2� 1 ��2734
<br /> DEED �F TRUS�
<br /> �Cont�nued� Page �
<br /> Compliance With En��ronmen�al Laws, Trustor represents and warrants to Lender that: {1 y During the per�od of
<br /> Trustar's ownership❑fi the Prvper�y, there has been no us�, generation, manu�acture, starage, treatment, d�spvsal,
<br /> release ❑r threatened release of any Hazardous 5ubstance by any person an, under, about or from the Property;
<br /> �2f Trustor has na knawl�dge o�, or reason to be�ieve that there has been� except as p�e�iously drscfosed t� and
<br /> ackn�wledged by Lender in writing, ta3 any �r�ach ar �ia�atFan of any En�ironmental Laws, (b� any us�,
<br /> generation, manufa�ture, starage, treatment, disposaf, re[ease or threatened rel�ase ❑f any Ha�ar�laus Substanc�
<br /> vn, under, about or from �he Prvperty by any prior owners �r o�cupants of the Praperty, or �c� any actua� o�
<br /> threat�ned litigation or claims vf any kind by any person r�fating to such matters; and {3f Except as pre�ious�y
<br /> discfosed tv and a�knowledged by Lende�in writing, (a� neith�r Trustvr nor any tenant, ��ntra�tor, agent ar oth�r
<br /> authori�ed user of the Property shall use, generate, manu�acture, s'tore, treat, dispose af or release any Hazardous
<br /> Substan�e on, under, abou�or�rvm th� Property; and �b� any such acti�ity shall be �onducted in comp�iance with
<br /> all applFcable federal, sra�e, and fvGal laws, regu�ations and o�dinan��s, inc�uding withaut limitat�on all
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws. Trus�or au�hori�es Lender and its agents to enter upan the Prop�rty �o make such
<br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trus�vr's expenser as Lender may deem appropria�e to de'�ermine complian�e of the
<br /> Prope�ty with th�� sectivn o� the De�d of Trust. Any inspec�ions or tests made by Lender shall be �or Lender's
<br /> purposes oniy and shall nat be construed �o crea�e any respflns�bility or liability an the part of Lender to Trustor or
<br /> �o any vther person. The represen�a�ivns and warranties �ontained herein are based �n T�usto�'s du� diligence in
<br /> �n�estigating the Pr�perty #or Ha�ardvus 5ubstances. T�ustor her�by t 1} re�eases and wai�es any futu�e claims
<br /> against Lender for indemnity ar cvn�r�butian in the e�e�t Trustor be�omes liabl� fpr c[eanup or ofiher �osts under
<br /> any such laws; and {�� agrees to indemnify, de�end, and h�ld harmless Lender against any and all claims, losses,
<br /> liabili�ies, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may di�ectfy or indire�tly sustain o�su�F'�er resulting from
<br /> a breach of this se��ivn o# the De�d o�Trust or as a c�nsequenc� of any use, generation, manufacture, sto�age,
<br /> dispvsal, relsase or threatened �e�ease occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interes�in the Property, whether or
<br /> not the same was vr should ha�e been knawn ta Trus�or. The pro�isions vf �his sec�ion of the Deed of Trust,
<br /> inc€uding the obligat�on ta Endemn�fiy and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment❑f�he Indebtedness and�he sa�isfaction
<br /> and recon�eyance v��h� li�n of this ❑�ed of Trust and shal� not be a�fiected by Lende�'s acquisition of any interes�
<br /> in#he Prape�ty, whe#her hy foreclasure ar atherwise.
<br /> NuisanGe, Waste. Trustor shall nat cause, conduct ar p�rmit any nuisan�e nQ� comm�t, permit� or su��er any
<br /> stripping of vr was�e on ❑r to the Property or any portion ❑f the Property. Without fimiting th� generaf�ty o� th�
<br /> foregoing, Trus�or will nvt remo��, vr grant�o any o�her party the right to remv�e, any timber, minerafs �incfuding
<br /> ail and gasy, coai, clay, s�oria, soil, gra�el or ra�k produc�ts without Lender's privr written consent.
<br /> Remo�al vf Imprv�ements. Trustor shall not d�molish vr remo�e any Impro�ements frvm the Real Prvperty without
<br /> Lender's pfior r►vritten consen't. As a cvndition to the remo�a! o�any Imprv��ments, Lend�r may require Trus�vr to
<br /> make arrangements satisfactory tv Lender ta replace su�h impro�ements with �mpro�ements o� at least equal
<br /> �afue.
<br /> Lender's �ight�o Enter, Lender and Lender's agents a�d represen#ati�es may enter upon �he Real Property at all
<br /> reasonabl� �imes �o attend to Lender's interests and to insp�ct fihe Real Property for purpvses of Trustor's
<br /> cvmpliance with�he�erms and cvnditians o�this �eed af Trus�.
<br /> ComplianCe with Go�ernmenta! Requirements, Trus�or shall promp'�ly comply with all laws, vrdinances, and
<br /> regu�at�ons, now Qr hereafter in effect, of all gvWernmenta! autho��t�es a�plicab�e �� the use �r occ�rpancy of the
<br /> Pr�p�rty. Trustor may �antest in gaad faith any such law, �rdinance, or regulatian and withho�d Gomplian�e during
<br /> any proeeedfng, incfuding appropriate appeals, so long as Tru�tor has notified Lender in wri�ing prior ta daing sv
<br /> and so fvng as, in Lender's sole vpinion, Lender's interests �n the Property are not jeapardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trustor to pvst adequate security or a surety bond, reasvnabfy satisfac�tory to Lender, to protect Lender's inte�est.
<br /> Duty to Pro�ect. Trus�or agrees neither to abandon vr �ea�e unattended the Property. Trustor shall do all vther
<br /> acts, in addi�ivn to those acts set forth abo�e in this se�tion, which from the character and use of the Prvperty are
<br /> reasonably ne�essary to prote�t and pr�s�r�e the Property.
<br /> �UE t]N SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's❑ption, declare �mmedia�ely due and payabfe alf sums
<br /> secured by this �eed o�Trust upon the safe❑r transfer, withou� Lender's prior wri��en cansen�, ❑f all or any par�of the
<br /> Reaf Prope�ty, or any interest in the Reaf Praper�ty. A "sale or�rans#er" means the conveyance of Real Praperty or any
<br /> right, title or interest in �he Real Property; whe�ther fegal, beneficia� or equi�ab�e; whether �oluntary or �n�oluntary;
<br /> whether by vutright sale, de�d, instaflment sale con�rac�, fand �antract, contract for deed, feasehold inferes� wi�h a
<br /> term greater than three �3� years, lease-op�ion cont�act, vr by sale, assignm�nt, or trans�er o�any bene�i�ia� in�erest in
<br /> or�o any land trus� hvlding title to the Real Prvperty, vr by any other method of �on�eyan�e of an Fnterest in the Rea�
<br /> Prape��y. Howe�er, this option shall na� be �xe�cised by Lender ifi such exerc�se is prahibited k�y federal law or by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> �'AXES AN❑ LIENS. The fvllawing pro�isions r�lating,�o the taxes and li�ns on the Property are part �� th�s Deed ❑�
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Paymen#. Trustvr shall pay when due �and in �II e�ents prior to delinquency� all taxes, special taxes, assessm�nts,
<br /> charges �including water and sewer�, fiines and impositions �e�ied agains�vr on a�count of the Property, and shalf
<br /> pay when due all �1a�ms #or wark dane an �r �or ser�ic�s rendered or ma�er�a� furn�shed �o �he Property. Trustvr
<br /> shall maintain the Property free of afl liens ha�ing priority��er❑r equal to the Fn�erest vf Lender under this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, exceQt for the lien ❑f taxes and assessments not due, ex�ept for �he Existing Inde�fedness referred to
<br /> be�ow, and exc�pt as oth�rwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Right tn Contest. Trustor may wi�hhold payment o�F any tax, assessment, o� claim in connection with a govd fai�h
<br /> dispute v�er the obligation to pay, s❑ Iong as Lender's interest in�he Praperty is not jeopardi�ed. I�a I�en aris�s or
<br /> �s �iled as a �esu�t of nonpaymen�, Trus�or sha�1 w�thin fi�teen �15� days after the lien arises ❑r, if a lien is f�ied,
<br /> wi�hin fif�een ��5� days after Trustor has notice o� the �i�ing, secure �he discharge of the lien, or i€ requested by
<br /> Lender, depasit with Lender cash or a sufficient corporat�surety band or other security satis�actory t� Lend�r in an
<br /> amoun�sufficient to discharge the lien p�us any costs and a'�torneys' f��s, or❑ther charges that e�u�d accrue as a
<br /> �esult of a foreclosure❑r sal� und�r�he l�en. In any contest, Trustor sha�l defend i�tself and Lender and shalf satis#y
<br /> any ad�erse judgmen�before enfvrcement against the P�operty. Trus#vr shal[ name Lender as an additianal�bligee
<br /> under any sure�y bvnd furnished in the cantest proc��d�ngs.
<br /> E�idence nf Paymen�. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory e�idence vf payment of�he taxes
<br /> ❑r assessments and shall authari�e the appropriate gv�ernmental official to deli�er to Lender a# any �ime a written
<br /> statemen�af the taxes and assessm�nts aga�nst the Property.
<br /> No#i�e of Cons�ru�#ivn. Trustar shal� notify Lender at leas� fifteen ��5� days be#ore any work is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnish�d, or any materiafs are suppfied to the Proper�y, ifi any mechanic's lien, materialmen's iien, ar
<br /> other lien cauld b� asse�ted on acc�unt of the work, ser�ices, ar ma�erials and �he cvst ex�eeds $�,�Q�.Oa.
<br /> Trustor wi�l upvn �equest o# Lender furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfac�vey to Lender tha� Trustor can
<br /> and will pay�he�os�❑f su�h impra�ements.
<br /> PR�PFRTY DANiAGE f�S�1RA�VC�. The #���owing pro�is�ons relating �o insuring�he PrQperty are a par�of this Deed a�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Main�enance o'� insurance. Trustor shaii p�oGure and maintain policies vf fire insurance with standard extended
<br />