2� 1 ��2853
<br /> �r, a��h�a�ti�n of fhe B�n�fi�iary, may far�GIos�th�Trus��e�d in th� �na�rr�r provided by la�r fQr th�
<br /> f�recl�sure �f rnc�rtga�es �n rea� �rap�rty, in��uding fih� �ppoinfimer�t af a R�c�iv�r upan e� p�rte
<br /> �p�li�tiQn, n��i�e b��ng her�b� �x�r�ss�y w�iv�d, �ith�ut rega�d �� th� v�1ue �f th� ��op�rty ar the
<br /> �uf�ici�r�cy�h�re�f t� d[�char���h� ind�b��dne�s s�cure� he��b��r in �he [�an agreem�n���}_ �elay
<br /> by �eneficiar� in exerci�i�g i�s rights up�n defaui��rif I n�� be ��nstru�d �s a �raiv�r �h�re�af and any
<br /> � ac�af Beneficiar��vanring �ny�peci�ied �efault�vill no� k���an�tru�d as a v�rai��r�of an}r futur� de�ault_
<br /> [f the p��ce�ds und�r �uch sale or fare�l��ure �re insufFici�nt�� �ay th� tatal indebtednes� s�cure�
<br /> h�re��r, T�ustar��� da hereby agree�ta be pers�r�aliy boun�t� pay�h� un��i� b�lance, and Benefi�iary
<br /> vwill b�en�i�l�d t�a d�fici�nc}�jud�rnen�.
<br /> S. �hau[d Bet��fiGiary el��� ta ex�rcise ��� �o�e�r �f Sal� grat���d her�i�, Benefi�i�ry �ill natif�
<br /> Trus��e�rhv�rill record, publi�h, �nd d�liver t�Trust�r�s} su�h Nv�i��flf�efaul��and Notic�nf�are a�
<br /> fhen re�uired ��law�r�d v���l in �he manner prQ�ri���1 by Ia�r, �ell �he prvper�y at the�ime ��d place vf
<br /> sal� fi�ed in th� Nofic� af Sale, eith�r� a� a �h�Ie �r in �e�ara�� I��s, par�e[s, �r it�rns an� �n such
<br /> �r��r as Tru�t���ill d��rn �xp��i�nt. Ar�y p�rs�n �na�bi�at the sal� in�[udin� Trus�ar�s�= Tru�t��, �r
<br /> B�n�ficiary.
<br /> 9. T�us������ he�eby r��u�s�s a co�y of an� Notice �f Qe�auC� or Na�i�e of Sale hereund�r t� �e
<br /> mai[�d by��rtified maiI t�Trustar�s�at th�a�dre�s(es�set f�r�h h�re'rn.
<br /> 'I�, L�pon �efauit, ��ne�iciar�r, ei�he� in pe�san �r �� a�ent, �ri�� a� �rith�ut brin�in� an� acti�n ar
<br /> pr�ce��ing �nd �i#h ar v�i�hout r�gar�� �� fhe valu� �f �f�e �r��erty or th� s�uffi�ier��y �h�re�f ta
<br /> dis�ha�g� the ind��tedr���s s���ur�d h���by, �s a��horiz�d and �nt��[�d t� �nte� �por� and �ak�
<br /> p�sses���r� of�h� p�op�rty in i�s ow� n�m� or in�h� n�m� �f��e Trus�e� an� d� any a��s ar e�p�nd
<br /> �ny sur�ns i� ��ems n�c��s�r�+ or �e�irabl� to pra�ect 4r pre�er�� the r�arue of th�� proper#y Qr an�
<br /> interes� �h�re�n, ar ir��r�ase th� inco�ne ther�fr�m; an� �i�h or v�ri�hou� taking �o�se$sion af the
<br /> pro��rt�r is authori�e� t� �u� fv� or other�rise c�[IeGt the rents, issue�, cro�s, p�afits, and incom�
<br /> fh�re�f, incl�d�n� th4�� pa�� �u� an� unp�i�, and �pply #h� sam� upvn any ind��tedn�ss s��ur�d
<br /> hereby or in th�loan a�r��rx�er�t�s�. �
<br /> Na r�m��y h�r�in ��nferr�� u�an �r r�serv�d t�Tr�us��� �r�B�nefi�iar� is in��r����#� b� e�c�iusi�re �of
<br /> any �ther� rem��y F��r�in �r �y !��►�r pr���rid�d �r ���rni�t�d, but ea�h �ill b� �urnui��iv�, �ri[I be in
<br /> a��itian �v ev�ry o�h��r r��rn�dy�iv�n her�un�er-or no�nr �r her�eaft�r �xisting at [aw Qr in e�u"r�r r�r b�
<br /> st�tute, and may be exercised cancurr�n�ly, ir��ependen�l�r ar s�cc�ssively-
<br /> '11. T�us�ar€s� a�kna�l�dges th�t th� du�i�s an� obligatio�s af Tr�ste� �i[! b� �etermined sQ�e3y �y
<br /> th� e��pr�ess pra�risi�ns �f thi� Trv�t a��d vr t�e N�braska Trus� I���ds A�t �n� Tr�ust�e will nQ�t �e
<br /> liab[� �x��pt far the p�rFarrn�nGe of s��h ��ties and �bli�ation� �s are s���ifiGaliy s��f��h th�r��n,
<br /> and �� irnpl�e� �av�na�ts �r obligatians �riil �e imp�s�d �pon Tru�fie�; Truste� �i11 nat b� liable for
<br /> arty ac�ion b� i�in goa�f�i�h ar�d r�asona�ly�eli��e� by i�to �e auth�r���� �r�vithi� the �is�reti�n or
<br /> rights��F�o��r�co�f�rr�d u��t� i�b�thi�Trust D�e� or stat�I�w.
<br /> 1�. Th� inte�rity ar�� r�s��n�ibility af T�U���r�s� �onsti�utes a �ar� �f �he ��nsi��Fatiar� for th�
<br /> ��lig�tior�s secur�d h�r�by. �hou[d Trust�r4�} s�ll, '�ransf�r, ar��nvey�he �r�pert��e���ihe� h�re�n,
<br /> �ri�h�ut pri�r v��i�ten �ansen� of ��t�eficiar�, Ben�fici��y, a� its apti�n, may de�[ar� �he en��re
<br /> i����tedness i�nme�ia�e�y �ue �n� �a�rabl� and m�y pr���e�� in the e�tf�rcem�n� �f its righ�� as �n
<br /> �ny a�h�r�l�fau«.
<br /> ' 'I�. T���Trustvr�s� i�, an� shall �or�fi�u�t�be,�uly argani��d, vaIi�[y��isting an� Ie���Iy�ualifi��t�
<br /> ��b�sine�s un��r the Ia�v�s af�he s�ates in v�rhiGh Tru�����s}op�r�fies, in�Qrnplian���rith fe�eral, sta�s
<br /> and la�al la�rs ar regulafions, an� �a�s l�gaI au�f�arity in su�h stafe�-tv �an�uc� Tru�t��-��� �us�r����
<br /> �perativn� and to a�rtirn ag�i+cultur�l r�a� es�at�. N� chang� ha� been ma�e in the name, av�n�r��h�p,
<br /> c�n�rvl, r�l�ti�nship, le��l status ar �r�ani�ativ�al and f�rm��iar� �ocur�ner�ts af ar��r und�rsigned
<br /> Tru�tQr���sin�e the tirn�an�su�h �nf�rmatio��as !as#pra�rid�d t� Ben��iciar�r.
<br /> '�4. Tf��t if Tru�tar�s}, �� �nyon� sigr�ing �hi� T�u�� ��e�, �� � �irni�e� liabi[ity c�mp�n�, that ��os�
<br /> si�ning an behalf �f said limit�� liability ��r�npany �nst��u�� a ma��ritjr af tf�e managers ar r�nem��rs
<br /> th�reaf, and that t�� ex�cutia� �f this Tru�t Dee� is in t�� ordinar� c�urse �f t�� limi�e� I�abili�y
<br /> c�mpan�'s busines�a�d has�een �uthot-i��d by it�m�mb�r�_
<br /> 'I5. A�s�gnrn�nt�f F��n�s �n�l�a�ir�� Proce�ds�f�lin��al Le�se�. Tru��4r4s� ���eby a�signs, �r�nsfers,
<br /> an� ��nveys t� Ben�f�ia�y�II r�t��s, roya[�ie�, banus��, and del�y r-n�neys or ot��t-�r�c�eds�ha�may
<br /> fr�m t�rn� ��tim� b��om� du� ��� pa�a�l� und�r any r�al esta�� I�a�� or u�der any�il, �as, gra�r�[,
<br /> r�ck, Qr a�h�r rnineral leas� �f �r�y kind inc�uding g�oth�rt�nal r�s�urc�s n��rv �xistin� �r �ha� may
<br />