branch#�7�
<br /> 22�3 2nd Ave
<br /> Kearne NE 68847' F�R RE��RDER'S USE DNLY
<br /> ■ .�
<br /> �r,� � ���� ��
<br /> �#################�#5s��o����a�s*
<br /> �EE� �]F T�IJSY
<br /> MA��MUM LIEI�. Th� �ien o��h�s �eed of Trust �hail no� exce�d a� a�y �n� fime $'1�,S�U.UQ.
<br /> TH15 i]EE❑ �3F TIRUST is da�ed May '��y ��'i�� among Thomas �IU �ill�r A�► Thc�mas Zil�er and
<br /> Angela J �il�er, husband and �nrife �"Trustar"}; Firs� Na���nal Bank �f �maha, v�hose address is
<br /> �r�nch #��D, ���3 �nd A��� �Gearney, NE E�88�� �referred �o he[aw �ome��m�s as '°Lender"
<br /> and somefimes as "Benef�c�ary"�� and F�rst �V�ti�na! Bank �f []�nanaa vvhos� address 6s '�f��
<br /> �odge S�re��, ��aha, NE �8'i 97 �r�ferred fiQ belov� a� "Trus�te�"}.
<br /> C�NVEYANCE AN❑ CRA,NT. For�aluahie considerativn, Trust�r con�eys ta Trus�ee �n trus�,�JII'1TH PC3I�VER UF SALE,
<br /> fvr the benefif ❑f Lender as Bene�iciary, al� �f Trustor's rig�t, title, and �nterest �n and to #he �o�low�ng described real
<br /> proper�y, �ogether with all exis�ing ar subsequen�ly erected or affixed buildings, improvements and �ix�ur�s; all
<br /> easements, rights ofi�rvay, and appurtenances; all water, water righ�s and ditch rights �including stvck in u�i�ities with
<br /> di�ch or i�-�iga�ion ri�h�s}; and ail ath�r r�ights, roya��ies, and pro�its relatin �❑ the real property, inciuding without
<br /> �imita�ian a�� minerals, ❑il, gas, geathe�ma� and s�mi�ar ma�ters, �$ne `�R�al �r[7per'�y"� �bCated in Ha�l C�u���,
<br /> Sta�e vf lVebraska:
<br /> ��rfi vf Lat Tert �'�U� and El�ven �'1'I}, Hame Subdiv�sion of that par� of the N�r�hwe�st
<br /> Quart�r �NVtiI '�l�} of Secti�n N��e ��}, To�nrnship Eleven �1'!} N�rfih, Rang� �9} �est of the
<br /> fith P.M., Ha�l Cvur�fiy, Nebra�ka, wh�ch 1i�s 1�Ve�� of V�'h�eler Arrenue and mvre par�icularly
<br /> describ�d as frail�ws: �
<br /> Gomrnencin� at �he N�r�hea�t Corner of L'ofi Te� �'i❑�, Home �ubdiv�sian; runnin� fihence
<br /> V�est afong ar�d up�n �h� N�rfh l�ne af Lo�� 1'en ��#�} �nd Ele��n �'�'i}, Home �ubd���sion, for
<br /> a dis�an�e vf 2�8 feet to a poinf r►�rhich is �� fee# East �f �he Narthwes� corner of L��
<br /> Eleven �'�1}; ru�ning then�� Svuth on a Iin� which is �aralle! �v ��d 52 fee� Eas� �f�he �at
<br /> �ines betwee� Lvts �I��en �'�'�} and Tweive` �'i��, for a distan�e of 't 58 feet runn�ng �henc�
<br /> Eas� on a line paralle� �0 5���e Stre�t, a� n�w �oc��ed� f�r � distance vf �'�.S feet; running
<br /> �hence h�arth�as�er�� �n a line paralle[ to �I�th �tr�e�, as naw locat��, for � distance of�29
<br /> fee# to a poin� on �he East Iot line af Lo� T�n �'1 a} and which poin� is 5�3.�' feet
<br /> South�easter�y fror� the Northe�st�rly corn�r af Lot Ten �7 U�; runnEng then�e Nor�hvves��r�y
<br /> � alon� and upon �he East Io� line vf I�� Ten �'�D� fvr a dis�ar�ce vf 5n.7 f�et �Q th� po�nt of
<br /> heginning, E�CEPT �ra�ts vf graund more pa�t��ular�y des�ri�ed in Il�larran�y need �oak
<br /> 'l'�4, Page 493 and 'lll�arran�y need ��ok 'I'i�, Page a�$.
<br /> The Rea1 �r�p�r�y or its address �s cvmmnnly knov►rn as 3�4 V�f '18th St, Gr�nd Island, NE
<br /> ��8U'[. Th� �eal Proper�y �ax identificativn nu�nber is 4�U��4�6�5.
<br /> REVDLVING LINE OF CREd1T. This Deed of l"rust se�ures #h� �ndeb�edness including: without limitat�on, a re�olving
<br /> �ine of credif,which obligates Lender to make advances to Trustor sa long as Trustor complies with all the�erms o�F�he
<br /> Credit Agreement. Such ad�ances may be made, repaid, and remade from �ime to fi�me, suhject to the �imE�ation tha#
<br /> the #v�al autsfanding balan�e awing at any one �im�, no� including �inance charges vn �uch balance at a �f�xed ❑r
<br /> variable rate ar sum as pro�ided in the Credit Agreement, an� temporary a�erages, other charges, and any amounts
<br /> expended or�d�anced as prv�ided in ��fher�he lndeh�edn�ss paragraph vr this paragraph, shalt no� exceed �he GredEfi
<br /> LEmit as pro�ided in the�redi�Agreement. It is the intention vf Trustar and Lender�ha��his Deed af T�ust secures th�
<br /> balance �u�standing under�he �redit Agreemen��rvm'�ime to t�me frvm zer❑ up ta�he Credit L�mit as provided in�h�
<br /> CredE#Agreemen�and any intermediate balance.
<br /> Trustor presen�ly assEgns tQ Lender �also known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust} a�l of Trustvr's righ�, ��tfe, and
<br /> int�res� �n and to a1� presen# and future leases of the Praperty and afl Ren�s from the Prope�ty. 1n addit�on, Trus#�r
<br />