<br />:�:�
<br />����' 2� 1 ��2 7 5 4
<br />:=::;
<br /> �
<br />::::;
<br />:::�
<br />:::_:�
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<br />:::�
<br />::::�
<br />:-:::i 'I�v �55�C�IV�IIEIVT�F LEA5E5 AIVD RENTS.Trus��r irre���ably g�an�ts,�or���ys a�d s�lls��Truste�,�r�
<br />:::::i trus���r th�b�n�fit o���neficiary,�s addi�i�na�se�ur��y all�he right,t�tl�a�d int�r�s�in and��aray�nd al1
<br />:::::;
<br /> �acEsting�r futu�e leases,subl�as�s,and any oth���vri�tten o�v��bal agr�er�ents f�r th�u5��r�d��cu�aney��
<br /> ar�y��r�i�r�of�h�Prop��ty,ine�uding any�xfi�nsi��s,��n�r�r�ls,rnodif��a�i�ns�r�ubsti�u�tions of 5uch
<br /> ag���r��nts�al�re��rred to as"L��s�s"}and ren�s,issues a�d p��fi�s�a19 referr�d��as"R�n�s"�e Tru���r�v�ll
<br />::::� �ar�rnptly pr�vid���nefiCiary vvi�h�ru�and c�r��ct��pies o�all exi�t�r�g and fu�u��Leases.Trust��rnay
<br />=:::� ��l�e��,r���i�e,er�j�y and us�the R�nt�sa��ng as�"rust�r��n�t in d�fauft und��th���rrr�s��th6s S��u�i��
<br />:=::;
<br /> Ins�rur��nt.
<br />::::# Tru�t�r ackr�ov�►ledges th�t this a�signment�s p�rf�cted up�n th�r�cording�f�hs��e�d�f Trus�and�ha�
<br />:::�3 ��raefi�iary i��nt��l�d tv n���fy an��f Tru�t�r's te�ants t�r�ak�payrrrent�af Ren��d���r���e��rr��du�t�
<br />:.:3
<br />::.:# ��r����i�ry.H�vvever,Een��i�i�ry agr��s�h�t�nly�n def�uft vvill��n��i�iary r�otify Trust�r and Tru�t��°'s
<br /> t�nantsand rr�ak�dern��dtha��I[fu�ur�R�r��s b�paid dir���lyt�Eer�efi�i�ry.��r�cei�ring n�t���of d�faul�t,
<br />::�::� Trus��r►�r�l[�ndors�and d�li�er t��er�����ia�y an���ymen��f Ren�s in Tru�t��'s��ssess�vn and�ill r��eir��
<br /> any R�n�s in��ust fvr E�n�fi�i�r�and vvil!n�t��rnr�ingle�he R�nts►�vith any�tn�r f�nds.Ar�y arr��un�s
<br /> ��Il�cted vvill be a��lied�s pr�v�d�d in this S��urity 1�strurr��nt.T�ust�r uvarran�s�hat r��d�faul��xis�s ur�der
<br /> �he L�as�s�r any appl��abl�landl�rdl�enan��av�.Tr�st�r alsc�agr�es t��air��air�and r�quir�a�y��na��to
<br /> ��m��y vv�th the$err�ns�fi th�Leases ar�d��a�li�able l�vve
<br />::::;
<br /> 'I 3e LEASEH�LDS;��ND��INIL9NI5�RLAIVNE��NIT DE1IEL�P�AElVTSe Trus$�r��ree�to�t�rr��ly
<br />�=��� vuith the provisi��s�f a�y I�as��f this 5�curity fr�s�rurrient�s on a leas�hold.If the Property�in�ludeg a un�t in
<br /> a��nd�r�iniu�ra��a plann�d uni�d�����prn�n�,Tr�s��r wil[��rf�rr�all�f Trust�r'S duti�s ut�de�th�
<br />::::; c��en��ts,b��-laws,�r r�gulati�ns of the��r�d�r�iniurr��r p��r�n�d unit
<br /> d��ei�pr�ent.
<br />::::j �4e �EFAL�LTs Trust�r vv�l�be�r�d�faul��f ar�y par�y ob��gated�n the 5��ur�d��b�fails t�rn�ke�aym�r�t wh��
<br />_:::a du�e T�u���r vvill b�in d�faul�if�����ch���ur5 und�r th�$��rn��f this S��urity[ns��urr»r�t�r a�y�th�r
<br />����' dc���arnen�e�c�cut�d f�r the purp����f cr�a��ng�se�uring�r guara�tying$h�S�c�tr�d D�bt.A g�od fa��h b����f
<br />...:
<br /> , �y Een�faciary tha�Eera�fciary a�any�tirn�i�insecure vvith resp�e$t�any p��s���r�t���ty�blag�ted or�the
<br /> 5��ured D�bt�r$ha�$h��r�����t af any�aymen��r th�r�a9�����h�Pr�p�r�y is irrrpai��d�hall als���nstitut�
<br /> an�vent�f d�fault.
<br />".'.5
<br />��' "I 5o RE�E�[ES�31V I]EFAL,�LT.In 5�rr��ir�st�n���,federal and s�a��ia�nr vv�ll requir���nefi�iary t�pror��d�
<br />::=:;
<br />::; Tru�tor v�ith r�a����of�h�righ����ur��r�th�r n�ti��s ar�d rr��y+establish tirr��s�h�du��s f�r f�re���sur�
<br />`��' ae�i�r��.Sub�e�t��thes�lir�i�atio��,if any,��r��fie�ary may acce��ra$��he S��ur�d�ebt ar�d��r�cla��this
<br />:.::5 Securi�ylr�sfir�men�t in a rr�ann�r�aro►�id�d by�av�r�fTrustor is in def��lt.
<br />:::;
<br /> At�h��p�io�of�en�feciar�,all�r any par��f�he agreed f��s and�harg�s,ac�rued ir��er�5�ar�d princ��al
<br />���; sha�l be��m�irr�med�a��ly du�and payabi�,after givi�g r���i��if r�quir�d by[av�r,up�n th��ccur�en��of a
<br />:.:,
<br /> d�fault�r anytem�therea���e 1n�ddi�ion,��n�f�ciary�h���b��r�titl�d ta a�!�he r�r��d�es pr��id�d by la�v,
<br />-=-:� th�t�rr�s�f th�S��ur�d��bt,this Security ln�trur��nt�r�d ar��r r�lat�d d�cum�n�s,includ�r�g vvi�h�ut
<br />���' �irn��a�i�ra,th�p����t�s�l��he Prvp�rty.
<br /> If th�re is a defau��,Tr�ste�sh�[l,�n�dditi�r�t��ny��h�r��rmitt�d rerr�edy,at�h���qu����f the
<br /> � ����ficia�y,ad��rtis�ar��f s�l��h�Pr�pe�y a�a v�h����r i�s�para���a����s at publi�au��i�r�t�th�high�st
<br />::::t
<br /> b�dder f�r�ash and��nv�y a�as�l�t�ti�i�freg and�le�r�f ali r�gh$,ti�[��nd in��r�s��f Trust�r a�such��m�.
<br /> and pla��as T�us�e�desig��tes.Trust�e 5hall gie��n��i���f sal�in�luding the��rne,t��r�s and pl���of sa��
<br /> and�d�s�ripti�n�f�h�pr�p��ty t�b�s�ld as r�quir�d�y�h�appli�able 8aw�n����t at tf�e$ime of�h�
<br />`=�' pr�p�s�d sal�.
<br /> l�pan s�le��the P��p�r�y and���h���en��a$prc�hibit�d by fa�rr,Trus�ee shall mak�and deliv�r a de�d t�
<br /> th�Pro�erty s�ld whi�h c�n��ys abs��ute�i�l�t�th�g�ur�has�r,and after firs�p�ying all fe����harge���d
<br />���' ���ts,sha[I pay���en�f�ei�ry al�rr��n�ys�dvaneed for r��airs,tax�s,irasur�n��,�i�ns,ass�ssnn�nt�a�d prF�r
<br />:::=�
<br /> �n�urr�b�an��s and interes�there�n,and th�prin�ip�l ar�d in��r�s��n th�5e�ured�eb�s p��II�C��h��L$���L��e if
<br /> any,to Trust��.��nefi�iary rr�ay purchas��h�Prvp�r�y.Th�r�c�ta�s in an�de�d�f c�ne��yan�e�hall be
<br />:::;
<br /> �rima fa�ie e�adenc��f th�fa�$s se�ft�r�h th�r�in.
<br />:::�
<br />,
<br />:-:� All��rn�d�e�are d�s�inc�,�ur�aui�t�ve��d na�exclusi��,a�d th���neficiary i�������ed t�all r�rr�edi�s
<br />::�
<br /> p�o�id�d at�avu or equity,�heth�r��n�t�xpress�y���f��h.Th�a��eptar���by B�n�fi�iar�of ar�y surr�in
<br /> payrr�er�t�r pa�eal p�yrnen��n�h�5ecur�d Deb�aft�r the b��ar��e es du��r is�cc�lera��d�r after forec�o�ure
<br />� pr��e�dings a�e fi��d shali n�t�ons$itu��a v�aiver of��nefi�iary°s right��requ�r��orr�plete cur��f ar�y
<br />:=:�
<br /> ��ci�tang defau��.�y���ex�r�i�ing ar�y rer��dy�n Trust�r°s default,�en�fie�ary d��s r��t wa�v���n�fi�iary`s
<br />:::; right�v lat�r�onsid��the�r�en�a d�f�ul�if r���n�inu���r happ�r�s
<br />._.;
<br />:::; ag�in.
<br />:::r (pc�g�4�f7]
<br /> _1994 llValtc�rs f(lu►�ver�ir�a�cial ServB�es-�ank�r��ystems � Forrrt L#5B-R��T-N�1'111 fi120�2
<br /> ���
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