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2� 1 ��2871 <br /> in�eres� from �he da�e of disbursement at the same ra�e assessed fln advances under th� �ontract and shal� be <br /> payab�e,,w�th�n�erest,upon no�zce fram Lender to Borrower reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspecfion. Lender or ��s agent may make reas�nab�e entr�es upon and zns�ect�ons of�he Pr�perty. Lender sha�� <br /> g�ve Borrower notice at the tzme of�r prior�fl an znsp�cti��n spec�fyzng reasonab�e cause for th�inspe��zon. <br /> C�ndemnation.The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direc�or conseque�tial, in conx�ec�ian with any <br /> condemna�ion�r o�her taking of any par�af�he Property, ar fvr conv�yance �n��eu of candemnat�on, are hereby <br /> asszgned and sha��be pa�d�o Lender. <br /> �n the �v�n� af a to�a� �aking of�he Proper�y, �he proceeds sha�l be app�ied �4 �he sums secured by �his 5�curi�y <br /> �ns�rument, vvhether or no� �hen due, vvi�h an� excess paid to Borrower. �n th� even� af a pa�-�za� taking af the <br /> Properfiy in which the fa�r market vaXue af�he Praper�y immedia�ely befor� th� �ak�ng is equal to or greater�han <br /> �he amoun� of�he sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen� immediate�y befare �he tal�zng, un��ss BorroWer and <br /> Lender a�her�ise agree zn writ�ng,the sums secured by�his Securi�y Ins�rument sha��be reduced by�he amoun�of <br /> the proceeds mul�ip��ed by the follavving fractinn: (a� �he�otal am�un�of�he sums secured zmrnedia�ely before�he <br /> �aking, d�vided by �b� the fair m.arket va�ue af�he Pr�perty immedia�ely before the �aksng. A.�ay balance shall be <br /> �aid tQ Barrower. �n the event nf a par�zal �a��ng �f the Prap�r�y in which the fazr market va�ue of the Prap�r�y <br /> �mmed�ate�y before �he tak�.r�.g �s Iess �han �he amoun� of the sums secured �mmedia�e�y before �he �ak�ag, un�ess <br /> Borro�er and Lender atherw�se agree in wri�ing or un�ess App��cable Law o�herwise prnv�des, the proceeds shall <br /> be app�ied to the�ums secured by this Security�ns�rumen�vvhe�her nr nat the suxns are�hen due. <br /> If the Propert�y zs abandor�ed by Borravver, �r if, after notzce by Lender ta Barrower�ha��h� condemn.or offers t� <br /> make an award�r se�tl�a��airn.for damages,Borrawer fails�o respond�a Lender vvithin�h�m�nzmum nurnber of <br /> days�stab�ished by Applzcab��Law af�er�he date the notzce �s g�ve�,Lender�s au�horzzed to co��ect and app�y�he <br /> proceed�, a� i�s �p�ion, e��her �� res�ora�ian or repair of�he Praper�y �r �o �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> In��rument,whether ar r���.then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrow�r a�herwise agree in wri�ing, any app��cat�or� of pro�eeds�o princ�pa� sha�l nat ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due da�e of�t�ie payme�.ts due under the C�n�rac��r change�he amount of such payments. <br /> Borrower Nat ReleaSed; Forbearan�e By Lender N�� a Wa��er. E�tensian of the ��me for paymen� or <br /> madificatzon �f amor�iza�ion of the sums secured by th�s 5�curi�y Instru�men.� gran�ed by L�nder to Borrower or <br /> any successar in interes� of Borro�wer sha�l no� operate ta release �he liability of �he or�ginal Borrov�rer ar <br /> Barrower's suc�e�sors �n interes�. Lend�r shall not be requ�red to cammence prace�d�ngs against any su�ces�Qr in <br /> interes�ar r�fuse to extend��me far payment ar o�herwise modify amor�zzati�n of the sums secured by this Securzty <br /> �nstrument by reason of any demand made by �he orzgina� Borro�wer or Borrav�rer's successars �n �nteres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerczs�ng ar�y right ar rem�dy �hall not be a v�raiver of ar pre��ude the exercise of any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Succ�ss�rs and Ass�gns Bound; Joint and Sev�ral Liabiiity; Accamm�dation Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s of�h�s Secur�ty Zns�rumen� sha���znd and benef�the successnrs and assigns af Lender and B�rraw�r, <br /> subject ta �he pravzs�ons of sec�ian ��t�ed Transfer of the Prflperty or a Benef��a� Interest �n Borroyv�r. <br /> Borr��vver's cavenan�s and agreemen�s s�all be�oznti and several. Any person vvho ca-signs this Secur��y Ins�.m.e�.� <br /> but has no persona� lzabz��ty under the Con�ract �"Accommoda�ion S�gner"}: �a} zs co-signing �hzs Security <br /> Instrumen� only �o mar�gage, grant and convey that Accam.m�datiari S�gner's interes� �n �he Proper�u�ader �he <br /> terms of the 5ecurity �ns�rument; �b} xs no� persona��� obliga�ed t� pay the sums secured by this Se�ur�ty <br /> Znstrument; az�d��} agrees Lez�der and any o�her Borrovtrer may agr�e to extend, mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accommoda��nr�s�ri�h regard ta�he�erms�f this Securzt�y�ns�rument ar�he Con�rac�w�thau��ha�Accommadatzon <br /> Sl�ri��"{5 C�riS�ri�. <br /> Laan Charges. �f the loan secured by �h�s Secur�� Ins�rumen� is subjec� #o a law Whzch set� max.�mum Ioan <br /> charges, and�ha�Iaw is fir�a�ly in�erpreted so �ha��he �nterest ar o�her�oan charges cn��ected nr to be coll�cfed in <br /> connec�ion w�th th� Ioan exceed the permit�ed limits, �hen: �a} any su�h loan charge shall be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary t� reduce the charge�o the permi�ted �im�i.ts and (b} any sums already ct�liec�ed fr�m Barrower <br /> vvhich exceed�d perm��ted limi�s w��I be r�funded to Borrower. Lender may choas� �n make this refund by <br /> reduci_t�.g �he principa� o�ved under tih.� Cantrac� or by making a direct paym.ent�a Borrower. If a refund reduces <br /> princ�pa�,�he r�duc��on�vi1�be�reated as a par��a�prepayment under the Contrac�. <br /> No�iees. Any not��e �o Borrow�r provided f�r in �his SeGurity �nstrument shall be gi�en by de�ivering it ar by <br /> mailixzg�t by f rst c�ass mail uxa.less Applicab�e La,w requ�res us�vf an�ther meth�d. The no�ice sha11 be direc�ed to <br /> �he Property Address or any o�her address Barrow�r des�gr�.a�es by no��ce �� Lender. Borrou�er agrees �a pravz�e <br /> Lender v�ith B�rrawer's mflst current mailing add.ress, as i� may change from��me-to-�zme. Any notzce �a Lend�r <br /> shal�be given by f rs�class mail�o Lender's address sta�ed here�n or any o�her address Lend�r deszgnates by notice <br /> to BarrQwer. An�not�ce provided far in this Security Ins�rumen�sha��be deeme�.to ha�e b�en given to Barrov�er <br /> ar Lender vvhen given a�prav�ded�n�his paragraph. <br /> G� Law; Se�erahi��ty.This 5ecur��y Instrumen�sha�1 b�governed by federal�avv and the�a�s of�he s�a�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n �he event that any pro�ision or c�ause vf�h�s S ecur�ty Instrurnent or �he ��n�ract confl�c�s v�i�h <br /> Applicable Lav�, such cor�flic� sha�� na�affec� other prov�sions of this Securi�y Ins�rum�n� or�he Con�ract vtjhich <br /> can be given effec�Wi�haut�.ie conflic��ng provis�oa�. To th�s end�he prov�sions af�his Secur�ty Instrumen�and�he <br /> �antract are dec�ared t�be severable. <br /> Bflrrower's�opy.Borrov�er sha1l be given ane copy of�his Security Zns�rument. <br /> C�2044-20I 5 CompI�anGe Systems,Ir�c.8C5�#-05 I 8-2��5.I 1,3.1498 <br /> Cansurner Real Estate-Security Ir�stnzment DL2a35 Page 3 vf 5 www,cpmpliancesystems.c�m <br />