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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> `� z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � <br /> � � � �� � � <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> cr� r� <br /> �� � �� rn <br /> o� o° cn � <br /> � �' z <br /> 0 <br /> INHEN REC�RDED MA�L T�: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> G1 -A�len Dri�e Branch <br /> '��04 Al�en Dr <br /> P❑ Bvx �793 <br /> _ G ran d I s�a n d, N E 6 8 8�2„,,,.,,,_�.._. �_��.,�_�..,,...�.,�.,..,,,,, �_��,_...,..,..,..._.,�,�,�_ ,.,,.,,,,.,..,,,,��,F�R R E C[]R D E R,,'S U S E�N LY <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST is dated May �3, ��'1�, amang M�dwest Premier Investments, L.L,C.: a <br /> Nehraska limited liability c�mpany �"Trustor"�: Exchange Bank, wnose address �s GI - Allen <br /> Dri�e Branch, 'I2�4 Allen Dr, P� Box �79�, Grand Island, NE 68��� �referred to below <br /> sometirnes as "Lender" and som�t`rm�s as "'Beneficiary"�: and Exchange Bank, whose address is <br /> PDB 76�. Gibhon. NE 6884� �referred to be�ow as "Trustee"�. <br /> C�NVEYANCE AND GRANT. For �aluable �vnsideration, Trustor�vn�eys #v Trustee in trus�. WITH P�WER �F SALE. <br /> fvr the benefit of Lender as Benef'rciary, all of Trustvr's right, ti�le, and interes� in and ta �he fo�lowing described real <br /> property, �ogether with all existing ar subsequen�ly erected vr af�ixed �uildings, impro�ements and �ixtures; all <br /> �asements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all wat�r, wafier rights and di�ch r�ghts �in�luding stock in utif�ties wi�h <br /> ditch or irrigation rights}; and af� other rights, royalties, and profits relating t� the real pr�perty, including without <br /> lim�tation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, �th� =`Real Property"�� lo�ated in Hall �ounty. <br /> State af Nebraska: <br /> The South Sixty-5�x ���} feet of the �Illesterly Fifty t5D3 feet of Lat F��e �5�, in Block <br /> SixtyWTwv ���}, in the �riginal Tavr►n, nvw City of Grand Isiand. Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> The Real Property vr its address is cammon�y knawn as 5�2 & �24 VI! 2nd Street. Grand <br /> lsland, NE 688D�. The Reai Property tax identificatian number �s 4fl���5��7. <br /> CRflSS-C�LLATERALIZATIUN. In addi�ion to the No�e, this ❑eed vf Trust secures a[l ohligations, deb�s and liabi��ties, <br /> plus interest thereon, o�Trustar to Lender, ar any ❑ne or more of them, as well as a�l claims by Lender against Trus�ar <br /> or any one or more o�them, whether now existing or hereafter arising, whe�her re�ated or un�e�ated �o the purpose of <br /> the No�e, whether valun�ary o� o�herwise, whe�her du� or not due, direct or indirect, determined or unde�ermined, <br /> absolute ar �ontingent, �iquidated or un�iquida�ed, whether Trusto� may he liable indi�iduafly or jointly with o�hers, <br /> wh�ther obligated as guarantor, sure�y, accommodatian party �r atherwise, and whether reco�ery upon such amounts <br /> may he or hereaft��may become barr�d �y any s�atute of limitations, and whether the obligation to repay su�h amounts <br /> may be ar hereafter may become o�herwise unenforc�able. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. �n addition�o the Nvte, this Deed of Trust secures a[I�uture ad�ances made by Lender�o Trustor <br /> wheth�r vr not �he ad�ances are made pursuant �o a commitment. 5pe�i��cally, without limita�ion, this Deed o� Trust <br /> secures, in addit�on to the amounts specified in the Note, a�� �uture amounts �ender in its dis�retion may loan to <br /> Trust�r, together with all �nterest thereon. <br /> Trustor presently assigns to Lender {ais❑ kn�wn as Beneficiary in this Deed af Trust} a(� of Trust�r's righ�, �itle, and <br /> interest �n and to all present and future leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property. In addition, Trustor <br /> gran�s to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code secu�€ty interest in the Persana( Proper�y and Ren�ts. <br /> THtS DEED �F TRUST, 1NCLUDINC THE ASSIGNIVIENT aF RENTS AN❑THE SECUR[TY INTEREST !N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRQPERTY, 1S GiVEN Ta SECURE {A� PAYNtENT �F THE 1NOEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFQRMANCE OF <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATIDNS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED ❑F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED flF TRUST 15 GIVEN AND A�CEPTED❑N THE F�LLDWING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFURMANCE. Except as otherw�se pro�ided in this ❑eed o� Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender a�l <br /> amounts secured by this aeed of Trust as they became due, and shall s�rict[y and in a timely manner per#orm all o� <br /> Trustor's obligations under the No�e, this Deed of Trust, and �he R��ated Do�uments. <br /> P�SSESS��N AND MA�NTENANGE ❑F THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees that Trus�or's possession and use of the <br /> Property shall be go�erned by the fvllowing pro�isivns: <br /> Pvssession and Use. Unt�l the oc�urrence of an E�en� of D��ault, Trusta� may ��y remain in possession and <br /> contro(of�the Proper�y; 4Z3 use, op�rate or manage the Property; and �3� co��ect the Rents from the Praperty. <br /> Du�y tv Maintain. Trust�r shall maintain �he Property in tenantahle condition and prvmptly perform ail repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and main�enance necessary tv preser�e its �alue. <br /> Compliance Vllith Enviranmental Laws. Trus�or represents and warrants tv Lender tha�: 41� During the periad ❑f <br /> Trustor's ownership of th� P�oper�y, the�e has be�n no use, generativn, manufacture, stvrage, �reatment, d�sposal, <br /> releas� or �hreatened release ❑f any Hazardous 5ubstance by any person vn, under, about v� fram the Praper�y; <br /> t2� Trustar has no knowled�e of, or r�ason to belie�e tha�there has been, exc�pt as pre�iously disclosed to and <br /> acknow�edged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach vr �iolation af any En�ironmen�al Laws, 4hy any use, <br /> generation, manu�a�ture, starage, treatment, disp�sal, release ❑r threatened r�l�ase ❑f any Ha�ardous Substance <br /> on, unde�, about o� frvm the Property by any prior owners or occupants ❑f �he Property, ar 4c} any actual or <br /> �hr�a�ened litigation ar claims ❑f any kind hy any person rela�ing to such matters; and �3� Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed�o and acknowledged by Lender�n writing, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenan�, cont�a�tar, agent Q�other <br />