2� 1 ��2831
<br /> V1lHEN REC�RDE�3 MAiL T�:
<br /> Five Pvints Bank
<br /> Svufh Branch
<br /> 3'1'!'I W.Stolley Pk. Rd.
<br /> Grand island NE 68801 _ F�R REC�RDER�S USE�NLY
<br /> ---..; .
<br /> ��DD040���1a�295457�340�5�52��6�
<br /> �EEo oF T�usT
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRlJST is dated May 5, ��16, amang JANET STANDER and RAY�II�ND L
<br /> STAN1]ER; V1Jife and Husband �"Trustar"}; Five Pvints gank, vWhose address is Svuth Bran�h,
<br /> 3'i'i'I �IIr. Stolley Pk� �d., Grand �sland, NE �88�'I �referred to belv►►v sometimes as rrLender"
<br /> and somet�mes as "Beneficiary"}; and Fi►►e Pvints 6ank, whase add�ress is P.� Bvx 'I aD7. Grand
<br /> fsland. NE �88��-7��7 �referred tv be��w as "Truste�"}.
<br /> C�NVEYANCE AN❑ GRANT. Fvr�aluable cvnsideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in trust, WITH POWER ❑F SALE,
<br /> far the henef�t v� Lender as Ben�ficiary, all ❑f Trustor's right, ti�le, and in�eres� in and �o �he following described real
<br /> property, toge�her with all exis�ing vr subsequently erec�ed or a�fixed buiEdings, impra�ements and fixtures; alf
<br /> easemenfis, rights of way, and appur�enances; a�i water, water �ights and ditch rights �in�fuding stack in utilifiies with
<br /> di�ch vr irriga�ion rights�; and a�l a�her rights, royal�ies, and prafi�s rela�ting to the rea[ praperty, incfuding with�u�
<br /> lim��tatian all minerals, ail, gas, gevthermal and similar matters, {the "Real Prope�ty"} �a�ated in HALL
<br /> Caunty, State of Nehraska:
<br /> See EXHIBIT A, which is atta�hed tv this Deed vf Trust and made a part vf this Deed vf
<br /> Trust as if fully set fvrth herein.
<br /> The Real Prvperty nr its address is �ommaniy knvwn as FARM �RaUNi7, �RAND 15LAN�3, NE.
<br /> CR�SS-GOLLATERALIZATI�N. ln addi�ion to the Note, this D��d af Trust secures all ob�igati�ns, debts and liabilities,
<br /> plus interes�fihereon, o�Trustar�o Lender, or any one ❑r more of them, as we�� as all claims by Lender agains�Trusfior
<br /> or any ❑ne or mor� ��them, whether now existing or her�after arising, whether related v�- unre�a�ed�o the purpose of
<br /> the Nate, whether �vluntary vr otherwise, whe-ther due �r not due, direct ❑r indirect, determined or undetermined,
<br /> absoEute or c�ntingen�, liquidated ❑r unftquidat�d, whe�ther Trustvr may he liabl� Fndi�idually ❑r jvint�y with �thers,
<br /> whether obligated as guarantvr, surefiy, accvmmodativn party or otherwise, and whefihe�- recvWery upon su�h amvunts
<br /> may be or hereafter may become barred by any s�katute❑f limi�a�ions, and whether the abliga�ion��repay such amoun�s
<br /> may be or hereaf-ter may become otherwise unen�arceable.
<br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. !n addition to�he Nvfie,this Deed vf Trust secures a!��uture ad�ances made by Lender�o Trustar
<br /> whether ❑r nat the adWances are made pursuan�ta a commi�ment. Speci�ica�ly, withou� limita�ion, this Deed v�Trust
<br /> secures, in addition ta the am�unts speci#ied in the Nv�e, all future amaunts Lender in its discretivn may laan �a
<br />