' 2� 1 ��2911
<br /> � �
<br /> payment of junior trus� deeds, mor�gages, or other li�nholders and the ba�ance, if an�, to the pers�n or persons
<br /> �ega��y ent�tied �hereta. The�reci�als �n �he Trustee's deed shal� he pri_ma fac�e ��ridence �f �h� lruth af the
<br /> statemen�s lbade�n��.If Lender chaases t�uzvoke�he p��ver of sa1e,Lender�r Trustee w��l pro�ride not�ce af sale
<br /> pu�suant�o applical��e law. Any such sa�e �r a sale made pursuant fa a judgment�r a decree far the fareclosure
<br /> hereof may, at �le op�ion of Lender, l�e made en masse. The commen�ement of proceedings tQ fnreclose �h�s
<br /> S e curi�y Instrument in any manner au�horize d by�av�shal�h e de eme d as exercis e of the ab o�e apt��n.
<br /> Upon the accurr�nce of an E�rent of I]efaul�, Lender shal� immediate�� be enti�led to make applicati�n for and
<br /> ob�ain the appointment of a receiver far��ie Pr�per�y and❑f�he earn�ngs, zncome, is�ue and prafiits of it,���h the
<br /> po�vers as �he cau.r�ma�ing�he app�u�tmen�s confers. Grantor hereby irrewocab�� �on,sents to such app�xntment
<br /> and waives noti�e�f an�app��i�a�ian therefar. .
<br /> N� �AI�ER.N� de�a}� �r failure �f Lender to e�ercise any r�gh�, remedy, po�er ar priv�lege hereunder sha�I
<br /> affect that right,reinedy,po�er o��rivilege n�r shal�an}�single�r par�ial e�ercise thereof prec�ude�he exer�ise�f
<br /> any r�ght,remedy,.power or pr��r�lege.N�Lender delay or failure t� demand strict adherence t�the�erms of th�s
<br /> Security Ins�ru�nent shal�be deemed t�constitute a course of canduc�u�.consistent�i�h Lender's right at an�r�i.me,
<br /> �efare.or after an e��nt of defau�.�, t� demand str�c� adher�nce t� the �erms �f thYs.S ecur��r Instrum�nt and �he
<br /> Rela�ed Docu�nen�s.
<br /> SU�STITUT�TRTISTE�.L�nder, at its option,ma��rom tirne to time remove Trustee and appa�nt a successor
<br /> trus�ee ta any Trustee appoin�ed hereunder by an �nstrument r�c�rded in �he c�un� ir� �vh�ch this Security
<br /> Instrumen� �s recorded. �i�h�u� conveyance of�he Proper�y, the successor trustee shall succeed to al� the t�t1e,
<br /> pavver and dut�es conferred upon Trustee here�u and b}�app�icable�a�.
<br /> JUINT AND SEVER:AL�IA�ILITY.If this Security Instrument sh�uld be signed by more than one persan,al�
<br /> persons e�ecuting�hrs=Securit�Instrument agree that�he�sha1l be j ointly and severa�l��ound,�here perm�t�ed by
<br /> �av�.
<br /> SURVIVAL. Lender's righ#s in�hYs Security Instrument�i�l continue in its successors an�d assi�ms. This Security
<br /> Instruinent is binding�n aII h�u s, e�ecutors,admxnistra��rs,ass�gns and suc�ess�rs Qf Grantor.
<br /> N�TICES AND WAI�R��F N�TI�E. Un�.ess �ther��se�equired by applicab�e �aw, any n�tice or demand
<br /> gi�en by Lender to an�r par�y �s consxdered effec��ve: ��} when �t is deposited �n the TJnited States Mai��i�h the
<br /> appr�pria�e pastage; �ii} �vhen it is �ent �r�a ele�tronic ma�l; �iii} v�rhen it is sent �ia facsim�le; ���r) �hen it �s
<br /> deposi�ed wi�h a na���nally recognized o�errYight cour�er serviGe; �v} on the da��f pers�na�delivery; �r (vi} any
<br /> ��her c�mmercially reasonable lneans. A copy of any n�t�ce shall be sen���each party at the address of the party
<br /> g��ren at the �eg�nnin.g �f tb�s Secu�i�y Instrument unless an a�ternat�ve address has�been prov�ded to Lender �n
<br /> v�rriting. Ta�he ex�ent pez-xnitted i�y 1a�v, Gran�or vvai�res notice�f Lender's a�ceptance of�his 5ecur�ty Instrument,
<br /> defenses based on suretyship,an�defense arisulg fi om any e�ection by Lender under the Un�ted Sta�es Bankruptcy
<br /> Code, Uni�oY-m Comme�•c�ai �ode, as enac�ed in the state �rhere Lende�•is l�ca�ed or o�her applicable �av�r or in
<br /> equity, demand, no�ice of a��e�erati�n, n��ice �f n�npaymen�, presentment, pr�tes�, notice of dishonor and any
<br /> fl�her nvtice. : � `
<br /> RE�iTEST F�R N�TYCES: Gran�or reques�s�hat copies af the nati�e vf default and no�ice�f sale be sent to the
<br /> address-of each pa�-�given at�he heginning of�h�Secur�ty Insixument.
<br /> WAIVER �F APPRAYSE�ENT RI�HTS. Gran�or wai�es all appraisement rights re�a�ing to �he Pr�per�t�
<br /> the extent permiited by la�v. �
<br /> LENDER'S E'�PENS�S. Gran�or agrees�a pay all expenses incu.�red l�y Lender in c�nnecti.�n vvith enfar�ement
<br /> af�ts righ�s under�he Inde�t�dn�ss,th�s Securi�y Instrumen��r in.the ev�nt Lender is rnade party ta an}��itigatian
<br /> because�f�he�xis�ence�f�he I�ldebtedness �r this Security Ins�rument, as�e11 as cou.�-�costs, c�llect�on charges
<br /> and reasonab�e aitorneys'fees and disbursements.
<br /> ASSIGNABY�ITY. Lender may ass�gn �r �therw�se transfer this Securi�y Instru.ment or any of Lender's r�ghts
<br /> under th�s Secur�t�Instrumen�v�r�thout natice to �ran�or. Grantor may nat assign this 5ecur�ty Ins�rument vr any
<br /> part af the Secur�t�r Instrument with�ut�he e�press v�r�tten consent of Lender.
<br /> GUVERNYNG LA'�'L�. Th�s Se�tu ity Inst�-ument�vil��e gave�-ned by the �av�s of the S�ate �f Ne�raska including
<br /> a��proceedings aris�ng fi om th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�.
<br /> SE:V�RABILITY. If a cour� Q� c�mpe�ent jurisdiction de�erm�nes any term or= prv�ision of �i�.s Security
<br /> Instrument �s in�a�id or pr�h.�vi�ed by app�ica�ale Ia�, that term ar prflvis�an will be �nefFect�ve to the e�.tent
<br /> required.Any ferm or pr�vision tha�bas been de�erm�n�d to be invalid or pr�hibi�ed wi�I be sev�red from the rest
<br /> af the Security Instruinent �ithou� in�ra�idat�ng �he remainder of e��her the affe��ed prfl��sinn �r this Security
<br /> �nstrument. -
<br /> WAIVER �F JTJRY TRIA.L. Ali part�es ta th�s Security Instrument hereby knov+v�ngl� and vn�untarily
<br /> wai��a to the fu�lest extent permitted by�aw,any right to trial by jury of any dispute,whether�n contract,
<br /> tort,or otherw�5e,arising vut af,in connection with, re�ated to,�r incidenta�t�the relationship estahlish�d
<br /> between them in th�s Security Instrument ❑r any �ther instrument, do�ument or agre�ment egecuted vr
<br /> dei��ered in conn�cfion w�th this Security Instrument or the Related Documents.
<br /> �2GU�-2U15 Campliance Syst�ms,Inc.G8F9-�DAE-2D 1S.t 1.3.l d�5
<br /> �ammercial Real Estate Se�urity Instnament-Di.�Qfl7 Page 4 of5 «ww.compliancPsystems.cam
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