2� 1 ��283�
<br /> �EEQ �F -r�us-r
<br /> ���Dntinu�d} Page 3
<br /> Rolicies shall be written in fv�m, amaunts, ca�erages and basis reasanably ac�eptable to Lender and �ssued by a
<br /> company or cvm�anies reasonab�y acceptable�o Lende�. Trus#or, upan r�quest of Lender, wi!! de�iv�r to Lende�
<br /> �rom time to time the pali�ies or certificat�s caf insurance in�vrm sa�is�ac�ory to Lender, inctuding stipuiativns that
<br /> coverages wi!! nat bs can�el�ed o�dimin�shed withvut at ieast thirty[3D}days prior written nv�ic�:tv Lende�. Each
<br /> insu�ance policy also shaii include an �ndorsement p�oviding tha�coverage in fa�or of Lender wi11 nat be impair�d
<br /> in any way by any act,vmisston or defauit of Trustar ar any o#her persan. Should the#�ea�Prvperty be�ocated in
<br /> an area designated by the Administr-ator o�the Fede�ral Em��rgency Manag�ment Agency as a s�ecta�flood haza�d
<br /> area, Tr�stvr agrses to abfain and maintain Federal Flood Insuran�e, if aUai�ab�e, fo� the maximum �maunt af
<br /> Trustor's credit line and th�ful�unpaid principal balance a�€any priar�iens nn the prpperty securing ths loan, up to
<br /> the max�m�tm po�icy iim�ts set under the National Flavd lnsurance Prvgram,c�r as atherwise required by Lender�and
<br /> #a maintain such insurance fvr the te�m�t the Ivan.
<br /> App�icatian a#Pra�eed�. Trustv�sha�l promptiy natify Lender of any lass or damage to�he Property. Lender may
<br /> make proaf of Ivss if 7'rustor�ails to dv so wi�h�n ftf#e�n (�15} days ��the �asualty. Whether or nv# Len�er's
<br /> secUrity�s impa�red, L�nd�r may, at Lender's elec�ion, receive and retain the p�vcseds af any insurance and app�y
<br /> the proceeds ta the reduc�i�n of the �ndebtedn�ss, payment of any lien a�f�cting#he Property, or the res�o�ation
<br /> and repa�r of the Prope�ty. �f Lend�r elect�ta ap�ly the pro���ds to restu�ation and repair, T�ustor shall re�air vr
<br /> repla�� the damaged or d�strayed fmprorrements in a manner satisfactary to Lender. Lende�r shall, u�on
<br /> satisfactory proof vf su�h ex�end+ture, pay or reimhu�se Trusta� �ram th� pracseds �or the reasonable cflst of
<br /> rep�ir or restoration s� T�ustor 3s nvt in defaul� under this Deed v�f Trust. Any proceed� which have nat been
<br /> disbursed within 18Q days after their recespt and whsch Lend�r has not Gvmmit�ed to the repair vr restoration a�
<br /> th� PrQp��ty sha�i be used first t� pay any am�unt owing tv Len��r under this Deed af Trust,then tv pay accrued
<br /> inter�5t, and the remainder, if any, sha�l be applied t� the p�-incipat balance ��F#he Indebtedness. �f Lender hvlds
<br /> any �ruceeds af#er paymen# in fu�f of #he Indehtedness, such proceeds shaSs be paid to Trustor as Trusto�-'s
<br /> interests may a�pear.
<br /> Comp�san�e with Exis#ing �ndehtedness. During the per�od in which any Exssting �ndebtedness described beiow is
<br /> in effect, cvmptiance with the insurance pravisians �on�a�ned in th� instrumen� evidencing such Existsng
<br /> Sndebfedness �ha�i constitute com��iance with the �nsurance prvvssians under this �3e�d of Trust, to the exten#
<br /> com�liance wi�h the t�rms af th�s Deed of Trust would constitute a dupli�ca#ion ot insu�ance requsrement. ��any
<br /> proceeds frpm the insuranc�become paya�le on I��s,the provssivns�n this �]eed of Trust fvr di�isivn of Qroceeds
<br /> sha�l app�y anly tfl that pv�#ion vf th�prv�eeds not payable to the holder of the Exis�ing lndebtedness.
<br /> LEND�R'S EXPENDiTURES. 1f Trus#vr �ails (A} to keep the Praperty �ree of asl #axes, f�ens, security interests,
<br /> encumbrances, and vther c�a�ms, tB} to prvr�ide any required insurance on the Pro¢erty, �G� tv make repairs to the
<br /> Praperty o�ta �ompty with any�bliga��vn to mainta�n Exist{ng �nde��edness in good standins as re�uired helow, then
<br /> Lender may do so. If any actian or prv�eeding fs cvmmenced that wouid mater�al�y a�fe�t L�nder's intsrests in the
<br /> Property, then Lender vn Trustar's heha�# may, bc�t is nvt requir�d tv, take any activn that Lender helieves tv ��
<br /> appropriate tv p�v�ect Lender's interests. Al� ex�enses incur�ed ar p�aid by Le�+de�for su�h pu�poses wi11 then bear
<br /> interest at �he rate charged under the Credit Ag�-eement fram the date incurred or paid by Lend�r to the date of
<br /> �-epayment by Trusta�. �1i such expenses will aecome a pa�t vf the lndebtednes�and, at L�nder�s+vptian, wi11 (A) be
<br /> payab[e ❑n demand; {B� be add�d to the haiance of the Credit Agreement and be a�partivned among and be payab�e
<br /> with, any tnsta�lment paymen�s�o becom�due during�i�her ��} the term a�any�ppiicable insurance palicy;or �2} �he
<br /> remaining term vf the Gredst Agreement;or �C� �e tre�ted as a bailaon Qayment which wi!!b�du�and payable a�the
<br /> Credit Agreemen�'s maturity. Th� Deed of Tt�ust a�s�wsll sec��e payment�f these amvunts. The rights�rvvided fvr in
<br /> this pa�agraph sha3� be sn addition#❑ any ather rights or any remed+es to which Lend��may be entit4ed vn account of
<br /> any de�aur�. Any such actton �y Lender sha�� nflt be construed as curing the defiaul� so as #o bar Lender from any
<br /> ��medy that�t oth�rwis�wvuid ha�e had.
<br /> WARRANTY;DEFENSE�F T�TLE. The following provi�ions�ela�ing�v vwnership o'F the Property are a part vf this[]eed
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Ti'�1�. Trustor warrants#hat: {a}Trustnr holds gvod and marketable�ft4e o�recvrd tv ths Property in f�e simp[e,
<br /> #res and c�ear of a�s 3iens and encumbrances other�han those set�orth in the Rea� Prop�rty descriptian nr in the
<br /> �xisting Indebtedness sectian below or tn any t�tle snsu��nce po6tcy,title rep�rt, �r final title opinion issued in favo�
<br /> vf, and accepted by� Len�er in connection with this Deed of Trust, and ��}T�ust�r has�he fuff right, p�w�r, and
<br /> authority t❑exe�ute an�delsver this De�d af Trust tv Len�er.
<br /> Ds�ense o�T�tle. Subject to the excep�ion in �he paragraph abave, Trustar wa�r�nts and wiil fvrev�r defend the
<br /> titie t❑the Praper#y agaRnst the law#ul clasms vf a�� pers�ns. In th�e�ent any activn ar proceeding is commen�ed
<br /> �ha�questions Trustv�s title vr the interest o�Trustee or Lende�under this Deed o�T`rust,Trustvr shafl defend�he
<br /> a�#ian at Trustvr's expense. T�-ustar may he the naminal party in such proceeding, but Lender shalt k�e entit�ed�v
<br /> participate in the proceeding and to be repr+esen�ed in the proceedsng by counse� af Lender's own choic�, and
<br /> TruSto�-will de�i�et�,or cause to t�e de�ivered,ta Lender such ins#ruments as Lender may request�rom tim��a time
<br /> �v permit such par�icipation.
<br /> �ompl�ance 1llrith Laws. Trustar wa�rants that the Praperty and Trus�ar's use of the Property compls�s wi�h all
<br /> existing appiicab�e iaws, vrdinances,and regulati�ns of ga�e�nmsnta!authorit3es.
<br /> Survival vf Pramises, All prvmises, a��r�emer�ts, �nd s�atement� Trustor has made in this Deed af T�ust sha��
<br /> survive the execution and de�ivery vfi this Deed of Trust,sha�!be cvntinusng in nature and shaff rema�n in fu�i fvrce
<br /> and e#fect untii su�l�time as T�-ustv�'s sndebtedn�ss is pa�d in tull.
<br /> E��ST�NG�N�EBTE�NESS. Th�foilawing prvvisivns�ancerning Existing�ndebt�dness a�e a par#af this Dee�v'F Trust:
<br /> Existing Lien. The lien vf this Qeed af Trust securing the 4ndebtedn�ss may be sec�ndary and �nferivr tv an
<br /> exist+ng �ten. T�u�tor expressly ca�enants and agrees to pay,flr Se�to the payment o�, the Existing Indebtedness
<br /> and#o pre�ent any default on such indebtedn�ss, any default under�he inst�-uments e�idencing such indehtedness,
<br /> ar any defauft under any securFty documents�or such indebtedness.
<br /> No I�Aodi�icat�on. Trustvr shal� nQt enter Rnto any agreement with the hofder of any mortgage, deed a�f trust, or
<br /> ath�� s�curity a€�reement which has privrity o�er this Deed ot Trust by which #hat agreement is modifi�d,
<br /> am�ended, extended, or renewed wi#hflut th� prsor wri�ten e�n�ent �f Lender. �'rustar sha11 neither request nor
<br /> aGcept any future advances und�r any su�h security agreement wi�hou�the prio�w�itt�n consent vf L�nd�r.
<br /> C�NDENfNAT�aN. The foll�w�ng provisions re�atsng tv�ondemnation proceedings are a p�r#vf this Deed v�Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. If any p�oceeding in candemna#ivn is �led, Trustvr sha�� prvmptly notify Lender in writsng, and
<br /> Tru�tvr shalr promptiy take such steps as may b� necessary�o defend �he ac�i+an and nbtain #he award. Trustvr
<br /> may be t��nomina!pa�ty in such p��ceeding, but Lender sha11 be entitled�c��artici�a�e sn#he p�viceedsng and to be
<br /> represen�ed in the praceeding hy �ounse! o�its own chos�e, and Trr�stvr wit� de�iver or cause �o be d�li�ered tv
<br /> Lende� such instruments and dacumentatian as may be requested by Lender fr�m t+me tv tfine to permit such
<br /> participatian.
<br /> Appli�at�on of Net�roce�ds. ���II or any part af the Prnperty iS�ond�mned hy errsinent damain ps�ac�edings or by
<br /> any proceed'+ng❑r purchase in[ieu af cvndemnatson, Lender may at its efectian r�quire tha�a�1❑r any portion of the
<br /> net proceeds c�f the aw�rd be applEed tv the indebtedness or th� repa�r ar resto�ation of the �'raperty. The net
<br /> proceeds�f the award shall mean the �wa�-d aftes payment of a�l reasanab�e casts, exp�enses,and attvrneys'�ees
<br />