2� 1 ��283�
<br /> C3EEC3 �3F 7'�t�51�
<br /> �Continued� pa�e �
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in�vnnection with the cvndemnat+on.
<br /> 1�IIP�SITlC]N aF'T►4)C�S, FEES�tN� CHARGES Bl'G�VERNMENTAL AUTHUR�TIES. The fotlowing prv�risivns re�ating
<br /> to g��err►menta�#axes,f�es and charg�s a�e a part of�his❑�ed a�Trust:
<br /> Current TaxQs, Fees �nd �harges. Upo� reques� by Lender, Trustvr shaSl execute such d�cuments in addi#�on t�
<br /> this Qe�d at�"r-ust and take whate�er ofher actian is requested by Lender to perfect and cvntinue Lsnder's lien❑n
<br /> the F�eai Praperty. Trust�r shaii reimburse Lender f�r af� taxes, as described iaetow, tagethe+�wit#� a�� expenses
<br /> in�urred in recarding, per��ct�ng ar c�ntinuing �his ❑e�d af Trust, �n�lud�ng withQu# limitation af1 taxes, fees,
<br /> dvcum�ntary stamps,and other charg�s fo�r-ecarding vr r�gist�rin�this D�ed c�f Tr�st.
<br /> Taxes. 7h� �ol�ouu�n� shalf constitute �axes ta which this �e�tion appliss: 4'!} a �p�cific tax upon this type of
<br /> Deed vf Trust❑r upvn ai� or any part vf th� �ndebtedness secured by th+s Deed a�Trust; �2� a s�ecif�tax vn
<br /> Trust�r which Trus�o�is authori�ed❑r required tv deduct fr�m payments on the�ndebtedness secured by this type
<br /> Q�Deed of Trust; �3� a tax on this type�t Deed vt Trt�st ch�rgeable aga�nst the L�nder vr the ho�der Qt th�C�ed�t
<br /> Agreemen#; and t4} a s{aecif c tax vn all ❑r any p�rtion of th� indebtedness or on �ra�rr}ents c�f pr�nc+paf and
<br /> in�eres#made by Trustor.
<br /> �ubsequent Tax�s. �f an� tax to v�hich this section appiies is enacted su�sequ�nt �o the date af this []�ed v�
<br /> Trust, th�s event shatl have fhe same eifect as an �U�nt o� Qefault, and Lender may exercise any or a�� a� �ts
<br /> a�a+lab�e remedies for an Even# of Qe�ault a� pro�ided �etovu uniess Trustvr eith�r ��} �a�s the tax be�Fare it
<br /> becvmes delir�quent, ar �2� cantests the tax as�ro��ded ahv►�e in�he Taxes and Liens sectfon and depasits with
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient�orparat�surety bond or other security satisfactory ta Lender.
<br /> SECURlTY A�REEMENT; FfN►4NCiNG STATEMENTS. The fol�owing prvui�ions relating �o this De�d ❑f Trust as a
<br /> se�urity a�re�ment ar�a part o€�hss Deed Qf Trust:
<br /> Securit� Agreement. This instrument sha�t cnn��itute a SeGuraty Agreement to the extent any af the Property
<br /> constitutes frxtures, and Lender sha!! have a11 vf the righfs vf a secur�d p�rty under#he Un�f�rm Cvrx�mercial Code
<br /> as am�nded frvm#ime ta time.
<br /> Secur�it}� �nter�s#. Llpan reques# b�►Lender, Trustor sha�i take whateve�act+an is requested by Lender ta perte�t
<br /> and cantinue Lender`s security interest in the Persr�nal PrQRerty. In additi�n to recording th�s Deed o#Trust�n th�
<br /> rea� properky records, Lender may, at any time and withvut further au#harizativn €rom Trustor, file exe�uted
<br /> �flun#erparts, cvp�es or reprvductions of thEs Deed vt Trus# as � fnancing statement. Trustar sha�f re'smburse
<br /> Lender for a�� expenses incur�ed in �aerfec#ing or c�ntinuing this security interest. Llpon de€au��, TrustQr�hall not
<br /> remoue, s�ver vr detach th� Personat Prvperty fram th� Prtiperty. �lp�n defau��, 7rustQr sha�i ass�mbte any
<br /> Persvnai Property nvt aff xed tv ths Prv�erty �n a manner and at a place reasonabiy �onven�ent #❑ Trustor and
<br /> Lender and �nake it available to Lender w+thin ti�ree ��j days a�ter recei�t v€►n�ritten demand frc�m Lender to the
<br /> ex�ent permitted by appticabte faw.
<br /> Address8s. The mailing addresses vf Trustor �debtor} and Lender [secured party� fram whi�h in#vrmat�vn
<br /> conCerning the security int�re$t gran�e�! by this Deed vt Trust may be obtained �each as requir�d by the Un�'�vrrx�
<br /> �ammercia!Code}ar�as stated vn the first page of this�eed af Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURAN�ES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FAGT. The fvflowing prvvisions reiat�ng to �urther assurances and
<br /> attor�ne�-in-�act are a par�of this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Further►�ssuranc�s. At any tsrne, and�ram tim�ta time, up�n request vf Lender, Trustor wi!! make, execute and
<br /> d��iwer, o�wi�! cause to be made,execu#ed or deliv�red,#o Lender ar#o Lender's designee,and when requested by
<br /> Lender, �aus�to b�f�ed, recvrded, ref��d, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and �n su�h �f��ces
<br /> an� p�a��s as Lender ma�deem apprvpriate, any and alt such mortgages, deeds Qf trust, se��rity de�ds, security
<br /> agreements, finar�cing statements, con#+nuation statements, instruments af fur�her assurance, cert�ficates, and
<br /> �th�r docum�nts as ma�, in the sole❑pinion o�Lender,b�necess�ry or-�esirab�� �n order to effectuate, compiete, �
<br /> p�rfect, continue, or prese�ve �1� Trus�vr-'s vbl�gatians under the Credit Agreement, this Deed of Trust, and the
<br /> �t�tated Do�uments, and (2} th� liens and securit� interests created by this �e� o€ Trust vn the Propert�,
<br /> wh�#her now owned or hereafter acquired by Trustor. �ln�ess pr��ibited by!aw ar Lender agrees to the�antrary in
<br /> w�-iting, Trustor sha�� reimburse Lender tvr a�f casts and expenses incurr�d in conr�ectian w�th t�e matt�r�s r�ferred
<br /> �a�n th�s�aragraph.
<br /> ►4ttorney-�n-�ac#. ��Trustor ta+�s ta do an�vf the things referrad tv in the preceding paragraph, Lender ma�d�so
<br /> �vr and �n�he name o�Trustar and at Trustor's expense. For such �ur�oses,Trustor hereby irre�ocabty appvints
<br /> L�nder as Trustor's a#tarn��-in-�ac#far the purpvse Qf m�k3ng,execut�ng, deli�ering,fr#ing, r��vrdtr��,and dr��ng a!!
<br /> ❑ther#��ngs as may �e necessary or�esirabie, in Lender's s��e ap�ni�n, to a�complish the mat�ers re�erred to ir�
<br /> the preced+ng paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. �f Trustar pays aii the Indebtedness wh�n due,term�nates the c��dit line account,and otherwise
<br /> p�rfcarm�ati the ob�igations impas�d upon Trustt�r under#his Deed of Trust,Lender shaii execu#e and dsl+�er ta Truste�
<br /> a �eques# ��r� fu�! r�econuey�nc� �nd shat[ execute and def i�rer t� Trustor su�tab�e s�atemer�ts of termination v� any
<br /> financing statement oh file evidencing Lender's secur#�y xnterest in the Rents and the Persana� Prnperty. Ar�y
<br /> r�c�vnvey�nce tee required by!aw shal�be paid by Trustor,if perm+tted by app�icab�e�aw.
<br /> EVENTS QF�EFAULT. Trustor vwt!! be in de�au�#under th��❑e�d of Trusf if any vf the foi�awing happen: �A} Trustor
<br /> camm�ts �raur� or makes a mater�a� misrepresentation at any time in conne�t�o� with#he Creda#Agreement. This can
<br /> include, for examp�e, a �alse statement about �`rustor�`� incame, assets, liabiliti�s, ❑r any other aspect� vf Trus�c�r`s
<br /> ftn�ncial canditian. �g} Tr�st�r daes nvt me�t the repaym�nt terms of the�redit Agree�sn�. �C} Trustvr's activn or
<br /> �nact��n ad�rerse�y affects th� cvitatera� ❑r Lender's ri��ts ir� ths cvllateraf. This can inciud�, far exampfe, f�i�ure tv
<br /> mair�tain r{equired insc�ran��,waste or destructive use of the dweliing,�ai�ure to pay taxes,�eath of a!!p�rsQns fiabfe on
<br /> th� account, t�-ansfer of titie or sal� of the dwe�l�ng, creatian v€ a senivr lien vn the dwe{ling without Lender's
<br /> perm+ssion,foreclasure by t�e ho�der�f anathQr 1�en,or'the use of funds or the dwelting fvr proh'tbi#ed purposes.
<br /> RlGHTS AND REMEC]tES DN DEF►4ULT. tf an E�ent o�f De�au�t oc�urs under#h�s Deed of Trust, at any t�me therea�ter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exerc�se any Qne vr more of the following rights and r�m�dses:
<br /> ►4cceferativn Upvn Defau�t;additiona�Remed�es. !f any Event of Default occurs as per the terms of the�redi�
<br /> Agreer�en�secur�d hereby, Lende�may deciare all �ndebtedness secured by���s Deed of Trust ta be due and
<br /> payab�e and the same shal��hereupon be�vrr�e due and payable wi#h�ut any presen�ment,demand, �rvtest ar
<br /> nvti�e�f any kind. Thereafter, Lend�r may:
<br /> �a} Either in person vr by agen#, with or witt�aut br�ng�ng any activn vr proceed�ng, or by a r-eceiVe�
<br /> appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy a�its secur�ty, ��ter u�avn and take pvssessian
<br /> of the Property,vr any part thereaf, in i�s o►nrn name or ir�the name�f Trustee,and do ahy acts which it
<br /> deems neeessary or desirable#Q preserve the va�ue,marketabi�ity vr rentabili#y��#he Pro�erty,or part af
<br /> the Pro�vert7�or interest in the Praperty; increas�the i�came�rQm the Proper�y vr protect fhe security af
<br /> the Prvperty; an�, wit� v�-without tak�r�g poss�ssion of the Prvperty, sue for or�t��rw�se co��ect �he
<br /> r�ents, issues and profits of th� Property, inciud�ng those past due an� unpaid, and app�y the same, iess
<br /> Gosts and expenses of a�eratian and co!lect��n att�rneys`fees,ta any indebtedness secured by tt��s De�d
<br /> o€Trus�, a�l in such order as Lender may determine. The ent�ring upon and tak�ng possession of the
<br /> Praper�y, the caliectian ❑f such rents, issue� and prc�fits, and the appsicafivn ther�af shat� nat cure or
<br />