2� 1 ��2993
<br /> full af ai� sums secured b� this S��urity �nstrument. �awever, th�s �ptian shaii nat be ex�rc�sed �by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is pr�hibi�ed�by federal Iaw as o�f�h�date af��his Seeur�ty�ns�rumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exerc�ses �:his op�ia�, L�nder shall gi��e Borr��er �no���e of acce�era���n. The natice sha�I �pr�vide a
<br /> peri�d �f no� less than the m�n�m�r� nurnb�r of�ays es�ab��sr�ed by A�plicable Law firom�he date �he notice �s
<br /> del��ered or mai�ed wi�hin which �orr�wer mus� �a� ali sum.� se�ured by this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. If Borrov�er
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums pr�or �o �he expirati�n af this period, �.�ender ��ay ir�voke any remed�es permitt�d by �hi�
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rumen��v�thout fi���her no�ice�r dem�nd on Borra`�ver.
<br /> �arrovv�r's l�ight #o I�e�n��a�e. �f B�rrower mee�s certair� {�ondi��ons, Barrower sha�l ha�e the right to ha�e
<br /> enforcemen� of�his Securi�y �nstrument discon�i�ued at an��:i�ne pri�r�o th� ear�ier of.: �a} 5 days ��r s�uch�th�r
<br /> period as Appl�cabie Law n�.ay spec�fy for reiris�:a�eme�t�befar��sa�e�f the Prflperty pursua���o any povver of sale
<br /> c�n�ained �n th�s Secu�i� I��strument; or �b} e�try �f a juc�igm�n� enforcing this Security Instrume�n�. T��ase
<br /> c�nditions are that B�rr�vver: �a� pays Lend�r all suYns vvhich t���n �r�uld be due under �h�s Securi�y ��nstrument
<br /> and the Conira�t as if n�acce�er�a.�ion had occurre�;�b}cures a��y defau��of any o�h�r co�enants�r agreem�en�5;�c}
<br /> pays a�l e�.penses incu�red�n�enforcing�his Securi�y Ins��umenl:, in�luding,bu�n�t l�mited�o,reasonab�e a�t�rneys'
<br /> fees to�he extent pen�nitted by�av�; and�d}�akes such ac�ion s�s Lender may reasonab�y re�u�re �a assu�re that the
<br /> Iien af�his Securit�Ins�rumenfi, Le��der's righ�s in�:he Proper�y and��rrower's obligatian�o pay the sums secured
<br /> by �his Securi�y Instrumen� shail co�tinue unchanged. Up�n r�:�ns�a���men� b� �flrrower, 1:his ��curi�y �ns�rumen�
<br /> and �h� obliga�ions secured hereby shal� remain fi�lly effecti��: as if�o acce�erati���had accurr�d. Ho�nre�er, �his
<br /> right�o reinstate shall not ap��y�n the case�f acceleratio� under the sectian�i�led Transfer�f the Prop�er�y ar a
<br /> �enef�c�a��n�erest�n �a�r���r.
<br /> HaLardous Su��tan�es. Barr��er shal�n��caus� ar permi�t�e pr�s�nce,use, disposa�, s�orage, ar release�f any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances ar�ar�n���e Property.Borro�ver s��all na�d�,nor a���w any�ne else�o do,any�h�n�affec�ing
<br /> �he Proper�y �:hat is in vi�lation �f any En�ir�nm�n�al Lav�. 7�he preceding �v�a se��en�es shal� na� apply �� the
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�orage an#:he�rop�r�y�f smail quan�ities�f�azardous Substances�hat are genera�ly r�ecagn�zed
<br /> to be approp��ate to nar��al re��den��al uses and to main�e�an�e af�:he Pr�perty.
<br /> Borra�er sl�a�l pr�mp�l�g�r�e L�nder��-i�en notice of any in���stigation,claim,deman.d, �a�vsuit or o�her actxon by
<br /> an� go�ernmenta� �r regulat�r� agency �r pri�a�e par�y in�al�ving �he Pr�per�y and any Ha2ar�ous Su�stance or
<br /> ]Environm�ritai Lav� of v�h�ch B�r�awer has actuai know]���ge. If B�rrower learns, or is notified by any
<br /> ga�ernmentai or regu�a�ory au�hor��y,tha�a��y rem�Wa��r ather remedia��an�f any Hazar�ious Subs�anc�affec��ng
<br /> the Property is necessar�, Ba�rawer shall pro�-nptly �fia�;e a:�l necessary r�medial actions in acc�rdance wi�h
<br /> En��ronmenta�Law.
<br /> As used �n�his paragraph, "�a�ardous Subs�ances" a�e �h�se ��ubs�ances de�ned as t�xi� or ha�ard�us �ubs�ances
<br /> b� En��ro�men�al Law and the f�llti�ing suUsiances. gaso�ine, ker�sene, ��her f�am�able c�r �oxic pe�raleum
<br /> prod���ts, �oxic pes��cides and herbicides, vo�ati�e sal�en�s, r�-�ater�als c�ntaining asbestos o� forma�d�hyde, and
<br /> radiaactive�na�erials.As used�n this paragraph, `°En�ri�-anmenta� Lavv"means fed�ral Iavsrs and��.v�s o�tlhe s�a�e of
<br /> Nebras�a that re�ate ta heal�h,safety or enW�ranm�ntal pra�ec�i��n.
<br /> Accei�rat�o�; Remedies. Lend�er sha�� giv� ���i�e t❑ I�orr4�vver prior to acceler�tion fotlawing ��nrro�v�ver's
<br /> �reac�� of any�ovenan�or a�r�eme����� �his S��ur�ty Instr�.�m�n��r th��ontract under v�hich acreleration
<br /> is permi�ted ����� not priar�o accel�rat�on under t��e se���o�� ��t�ed TransfQr of��e �'roperty or a :Ben�fic�a�
<br /> ��tteres� in �orrawer, u�tless .�p���cab�e La� �rov�des �th+er�is�}. The n��icQ shall 5pecif�v: �a} th� defauit;
<br /> �b� the ac�ion requirec� �o �ur� t�e defaui�3 �c� a da�e,� x�o� less than the minimu�n numbe�- af days
<br /> e��a�lish�d by Appli�ab�� Law���m the d�te the�a��ice is�;�ven �a ]���-rower, by which �he default must b�
<br /> cured; anc� �d} ���at f�i�ure �� cur� the ��fau�t a�� �r b�fo�-� �h� da�e �pecif�ed �n ��e n�tice �ay resu�t in
<br /> �cc��era���n of th� sums �ec�r�� �y th�� Security I�ns�r��rneri� and. sa�e �f �he Praper�y. To the �xten�
<br /> p�rm����d by la�v, ���e ��o��ce s�a�l fur�h�r inform �B�rrovv�:r of t�� right ta reins�a�e after accei�rat�an �nd
<br /> ��e right to br�ng a c�ur�ac��on�n asser��h�����--exis�em�e��'�diefau�t or any a�he�-defer��e af Barrnwer ta
<br /> acce�era��on a�d sal�, .�f the d�fau�t i� ��� c��red a�� or bef+�re �h�c�a�e �pecified in the no�ice, Lerid�r at its
<br /> oP�i�n m�y requ�re im�ne�ia�� pay�nea�� �n fu�l �f a�1 �Un�l5 �ecured 1�� �h�� Se�uri�y Instruynen� vvith4ut
<br /> f�r�h�r demanc� an�l may ��vok� the po�ver �f s��� and a���y a�h�r remed��s permi��ed by App�i��ble �aw.
<br /> To �he extent permit��� by larvv, I.�ender shail be ���itled �o co���ct �Il expenses ir��urred in pursu�ng the
<br /> rem�di�s prv�ided i� �his Sect�o��, i�c�ud�ng, ���� nu� �im�t��d �o, ��as�nala�e ati�arneys` fees and cn�ts of ti�tle
<br /> e►�iden�e.
<br /> �f�h�power of s�l� �s invaked,'I'ru�t�e sh��� �-ecor� a �o�i+ce of c��faul�f� eacl� cvunty �n whi�� a�ny part af
<br /> the Property is loca�ed an�sh�lt rr�ail copies of such �o�ic�: in th��a��ner�re�c�-ib�d by Appli���le Law to
<br /> J�arrowe�- and �o t�e �th�r p�r�on5 pr�s��-a�ed by ��p��c��bl� �:.��w. .Aft��- the tim� required �by .��pp�icable
<br /> L��v, 'I'r��ste� shal� g��e pu�l�c �otice of�a�e �� �he pers���� �na� �� the manne� prescr�b�d by �►►Fplicab�e
<br /> Lavv. 'Trustee, wi�haut demand v� Borr�v�e�,�halt se�i�h�JP�-�p�rty at pub�ic �uc�i�n �o th�h�gh�st bidder
<br /> a��he�ime and place and. u�der���e terms d�s�gna�ed in�h�nu�pc�❑f sale i��n�or mvre p�arce�s and in any
<br /> order Trustee d�terrr�ines. TTrus�ee ��� postp�n� sale ��f a�l �� a�y par�ei �f the JPr�perty b� pu�lic
<br /> �.nna��ce�nen���the time and �p�ace nf any pre��vu��y sc��+Ydu�ec� sale. L►ender or f��designee may purchase
<br /> �he Proper�y a�any 5a�e.
<br /> LJpon re�e�pt �f�ayrnent a��he �rice bid, '�`ru��e� sha�l dl�y���er �o the �urchas�r '�rustee's d�ed +�or��ey�ng
<br /> �he Pr�perty. '�`he reci�al� in �h�Trustee's deec� sh��� be p��ima f��ie e�idenc��f�h�truth of�the s�tatemen�s
<br /> rr�ad� t�erein. 'Trustee shai� app�y t�� prn�e�ed� of the sale in �h� fo�lovv�ng or�ier: �a� to a�l cos�s and
<br /> exper�ses �f exercising th� pa�e�- of�a��, and the sale, �mclu�ti�g the payr�ent of the Tru�te�'s f��;s actualiy
<br /> �2D4�-2aI5 Carnp[�ance Systems,In�.8C54-4D87-2d15.��.3.1fl98
<br /> Ca��s�i3i�er Rea�Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2435 Pa���of 5 ww�w.�anEapiia�acesysten3s.�am
<br />