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2� 1 ��2871 <br /> Transfer of th�Property or a�eneficial Interest in Barrower.�f all ar any part of the Pro�ert�or any in�erest <br /> �n it is sold ar �ransferred �ar if a �enefi�ial interest �n Bo��rovver is sold ar transferred and Barravver is not a <br /> natural persan} v�rithou� Lender's prior wr�t�en c�nsent, Lend{�r ma�, at i�s option, require imrrzediate �aym�n� in <br /> fu�I of aIl sums secured by t�iiis Secur�ty �nstru.ment. Hov�re�rer, this �p��on sha�l n�� be exerczsed b�F Lender �f <br /> ex�r��se is prohibi��d b�federal lavv a�of�he date of this Sect�rity�r�s�rument. <br /> If Lender exercises this op�ion, Ler�der sha�l g��re B orrowe�- not�ce af acceleration. T`he no�zce sha�l. prav�de a <br /> periQd of nat less �har� the m�nim�m number of da�rs establ���hed by Applicable Lavtr fram �h� da�e tr�e n��ice is <br /> de��vered or max�ed v�r�thzn vvh�ch Borro�v�r must pay aI� surr�s secured by this Security �ns�rumen�. I:f B�rro�ver <br /> fai�s ta pay these �ums pr�ar to the exp�rat�on af th�s period, Lend�r may invoke any remedi�s permil:��d by �h�s <br /> Securxty�nstrumen��u��hout fur�her notice or dernand�n B or�c�vver: <br /> Borr�wer's Right to Reinstate. �f Borrovver mee�s C�I�7In C�I1C��tIOriS, Borrawer shal� hav� ��.e r��;ht to have <br /> enforcement of�his Securxty�ns�rumen� d�scan��nued at an�t:i�ne prior�o the ear�ier of: �a} 5 �ays (or �uch �ther <br /> period as Applicable Law may sp�cify for reins�a.tement�bef�#re sale of the Pr�perty pursuant��any povver of sa�e <br /> con�atned Yn �his Secur�ty Instrumen�; or �b� ent�y af a ��:�dgment enforcing th�s S�curity Tnstrumen�. Those <br /> �ond��ians are that Borrov�er: �a} pays Lex�der aIl sums whic� �hen Wou�d be due under this Security �nstru�men� <br /> and the C�n�rac�as if no acceleratian had occurred; �b} cures any default of any��her covenan�s or agre�eznentis; �c� <br /> pays al�expenses incurred�n enforc�ng this Securi�Instrume��t, including,but na�limit�d to,r�asonabl�attflrneys' <br /> fees t4 the ex�en�permitted by la�v; and �d} tak�s such action as Lender xnay reasonab�y require�o ass�.�re that the <br /> lien of�h�s 5ecurity Instrumen�,Lender's righ�s �n the Property and B�rrovver's ob�iga�ion to pay the su;ms secured <br /> by th�s Securit�Instrument sha�� cantinue unchanged. Upfln:�einsta�ement by Barr�wer, this Securi�y Instrument <br /> and the o�ligations secured hereby shal� remain fu11y �ffective as i�na ac�e�eratxon had accurred. Ho�we�er, th�s <br /> right�o reinstate sha�1 no�apply�n the case of ac.ce�erati�n urn�er the se�tzon�itled Trar�sfer of�he Property or a <br /> Benef�c�ai In�erest in Borrawer. <br /> Hazardous Substances.Borrower shaX�n��cause or permit the pr�sence,use, disposa�, s�orag�, �r re��ase of a�y <br /> Hazardous Su�stances an or�n the Prapert�.Borrower shall n+�t d�,m�r a�Xovv anyone eise�o do,anythir�g affe�ting <br /> the Proper�y that is �n v�olat�an a�any Env�rnnmen�aX Lavv. The p�eceding tv�a sen�ences sh�.11 not apply�a the <br /> presence,use,or storage on the Proper�y of sma��quan�i�ies of'Hazardous Subs�a.nces�that are genera�Xy:�recognzzed <br /> to be appropriate�o norma�reside��ial uses and to main�enance af�he Property. <br /> Borro�ver�hall pr�mp��y give Lender wr��ten n�tice of any ir�y-estiga�ion,c�a�m, demand,Iawsui�or oth�r a�tion by <br /> any g�vernmental or regula�ory agency or priva�e party �nvo�vzng the Property and any Hazardous Substan�e ar <br /> Env�ranmental Lativ of which B�rrovver has actua� knowl.edge. If Borr�w�r learns, or � not�fi�d by any <br /> governmen�a� or regu�atory authar�ty, �hat any rem�va�or o�h�:r rem�dia�ian of any Hazard�us �ubstance aff��ting <br /> the Praperty is nec�ssary, B�rrovver shall pramptly take ��1� n�cessary remedial actions �n accordance wi�h <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> A�used in �his paragraph, "Hazard�us Subs�ances" are those subs�ances defined as toxic Qr ha�ardous subs�ances <br /> by Envirflnmental Laur and the fo�Iov�ring substances: gaso�ine, k�rosene, o�her flamxnable �r toxic petroleum <br /> products, tox�c pesti�ides and herbicides, vola�z�e so�vents, �:naterxals containing asbes�os or formald�h}�de, and <br /> radioa��ive materials. As used in�his paragraph, "Environmental L,a�v" means fed�ral Iavvs and la�rs�f 1:he state of <br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate to hea��h,safet�r or environmenta�protec�i�n. <br /> Acceierat�on; Remed�es. Lender sha�� g�ve n�ti�e ta Borr�w�r prior �� acceierati�n f���vwing B�orrower's <br /> breach�f any covenar�t or agreernent i�,th�s Security Inst�-ument or the Contract�nder vyh�ch accelera��on <br /> is permitted ��but no�priur to ac�eleratfon und�r the secti+�n �i���d Transfer of the Property or a B�ne�efa� <br /> Intere�t�n BflrroVver, un�es5 Applicab�e Lav� pravifdes nth.erv�is�). The nvtice shal� specYf�: �a� the default; <br /> �b� th� action requ�red to cur� the d�fault; ��} a dafE, not les5 than the min�mum num�er �f day� <br /> established by Appli�abl.e La�v fram th�date�he notice is gx��n t�Borrflwer,by whi�h tne default must be <br /> cured; and �d} that failure to cure the defau�t �n or bef��re �he date specif�ed in the not�ce ma�r resu�t in <br /> accel��at��n of �he sums 5ecured by thxs Securi�y Instr�urnent and sale of the Property. To �he ex�en� <br /> permu�ted by�aw, the nntxce sha��further infarm B�rrow�Yr of the right to re�nstate after ac�elerat�on and <br /> �he right t�bring a court a���on to assert�he non-existenc�;of a defau�t vr any a�hQr d�fense af B�rraw�r�� <br /> acceierat�on and sale. If the def�.ul��s not cured �n or b ef or� thQ da�e sp�c�fied in the notic�,L��xder at its <br /> optiom may require �mmed�a�e payment in fu�l of a�.� su�ns se�ured by th�s Security In�trume��t wf�hout <br /> fur�her demand and may invoke the po�ver of sa�e and a��y vther remed�ies permi�ted by Appli�ab�e LaVv. <br /> To th� exten� p�rm.�itted by law, Lend�r shall be ent�t�ed to collect all expenses ix�curre� �n pur�suing the <br /> rem�die5 provided in this Sect�on,�n�Iu��ng,but no��imi.��xd to,r�asona�ale attorneys'fee� and cost�af ti��e <br /> e��dence. <br /> If the pvwer of sale is inv�ked,Trustee shall recard a natx�e �f defau��in each cvunty�n�vhich a:ny part of <br /> �he Pr�perty�s�a�ated and shal�mai� cop�es �f su�h noticfa in th�manner pres�r�b�d by App�icab��e Law�o <br /> Borra�ver and tn the �ther per��ns pre�cribed by Applic��ble Law. After the t�me required by ��pp��cabie <br /> Law, 'I`ruste� �hall gi�ve pub��c �otice of sale to �he persons an�i i�n the mann�r prescribed by .��ppi�cab�.e <br /> Law.�"rus�ee,without demand vn Borr�wer, �hall se�l the PrQp�rty a�pub�ic aue�xon�o the high�st bidder <br /> a�the�€me and place and under fhe ternn.s de�igna�ed in th�nflti�e of 5aie in one or mvre p�arc��s a.nd Yn an� <br /> order Trust�e deternunes. Trustee may p�s�pone 5a�e a�f all �r any parcel of �he Pr�perty �hy pu��ic <br /> announcement a�the time and��ace of any�rev�ous�y sch+wduledl sale,Lender or its des�.gnee may purchase <br /> �he P�ap�rty at any sa�e, <br /> Upon receipt �f payment of the pric� bid, Tru�tee sha�l d�;liver �o the purchaser Trustee`s de�d +�onveyfng <br /> �he Property. The rec��als in �he Trus�ee's deed sha�l be p�•�ma f��ie eviden�Q of�h��ru�h vf th�statements <br /> �2444-2D 15 Campliance Systems,Inc,8C54-0518-2�15.i 1,3,1 fl9$ <br /> �vnsumer ReaI Esta#e-Sec�rity Instrurnent DL2435 Page 4 af S www.camplian� <br />