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2� 1 ��2993 <br /> Inspec��on. Lender �r i�s agen� may make r�asanable en�ries upon and inspec�i�ns of the Praper�y. Lender shall <br /> g��e B�rrovver no��ce a��he time a�or pr�or�o an �nspe�tiQn specifying reaso��ab�e cause fa�-��ie �ns��c�ion. <br /> �ondemnation. Tl�e proceeds of an�award or ciaim for da��nages, direc�or conse�uent�al, �n cannec�ion �ri���any <br /> condemna��on �r o�her�ak�ng of any par� �f the Proper�y, ar for con�eyance in �ieu of cande�r�na��op, are ���reby <br /> assigned and sha�t be pa�d�a Lender. <br /> �n� the ev�n� af a���aI �ak�ng of�he Praperty, �he praceed� shal� be app��ed �o ���e sums secure� by this Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen�, �l�e�her or n�t ���e�� �ue, v�i�h any e�cess paid �o Barravv�r. In �he event of�. par�ial �aking af�he <br /> Proper�y in which �he fa�r m.�rket �alue of�he Property ��nn�ed�a�e�y before the �akirng �s equai �o ar g�-eater �l�an <br /> �he amaunt �f�he sums se�ured by �h�s Secur�ty �ns�ru��ent immediate�y before the �aking, unless Barro��ver and <br /> I�ender��h�rv��se agre� �n vvri�x��g,�1ae sums se�ured by�h�s Secur��y �ns�rument shal�be redu�ed by�he a�noun�of <br /> ���e pro�eeds mu���plied by the fa�low�ng fra���o��: �a��he�Q�aI amaun�of tl�e su���s secured immedia�ely befor�the <br /> �aking, d��ided �y �b� �he fa�r marke� �a�ue af the Pr�per�y imtnediate�y befflre the ta��ing. Any ba��nce sha�i be <br /> �a�d to B�rrovver. �n ��e even� of a partia� �aking of�he Property in �h���� �l�e fair marke� �a�ue af�he Proper�y <br /> xm�-nedia�e�y befare t11e �ak�ng �s �e�s than t��e amau.n� af t�ae �ums secured immedia�ely bef�re �he �ak�ng, un�ess <br /> B�rravver and Lender o�herwzse agr�e �n wr�ting�r un�ess .�.pp��cab�e Law�therv��se pro��des, �he proceeds sha�� <br /> be app�ied�a���e sums secured by�hxs Secc�r�ty�ns�rumen��he�her or no��he sums are�he��due. <br /> Ifi�he Pr�pe��y is a�andoned by Barro�er, ar �f, af�er��otice by Lender�o B���rov��r�ha�th� condemnar�ffe�-s �a <br /> make an award�r se���e a c�aim for damages, Sorrov�er fai�_s to resp�nd�o Lender w��hin the m�n�mum ��u�nber of <br /> days es�ab�ished by App�icab��Law after�he da�e t��e no�i�e is g�ver�, Lender�s au���or�zed�a c��l�c�and� p�y�he <br /> p <br /> pro�eeds, at i�ts �pt�an, ei�l��r to restora�io�� or repa�r of�he Proper�y ar �a the sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> Ins�rument,vvhether or na�the�due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�vv�r��herv�ise abree in v�ri��ng, �ny app�ica��an of praceeds �o pr�n��pa� s�al� n��extend <br /> or pos�pone�he due date af�he paym�n�s due under�he Contr�,c��r chanbe�he amaunt of such pay�-nents. <br /> Borravv�r Not Released; F�rbearan�e By Lender No� � 'L�Vaiver. Exte��sion af fl�e �ime far pa�ment or <br /> modif�cat�on of am�r�izatx�n of the sums secured by �h�s Securi�y �ns�rumen� gran�ed by Lender �a Barravv�r or <br /> any success�r in interest of B�rrawer sha�� ��a� �perate �� re�ease t��e liab�li�y of the orig�r�a� Borrovver or <br /> Borro�ver's su��essor� in interes�. Lender shal� n�t be required �a commence proceedings aga�ns�any success�r in <br /> in�erest or refuse to ex�end���ne for paymen�flr��herw�se�nadify a�r�orti�a�ion of the sums secured by�his Secur��y <br /> �nstrument by reason of any demand made by �he �rigina] Borr�vver or Barra��r's suc��ssars �n in�eres�. �.ny <br /> f�rbearance by Lender in e��r��s�ng any r�ght ar remedy shal� not be a vva��er of ar pre��u�e �he exer��se of any <br /> r�gh�or remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Assigns I3aund; �o�n� and Se��ra� Liab��i�y; Accamm�c��t��n Signers. T��e c�venantis and <br /> agreemen�s of�h�s Secur��� I���tru�-nen�sha�l bind �.nd benefi� the successors and assig��s �f Lender and Borrower, <br /> subjec� �o the prov�s�ons �f se�tian t��led Transfer of �h� Proper�y or � Bene�ic��i �n�er�s� in BorrQ�v�r. <br /> B�rr�wer's cavenants and agreexnent� shai�be join�at�d several. .�ny pers�n �l�o �o�signs�his Secur�ty �nstrumen� <br /> bu� has n� persnna� ��ab���ty under ���e Cantrac� �"Ac�otn�nada��o�� Si�ner"�: �a� �s c�--s�gning t��is Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen� anly t� mor��age, gran� and convey �ha� .�.cc�m�r�oda���n S�gner's �p�erest in the Praper�y u��der ���e <br /> �erms af �he Secur�ty �ns�rument; �b� is no� personal�y obl�ga�ed to pay the sums secured �y �his �ecuri�y <br /> �ns�rumen�; and�c} agrees�hat Lend�r and any a�h�r Borrawer may agree ta e��end, rnadify, forbear�r make any <br /> a�caxnmodatians w��h regard ta�he terms�f th�s Secur��y Instrumen�or�I�e�a���rac�without that Acc��-nmodatiop <br /> Signer's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f���e �oan secured by �h�s Securi�y Ins�rurr�e��� is sub�e�� �� a �a� v�h�ch se�s max�mum laan <br /> charges, and that law is fna��y interpreted sa�ha��he �n�eres�or a���er �oan char�e� cq��ec�:ed or�a �e cai�e��ed i�� <br /> connectinn vvi�h xhe �aan exceed t�ae permit�ed �im��s, �hen: �a} any such Ioan �harge shal� �e reduced by t)�e <br /> amoun�neGessary �o reduce the charge �a the perm���e� lirn��s and�b� any sums a�ready col�ect�d from Borrower <br /> which exceeded perm��ted ��mits wi1l be refunded to Bflrrower. Lender may chaase to mak� th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng �he pr�ncipal ov�ed under the Coptrac� or by making a d�re�t paym�n� ta Borrowe�. If a refund �-educ�s <br /> pr�n��pa�,�he redu�ti�n wi.i�be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�u�ader�l�e�fln�ract. <br /> Na�ices. Any no�ice ta B�rrower pravided for i� x���s S�cur�ty Ins�rument sha�� be �i�en by de�iv�r�ng �� or by <br /> mai i ing��by frs�c�ass ma�1 un�ess App�icable La�v r�yuires use af ana�h�r me�had. The not�ce s��aii be d ire��ed to <br /> �he Proper�y Address �r any �t��er �,ddress Borrower designa�es by na���e �o Lender. Borrourer agrees �� pro�ide <br /> Lender with Barro�ver's mos� cu�rren� mai�ing a�dress, as i�may c��ange fr�m �ime-to-time. ,�,ny n���ce t� Lender <br /> sha�l be g��en b�frst��ass��aail��Ler�der's address s�a�ed herein or any o�her address Lender designa�es by notice <br /> tn 8�rra�er. Any no�ice pro�id�d for�n �h�s Security �ns�rumen�shal� be dee�ned �a have been g�ven �a Borrfl�ver <br /> or Lender when g��en as prov�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Se�erabii�ty.Th�s S�cur��y�nstrumen�sha�l be g�v�rned by federal law and�he�aw�af the s�a�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n the ev�nt �ha� any pro�is�fln or c�ause af�I�is Securi�y Ins�rumen� ar �he �ontract �anflicts with <br /> App�icable La�v, su�h cn��flict s��a�� no� affect a���er provis�ans of�his Securi�y Inst�rumen� �r�he ��n�rac� which <br /> can be given effect�nri�hout�he conflic�in�prov�s�on. To�h�s end�he provisi�ns af���is Security �nstru��nen�and the <br /> ��ntrac�are declared�o be se�erable. <br /> Bvrruwer's��py.Borrower sha�l be given one copy af�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Pr�per�y or a Benef�c�ai Int�res� �n Borravver. �f al� or any par�of�he Property ar an�in�eres� <br /> in i� is s��d or �ransferred �or �f a �enef cial �n�eres� �n Borr�wer �s sold a�- �ransferred and Sorrower is nat a <br /> na�ural person� vv�thout Lender's pr�ar �r�t�en consent, Le��der may, at ��s �p��an, require immed�a�e paymen� in <br /> C�24�4-2ti I S C��nplia��cE Systerr�s,Inc.8C54-4D87-2d 15.]I.3.I D98 <br /> Cansumer Real Esta#e-Se�urity Instn2ment DL2�3G Pag�3�f S ���ww,cornpE'� <br />
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