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<br />:_:::; '!�e E�iPE[VSES;ADVAIV�ES�N���'E�fAIVTSy ATT��NEYS'FEES���LLE�1`I�IV��STS,E�cc��t
<br /> vvh�n prohi�ited by lar�v,Tru�t�r�gre�s to pay�1�����nefi�ia�y's��p�nses��Trust�r brea�hes any c���nan�
<br /> in�his Security Ins�rurr�er�t.Trus���vvii�also p�y��n der�aand any�r�nour�t incur�ed by�er��fi�iary��r
<br /> insuring,insp���ir�g,pr���r�in�or��herw�se pr�t�cting th�P��perty ar�d Een�f�c�ary°s s�cur�ty ir��erest.
<br /> � Th�se ex�a�nses�v�l�bear inte�es�fr�rr�th�date�f�h�payrpen�ut�ti�paid in ful�a�the high�st int�r��t ra��in
<br />:::::�
<br /> �f����as pr�vid�d in th��ern�s�f th�5e�ur�d De��.Traast��agr��s to pa�y al���sts and exp�ns�s i��urr�d by
<br /> �en��iei�ry in�o�le�ting,�nfo�cing or pro$�ct�ng�e�a�f��iary's rights ar�d r�rn�dies und�rt#���5e�ursty
<br /> Ir�s�rur��nfi.This ar��unt rn�y includ�,laut is n��I�r�ited��,a���rn�y�'f�e�,c�urt ce�sts,ar�d othe�°I�ga�
<br /> ��Cp��15�'S.Thi�5ecu���y ln�trurr��n�shai�remair�in�ff��t un�il re[�as�de Trust�r agr��s��p�y f�r�ny
<br />::::; re��rda�ion��st��f�ueh r���a��.
<br />.,
<br /> 17� EN�1R�fVMEIVT�L LA�S AND H��ARD�L�S SlJ�5TAN�ES.A5 L15�C�ICi$hi5 S��t��#'1��1�
<br />=::::� En�iro�m�nt�l L��no m�ar��,rn�ith�ut iirnita�i�n,�he��rr�pr�h�nsi��Environrnental Resp�ns�,��rnp�n�ati�n
<br />::::;
<br />=_:::; and Li�bili�y A���CER�L�,4��JaS.�.9Co1 ��s�q.�,and a�l��her fed�r��,state and I��al laws,r�gu�a�i�r��,
<br /> �rd�nar��es,��u�t��d�rs,att�rn�y gen�r�1�p�ni�ns�r int�r�retiv�l��ters��rr��rning�h�publi�h�alth,5af��y,
<br /> vv�lfar���n�a��nrryen�o�a haz�rd�us 5ubst�n��;and�Z}�-1a�ard�us 5u��tan�e m�ans ar�y���c��,radivactive�r
<br /> ha�ard�u�mat�riai,vua�te,p�liutant�r��r��arr��nar��vvhi�h has�hara�t�ris�i�s�rhieh��s�d�r$he sulast���e
<br />::::i ��r�ger�us��p��en�saily dar�ge��us$�the�ubli�h�al�h,safe�y,►iv�ifare�r er��ir�nm�r��.Th�t�rnn i�ciudes,
<br />:=�::� ►���hout lirnitati�r�,any subs�an��s d�f�n�d a§"ha��rd�us rr�at�ria�,'��"��aci�s�b�tar�ces,""ha�ard�us vvast�'°�r
<br />__::.� "haza�d�us�ubstan��'°und�r�rry E�vir�nrr��r�tal Law.
<br /> TruSt�r represe��s,��rrants and�gr��s�hat.
<br />:=:::�
<br /> A. Eace�p��s pr�v��us�y d�s�losed and a�kn��vledged ir��rvri�ing t�����fi�iar�,no Ha�ard�us 5ub�tanc�i�
<br />:_:::� �r v�ill be��cat�d,s���ed�r r�l�as�d�rr�r i�th�Pr�p�rty.T��165 f�5t�'I�tI�CI d��5�l�t��pl}I��SP�'13�I
<br /> quan����e5�f Haz�rdous 5ubstanc�s tha�a��g���ra�ly r���gni��d��be a��r��a�ia�e f�r th�n�rrr�a�us�
<br />::::$ a�id m��n��nance of th�Pr�p�r�y.
<br /> �. Exc��t���r�vi�usly d�s�los�d arrd a�kno���dged in vvr�ting$o��n�f��iar�,T�u�t�r and e��ry$�nant
<br />::�:3 have b��n, ar�, and�hall rer�ain i�fu11 cornplia��e with an�applicable�nv�r��m�ntal La�r.
<br />����i �. Trust�r�ha�l irr�rn�diately noti�Eeneficiary if a r�i�as��r�hre�t�n�d rele�s��f a H��ardvus Sub�ta���
<br />�:::� �c�urs�n,und���r about th�Pr�p�rty�r�h�re is a�iola�i���f an�Er�vi��nrr��n���La��or����nir�g the
<br /> Pro����y.In such an�u�nt,Trus��r sha��t�k�a��r�e��s5ary r�rr��d�al a�ti�n in aec�rdan��vvi�h arry
<br />:=�:� Enr�ir�nrn�ntal La►�v.
<br />::::�
<br />:::::; De �rust�r��al��mr�ediately r���i�Eenefi�iary in vvri�ing a�s��n as Trust��h��r�as�n$o b�lie�e ther�i�
<br />=::::; �r�y p�nding�r threat�r��d in�est�g�ti�n,ciaE�,�r praeeed�r�g r�la�ir�g t�th�r���a5��r��h�eatened
<br />::::� re��ase�f�y Hai.��d�us Substar��e�r t��violatiar��f�ny En�ir�r�mental L,a�.
<br />::i ��. ��N�E�ANAT'I�iV.Trt�s����v�l!gi�e��nef��iary pr�rnpt n��i��o�any p�r�ding�r�hr�aten�d a�i�n,by
<br /> �ri�at��r publi�er�ti���5��p�r�h����r take any or al��f�h�Pr�p�r�y through c�nde�n�tivn,�r�ir��nt
<br /> d�mai�,�r��y ath�r means.T�us��r auth�����s E�r�ef��iary t�int�r���e i�Trust��'s n�rn�i�any�f���
<br /> ab���d�s�rib�d a��ion���clairr��.Tru�tor�ssign���Eer�e��ciary�h�p��ce�ds��any avvard�r��a�irn f��
<br />==�� darr�age���nn���d►�vith a�vndemnati�n�r�th�r�Caking�f all�r any��rt�f the P������y.Su�h p�o�eeds
<br /> sh�ll b���nsider�d p�yrr�ent�ar�d w�dl be ap�li�d�s�rc��sded in�hi�Se�ur�ty Instrur�nen�a ThiS assi�nrr��nt af
<br />-=-� r�ce�ds is sub����o th�terms�f�n ra�r rr��r� a �,d�ed��trus�,5��uri� � r��rrier�t�r��h�r 6i�n
<br />_:::; � 1 �p � 9 g Y 9
<br />::::�
<br />:::, d��um�nt.
<br />:=::�
<br />::.' ��. INSUR�II��Eo Trust�r sh���ke�p P�oper$y in�ured again��I��s by f��e,�lo�d,theft and�th��haz�rds a�d
<br />:=:;
<br />:�={ rislcs reas�r�ably ass��ia��d v�rith�h�Pr�p�rty du���its��pe a��I��a�i�n.Thi�insurar�c�shall b�rr�aintair��d
<br />:��� �n$h�am�unts and fvr�h�p�ri�ds tha��en�fie��ry r�quires.11Vhat Een�fi�iary r�quires pu�suant t�the
<br />���; pr�c�ding t►�v�ser�tenc�5 can�hange during the�errr����h�S��ured D�bt.The insurar���carrier pr�vidir�g the
<br /><::; insuran��sha�[b�chvs�n by Tru����subje�t����n�ficiary°s a�pr�va�,�vhi�h 5ha�(n�t b��nr�asor��bl�
<br /> ►�v��hhefd.ff Trust�r f���s t�rn�ir����n�he�o�er�g�describ�d�b�ve,�enef��iar�r�ay,at�en�fi�ia�`5 op��an,
<br /> �btai���verag���pr�t��t��r��fi�ia�y's�ights in$h�Pr�p�rty����rding t�the��rrr�s�f this 5��uri�y
<br /> Ins�rumenta
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