2� 1 ��29��
<br /> sat�sfact��n, pr��ided�hat such inspection�hai�be under�ak�n pramp��y. Lender may pay f�r the repazrs
<br /> and res�oration�n a sing�e disbursement ar�n a�er�es�f pr�gress payments as�h��r�rk�s Gomp�eted.
<br /> L�nless an agreement is made in writing or Applzca��e Law requir�s �n�eres�ta be pa�d on su�h
<br /> Misc�llaneaus Pr�ceeds, L�nd�r shall n�t be required to pay B�rraw�r any �ntere�t flr earn�ngs�n such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. �f the restnration or r�pair is no�eG�nom��a��y fea��b�e ar Lender's secur�ty would
<br /> ��l�ssened, the M�sce��aneous Proceeds sha�I be applied to the sums secured by thi� Se�ur�ty �nstrument,
<br /> �vhether or no��hen due, �ith the excess, if an�, paid ta B�rrflw�r. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall �e
<br /> app���d in th�order prov�ded for in Section�.
<br /> �n�he ev�nt�f a total taking, d�st�-uctxan, ar�oss in valu�of the Pr�per��, the M�s���la�eaus Pro�eeds shall
<br /> be app��ed�o the sum� secured by th�s Secur��y �nstrument, whether or no�th�n due, �ith�he excess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d�o B�rrawer.
<br /> �n the event�f a par�ial takin�, destruc��on, or�oss �za�ralue of the Praper�y zn which�he faxr market vaiue of
<br /> the Property immed�a�e�y befor�the partial tak�ng, destruc�zan, ar Ioss xn va�ue�s equa�to or greater�ha.�the
<br /> amount af the sums secure�b��his Se�uri�y Instrum�nt immed�a�e�y before��e par�za� takin�, d�stru�tia�, ar
<br /> Ioss in value, ur�less Borrov�er and Lender��herv�ise agree �n wr���ng, the suxns s�cure�b� th�s Security
<br /> �nstrument shall be reduced bX the am�unt�f th�Miscellan�ous Pra�e�cis mult�plied by �he fo�lowing
<br /> fract�on: �a}the total amount of the sums secur�d�mm��iately befor�the partia� �ak�ng, destruction, or�oss
<br /> xn va�ue d�v�ded by. �b� the fair market va�u�of�h� Pr�p��.y�mmediatel�befor�th�par�ial ta��ng,
<br /> des�ruc�ion, or�oss in valu�. Any balance sha�l be pa�d��Borrow�r.
<br /> In the even�of a par��a��a.���g, des�ru��ion, or l�ss in�a�ue nf�he Proper�y �n which the fa�r marke��alue of
<br /> the lProperty immedia�ely b�fare the par�ial ta.king, d�stru�:�ion, ar lass in�alue is less than the amnun��f the
<br /> sums secur�d immedia�ely before�he par��a� �ak�ng, destructian, or loss in va�ue, unl�ss B�rrav�er and
<br /> L�nder o�hervv�s�agree in wri�ing, the Misce��ane�us Proceeds shal�be app��ed���he sums s��ured b�this
<br /> Secur�ty�ns�rumen�whe�her ar na�the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Propert�is a�andoned b�Borrow�r, ar if, after notic�by Lender to Borrower that th��ppasing Party
<br /> �as def�ned in�he nex�sen�enc�}flffer�t�make an award t� s��tle a�Iaim far dama��s, Borr�wer fails�a
<br /> r�spond to Lender w�thin��days after the dat�the nfl����is gi�en, Lender xs author�zed�a�o���ct and app�y
<br /> th�Miscellane�us Proceeds ei�her to res�oration ar repa�r�f�he Proper�y�r��t�e sums�ecured by�his
<br /> �ecurity Instrument, �he�her�r no�then due. "Opposing Party" means the third party that ow�s Barrower
<br /> Mzsce��an�ous Prac�eds ar the par�y agains�v�h�m�orrower has a r�ght of acti�n�n regard to Miscellaneous
<br /> Proce�ds.
<br /> B�rrower sha��be�n default if anx ac�ion ar proceed�ng, whe�h�r c�v�� or cr�m�nat, is b�gun that, �n Lender's
<br /> �udgm�nt, could resu�� �n forfei�ur�of�he Proper��ar other z�na�er�al �mpa�rment of Lender's �nteres� in�he
<br /> Praper�y or rights under t��s Secur�t� �ns�rum�r�t. Borrower can cure such a defau�t and, if accelera�ion has
<br /> �ccurre�., re�ns�a�e as pro�ided�n Sec�ion �9, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed wi�h a
<br /> ru��ng that, in L�nd�r's�udgment, prec�udes forfeiture of the Praperty or other mat�ria� impa�rment of
<br /> L�nder's inter�st �n the Prop�r�y or rights under th�s Security Instrumen�. The proceeds of any award or
<br /> c�aim for damages�hat ar�attrihutable to�he i�npa�rmen�af Lender's interest zn�he Proper�y are hereby
<br /> assigned and shal�be pa�d to Lender.
<br /> Ali Misc�llaneous Pro�e�ds tha�are nat app�ied to restoration�r r�pa�r af the Property sha�l be applied in the
<br /> order pr�vided f�r in S�ctz�n 2.
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-�annie MaelF�eddie Mac UNIFORM lNSTRtJMENT �arm 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP Q VMP�(N���13�2�
<br /> W�iters Kluwer F�r�ancial Ser�ices Page��of 17
<br />