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2� 1 ��29�� <br /> can�inue to pa��fl Lender the amoun�of the separate�y designated pa�ments�ha��vere due when th� <br /> �nsurance caverage c�ased�a be in effect, L�nder w�ll accept, use and reta�n these paymen�s as a <br /> nanWr�fundab�e lass res�r�e in�ieu af N�ortgage �nsurance. Such�oss reser�e shal�be non-refundabl�, <br /> na�w�thstanding t�Ze fac��ha�the Loan is u�tima�ei��a�d in fu��, and Lender sha�� no�be requir�d to pay <br /> Borrower any in�er�st�r earnings on such�oss res�r�r�. Lender can na �onger requ�re�ass reser��paymen�s <br /> if Mor�gage Insuranc��o�erage�in the amaunt and for the period�ha�L�nder requ�res}provided by an <br /> �nsurer selected by Lender again becomes ava�lab�e, �s obtained, and Lender requires separa����designated <br /> pay�x�.en�s�oward the premiums for Mor�gage�nsurance. �f L.�nder required Mor�gage Insuranc�as a <br /> condition of making�he Loan and Borrower was r�qu�red to make separa�e�y designa�ed pa�ments toward�h� <br /> prem�ums far M�r�gage�nsurance, Barrower sha11 pa��h�premiums re�uired to mainta�n Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance in�ffect, �r��pro�ide a non-refundabl�l�ss res�rve, until Lend�r's requiremen�for N�or��age <br /> Insurance ends�n accordatace w�th any�rri�ten agre�m�nt�e�ween Borrow�r and Lender proW�d�ng for such <br /> termina��on or untii��xon�s required by App��cab�e Law. No�hing in this Sec�i�n ��affec�� <br /> Borrflwer's o�liga�ian to pa� �n�eres�at the rate provided in�h� No�e. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance reimburses L�nder�or ar�y en��ty�ha�purchases the Note} for cer�ain�osses i�ma�r incur <br /> if Bvrrovver d�es not repa�th�Loan as agreed. Borr�vver�s not a par�y to the Mar�gage Insuranc�. <br /> Mor�gage insurers eva�uate the�r tata� risk on a11 su�h�nsurance in force fr�m time�o t�me, and may en�er <br /> inta agr�emen�s w��h o�her par��es�hat shar�nr madify the�r risk, or reduce I�sses. These a�reemen�s are an <br /> �erms and c�ndi�ions that are sat�sfacto�-�r�o the mort�age insurer and the other par�� ��r par�ies} to these <br /> agreemen�s. These agreemer�ts ma� requ�re�he mortga�e�nsurer to make payments using any sour�e of funds <br /> that the mar�gage�nsur�r may ha�e a�ailabie��h�ch may include funds o�tained from�Mortgage Insurance <br /> prem�iums}. <br /> As a resu�t of�he�e agr�ements, I�nder, any purchaser of the Not�, another insurer, any r�insurer, an�other <br /> �n�xty, or any aff�l�ate of an�r of the foregoing, ma�receive �direc��y or ind�rect�y} amaunts that der��e fromt <br /> �flr m.ight be charaGterized as} a port�on of B�rrower's paymen�s far Mar�ga�e Insurance, in�xchang�for <br /> shar�ng or modifying�he m�r�gage insurer'�risk, or redu��ng�osses. If such agreemen�provides�ha�an <br /> affi�iate af L�nder�akes a share of the insurer's risk �n exchange f�r a share of the premiums paid to�he <br /> �nsurer, the arrangement�s often term�d "captiv�r�insuranee," Further: <br /> �a� Any such agreements wil�nat affect the arnounts that�orrower has agreed ta pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insurance, or any oth�r terms of the Loan. Su�h agree�nents w�Il not increase the amount <br /> Borrower w���owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they wi��not entit�e Borrower ta any refund. <br /> 4b� Any such agreements wil�nat affect�he r�gh�s Borrawer has-if any-with respect ta the <br /> Mortgag�Insurance under the Homeowners Protec��an A�t af 1995 ar any other law. The�e rights <br /> may�nc�ude the r�ght to recei�e c�r�ain disc�osure�, ta requ�st and abta�n cance��atian of the <br /> Mvr�gage Insuranc�, to ha►ve the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatica��y, andlvr to rece�ve <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of suc� <br /> cancel�a�ion or term��nat�on. <br /> �7. Ass�gnment of Mis�e[taneous Pr�ceeds; Forfeiture. AII M�s���laneaus Proceeds are hereby assigned�� <br /> and sha1l be paxd�o L�nd�r. <br /> �f the Prop�r���s damaged, suc�Nlis�eliane�us Proceeds sha��be applied to restoration or repa�r of the <br /> Property, if the restorat�on or repair is econoxn�ca��y feasib�e and Lender's s�cur�t� is nat lessened. During <br /> such repair and res�oration period, L�nder shall have the r�gh�to hold su�h Mxsce��aneous Praceeds unt�� <br /> I,�nder has had an opp�r�unity�o �nspect su�h Proper�y�a ensure�he work has been comp�eted to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing��Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT �arr�3028 11�'� <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE)t'�3�23 <br /> Walters Kfuwer Finar�cial Ser�ices Pag�9 vt 17 <br />