2� 1 ��2853
<br /> �lear af��[ �ien� and en�umaranc�s, e�ce�t�ncumb�-�n��s af r�ear�, �nd th�t Tr�star�s� �rvill �ruar�ar��
<br /> and d�fet�d �he pro�er�y, at Trust�r��� ��per�s�, against �li �fairnant� Uvhamso�ver. T�u�t�r�s� �lso
<br /> h�re�� �aives ��d re�inquish�s a11 ri�hfis af d��e�, h��n��t�ad, di�tr�butiv� share, and ���rnpt��� in
<br /> �nd to�he ab�����s�rib�d p��p�rt�.
<br /> Trust�r��� and �a�h af#hern fUrther �over�a�nt� and a�rees v�ith, �r ��rt�fi�� �o, E�en�f��i�ry as
<br /> f��1Q�s:
<br /> �I. T� p�y al� li�n�, ju��m�n�s, �r�tf��r assessm�nts a�ain��#he p��p�rty, and t� pa�r v�rh�n ��� alf
<br /> a���ssm�nts, �ax�s, rents, fees, ar�harg�s upon �h� pr��er�y c�r under an}� l�ase, permit, licen��, or
<br /> priv'rle�e a��igned fn gen�fici�r-y as �ddi�i�nal se�urit�r �v this Trus� ae�d, in��u�ir�� thase in or on
<br /> p�bli�dQm�rr�.
<br /> �. T�insure a�d k�ep in�ure� bu�[dir�gs a�� other[mprav�r�n�r�ts incl�uding fi�ctu���and �tta�hm�nts
<br /> r���r �n ar her�aft�r pla�c�� �n �1�� pr�op�rty to �he sa�isfac�i�n vf �enefi�i�ry. �u�cF� �nsu`�n�� �nrill ��
<br /> �n�a���� �rith a Ivss p�ya�Ee �l�us�tv Ber��ficiary. �n demand, Trus��r v�ril I furnish ��'r� p�l icie� �r
<br /> pr��f of insur�nc� �o B��ef�iary. Any ��ums s� r���iv�� by B�e��ef�c�a�y ma� be used to pa� f�r
<br /> r���nst�-u�tion �f th� destrayed irnpr�vem�nt� �r if n�t s� ��p�ied rn�y b� appli�d, at the �ptian �f
<br /> Ben�fi�iary, in paym�nf af�ny indeb��dness rn�tur�d or u�rr��tur�d �e�ured by#his Tru�� ae�d. 5uch
<br /> . ir�surance�iRl be in an am�unt at least�qua[#�the I�sse�-�f�h� [��n ba[�nc�,th�actu�l cash v�Iu�of
<br /> . th� ��lIat�ra[, �r th� ���la�cemen����t of�he prap�r#y, and �+i11 a�� minirnum, c�v�r_[�s�es �aus�d by
<br /> fir�, �igh�nirr�, �xplvsian, �i�t, air�ra�t, �ehic[�s, �r�n�alism, �iWil �omrnati�n, srn�ke, �vindstorrr�, and
<br /> h�il. Trusfar�s� �ill vb�in and k�ep flo�� insuranc� in fio�ce �� ����r lasses a��Flo�d as requi��d b�r
<br /> Ben�ficia�-y �nd by the Nati�nar Fl�od Insuran�e A�� �f '[9�8, a� arnend�d, an� by re�u[a�i�n�
<br /> i�np[emen#ing �h� ��me. Trustar��} furth�r agr��that Beneficiary is nox �nd �ril� nat b� �ia�a[e f�r an�
<br /> failur� b�Trust���s}�r by any insu��r,f�r�rha��v�r r�as�n, tQ�btain �nd ke�p this insur�n�e ir�force.
<br /> 3. T� ke�p all bui�dings, fx��rr�s, a�ta�hmen#s, and other impr��rem�n�s n���n �r h�rea�t�r p�ace�
<br /> an th� p��per��r occu pi�d an� �n goad r���air, rnain��nan��= and condi�i�n and to n�i�h�r ��rn m if nor
<br /> p�erm it an� a�ts of v�rast� v�any �m p��rm�nt�f.the v�l u� af fih� pr��erty. Beneficia�y ma��nt�r up�n
<br /> the pra�erty ta inSp�ct �h� �am� ar #� perf��m �ny ��s au�f�ori��d h�r�in ar in tf�� Gredit
<br /> agr��m�nt�S�.
<br /> 4. I n the ���nt Trustar�s� fai�s t� �ay �ny Iiens, �udg r�n�nt�, a�s�ssme�ts, �a�e�, �e�fis, fe��, or
<br /> G�arg�� or ma'rn�air� any insuran�� �n the ���p�rty, buii�ings, fixkur��s, ait�cl�mer�ts, �r im�r�v�men�s
<br /> as �t�ovid�d her�in ot�it�the la�n agre�m�nt�s�, ����fci�.ry, a�its vp�ion, ma�r mal�����h p��rt�r��r�ts or
<br /> provide insur�nc�, m�intenanc�, ar repairs a�d any �mau��s �aid �het��f�r �r�ll b��am� p�rt af #h�
<br /> principal ir�d�b��dn��� se�ure� ht�reby, b� irnme��at�[y du� a�nd p�yable �n� b�a� i�t�r�st at th�
<br /> d�f�ul� rate �rovid�d in �he nat��s} �r c��dif ag��eme�t�s� from th� date �f pa�m�nt until pai�. Th�
<br />- advar���rn�n� by Ben�fi�ia�-y �f �ny su�h amaur�t� v�rifl in n� m�n��r limit th� �-igh� Qf Ben�ficiar�r ta
<br /> d�c�ar�Trus��r��} ir�d�faul��r�x��rcise any�f B�n�fici�ry's o#h�r ri�hts�n� re�n�di�s.
<br /> 5, In �f�� ev�n� B�r��fici�r� is a party t� any Iifi�ati�n aff�cf�ng the prflp�rt� ar�h� [i�n �f this Tr�us�
<br /> ��ed, including any ac�ion ��r Beneficiary to er�f�rce this Trus� Deed �r any�uit in v�hi�h �en��icia�y is
<br /> narn�d a defendan� �in�lr��ing con�emna�i�n and bank�uptcy pr�ce�ding�� B�ne�i�ia�y may i��ur
<br /> e��er��es and advance payments fo� �bstra�t f��s, �#��m�y� f��� �t� �he ��tent a[Iowed by [�w}, ,
<br /> co���, e�pens�es, ap�rai�a[ �e��, �nd o�her ch�rg��and an�r a�n�un�� so�d�ar�ce�v�rill b���me �ar��f
<br /> f.he �rin�ipa[ ind�b�edn�ss ���ured �t����y, be imm�di�teRy�u� ��d p�y�bI� �nd b�ar� in��r���t ��th�
<br /> d�f�ul�r�t�pr�vi��� ir��kh�na���s��r��r�di���r��rri�nt�s�from t�te�ate af ad�rar���u��i[ pair�.
<br /> �.� Ar�y��rards mad��a Trustor�s}or their successors by th��xet��is�of emin�nt damain�re h�r�by
<br /> �ssi�ne� t� Benefi�i�ry; and Ben�fr�i�r� is h�r�by �ut�tariz�� ta ��ll��f a�nd �ppl� t�� ��rn� in
<br /> p�ym�n�of an}��nd���edn�ss, matur��r ur�m�tured, se�ur�� by this Trusfi D�e�.
<br /> '�. [n �h� ��e��vf def�u[t i� th� payrn�nt v�rh�n d�� af any sums secured he�-�by�prin�ip�I, int�r�s�,
<br /> a��anc�m�nts, or prot��tive adv�n��s}, Qr f�ilure ta�erfat�t�n ar�bserv�any�avenants�nd �on�iti�n�
<br /> c�ntain�d h�r��n, in �he �ate�s�, �r�d�t�g��em��t�s�, �r any o�her inst�um�nts, ar any proceedin�s is
<br /> brou�ht ur��er �ny B�nkrupt�y la�s, Beneficiary, at it� o�fiion, may d��l�re �h� entir� �n�ebt���es�
<br /> �e�ured her��by�a b� �rnrrt�di�#�ly�u� ar��i pay�bl� ar�d the�h�le �ilr bear int�rest at�he ��faul� ra��
<br /> as pr�vided in th� r�ot���� �r �red�� ��r��mer���s� �r�d �en�ficiar� may irn�n�di�tel� au�ho�i��Trust�e
<br /> ����c�r�ise the Pov�rer vf Sale grant�d f�er�it� in�he mannet-pr�vided in�h� Nebr�sk�Trus�D�eds Act,
<br />