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<br /> DEEC3 4F TRUST
<br /> �Cont�nued� Page 7
<br /> E�ent vf Default. The words "E�ent r�f aefault" mean any o#�h�e�en�s of default set�orth in�his C]eed of Trust in
<br /> th�events of default secti�n afi�his peed��Trus�.
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The words "Existing indebtedness" mean the indebtedness des�ribed in the Existing Li�ns
<br /> pro�isian vf this Reed of Trust.
<br /> Hazardous Suhs�an�es, The words "Ha�ardaus Substances" mean materials that, because o� �hefr quan�i�y,
<br /> conc�ntration ar �hysical, chemica� �ar infe�tious charac�eris�ics, may �ause or pase a present ar pv��r�tial ha�ard
<br /> to human health or th� en�iranmen�when improperiy used, trea�ed, sxored, disposed a�, generated, manufac�ured,
<br /> transport�d or o�herwi�e handled. Th� w�rds "Hazardous 5uhstanc�s" are used in �heir �ery broadest sense and
<br /> includ� wEthvut �imitation any and all ha�ardaus or toxic substan�es, materia4s or was�e as defined f�y ar I�sted
<br /> und�r the En�fronmen�al Laws. The term "Ha�ardvus Substan�es" alsQ includes, without fimita�ian, pe�r�leum and
<br /> petraleum by-products or any frac�ian thereof and asbest�s.
<br /> Impra�ements. The ward "Imp�o�em�nts" means all existing and futur� impro��men�ts, buiiding�, structu�es,
<br /> mobile homes af�ixed on the Real Property, facii���es, additions, replac�men�Cs and othe� canstru�tivn an the R�al
<br /> Pra perty.
<br /> indebtedn�ss. The word "Indebtedness" means all prin�ipal, interest, and other amvunts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Gr�dit Agreemen� or Related Dacuments, together with all renewals ��, extensions of,
<br /> modifications of, consolidati�ns of and suhstitutions for the �red�t Agreemen� ar Reiated Da�um�nts and any
<br /> amQ�nts expended or ad�anc�d hy Lender ta dis�harge Trustor's ablic�atia�ns or expenses incurred hy T�us�ee ar
<br /> Lender �o enfvrce Trustor's ❑bliga�ions under this Deed o� T�us�, �ogeth�r with �n�er�st on such amounts as
<br /> prv�ided En this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Lender. The ward "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its successors and assigns. The v�ards "successvrs or
<br /> assigns" mean any persvn vr cvmpany that acquires any inter�st in�he Credit Agreemen�.
<br /> Pers�na� Prqperty. Yhe words "Pers�nal Prop�rty" mean a!I equipm�n�, fixtures, and other articles of persvnal
<br /> property ntaw or hereaf�er awnec! by Trus�or, and now or hereafiter a�taGhed or a�fi�ed �o �h� Real Prv�aerty;
<br /> �Qg�ther with all accesssons, parts, and additivns tv, all replacemenxs of, and all substi�u�ions for, any of such
<br /> prop�rty; and tagether with all pr�ceeds �including v►rithou� limi�a�ion a�E insur�nce proceeds and re�unds vf
<br /> premiumsj from any safe or❑ther disposit�vn of the Property.
<br /> Pr�perty. The ►nrord "Proper�y" means �vllectivefy the Rea� Property and the Persanal Prvper�y.
<br /> Real Praperty. The words "Real Property" m�an �he rea� prop�r�y, interests and r�ghts, as further described in this
<br /> ❑e�d of Trust.
<br /> Rela�ed ❑ocum�nts. The words "Related Dn�uments" mean ai� prvmi�sory nates, �redit agreem�nts, ioan
<br /> agreements, en��ronm�ntal agreements, guaran�ies, security agreements, mortgages, deeds o� trust, se�urity
<br /> de�ds, collateral mortgages, and a!� other instruments, agr��men�s and do�uments, whether now ❑r hereafter
<br /> existing, ex�cuted in connect�vn�rvi�h the Indeht�dness.
<br /> Rent�. The word "Ren��" m�ans all present and �utur� rents, re�enues, income, 'tssues, roya��ies, prc�fits, and
<br /> ofiher h�nefi�s deri��d��arn�he Prap�rty.
<br /> Truste�. The worci "Trustee" mean� Exchange Bank, whose address is PD B�x 397, Kearney, NE 68$48 and any
<br /> substitu�e or su�cessvr trustees.
<br /> Trustor. The word "Trustor" means He�tar M Rubi❑ and Maria L Rub�o.
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<br /> �n this day before me, �he undersigned Notary Pub�ic, �ersanally app�ared He�#or M Rubio and M�ria L Ru�io, Hu�han�i
<br /> and Wife, to me known t� be the indi�iduals des�ribed in and whca executed the Deed of Trust, and acknvwledged tha�
<br /> they sign�d the Deed ❑f Trust as their free�nd�olun�ary act and de�d, #or the uses and purpases th�rein men�ioned,
<br /> �iven under my hand and official seal this �� day af �� , �� ��
<br /> ByT �� ��_
<br /> _
<br /> Printed Name: ���� �����'�—�-
<br /> �FN��►L N�TA�Y w 5fa�e of Neb�ds� Nvtary Pub�ic�n and for the 5tate o� ��-
<br /> � N�CaI..�L.M�Vi1��Y
<br /> _ My Gamm. �esEding a#
<br /> �,�p���,�n�9
<br /> Nly�om�n�ssion expires
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