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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> �� � � �rn � rn <br /> � �orn � � o <br /> o �z G7 � z� � y <br /> �, ��, � � �z �7 Cn <br /> � z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � �� � � �� � � <br /> w � rn �� � <br /> � rnm rn � _� � � <br /> C� � y CI] � C <br /> �� � � �� � <br /> �� � �� rn <br /> o� o° cn � <br /> � �' z <br /> 0 <br /> VIlHEN RE��RDED MAIL. T[]: <br /> Exchange Ba�k <br /> GI -Allen Dri�e B�anch <br /> '���4 Allen❑r <br /> P�Box 5793 <br /> Grand Isiand, NE �88�� F�R REG�RDER'S USE��LY <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> THIS DEED �F T1�UST is dated Apr�l �S. ���6, among Hectar tUl Ruhio and Maria L Ruhio, <br /> Husband and 1Nif�; �"Trustar"�: Exchange Bank, whose address is Gl - A��en Dri�e Bran�h, <br /> 1��4 Allen Dr, PD Bax 5793, Grand Island, IVE ��5�� �referred to belaw s�metimes as <br /> "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"y� and Exchan�e Bank, ►nrhose address is P❑ Bax 397, <br /> Kearney. NE �88�8 �referred to be�ow as "T�ust�e"}. <br /> C�NVEYANCE AN❑ GRANT. For �atuable consideration, Trustar canveys ta Trustee in#rust. WITH P�V1�ER �F SALE, <br /> fv� the benefit of Lender as Bene#iciary, af! o� Trustor's right, title, and interest in and ta the following des�rFhed real <br /> praperty, tagether with afI existing or subsequen�ly erected ❑r affixed buildings, imprv�ements and fixtures; all <br /> easements, rights of way, and appu�tenances; all water, water rights and ditch rights �in�luding stock in utilities w�th <br /> dit�h ❑r irrigation rights�; and all other rights, roya�ties, and profi�s relating ta the real property, inc�uding without <br /> �im�tativn a�i minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, tthe "Real Property"y I�cated in Hall Cvunty, <br /> State af Nebraska: <br /> The East 78.5 F�et af Lot Nine �9�, and all of Lat Ten �1�}, Btack C�ne �'1�, Capitai Heights <br /> Subdivisian to the C�ty ❑f Grand Island. Ha!! C�unty, Nel�raska <br /> The Real Property �r itS address is cammonly known as 4��4 VI� Capital Ave, Crand Istand. NE <br /> 68843. The Real �roperty tax id�ntifi�at�an number is 4��'I 5�71�. <br /> REV�LVING L1NE QF CREDIT. This ❑ee� of Trust secures the Irtdebtedness inc#uding, withou� limitati�n, a �s�alWing <br /> line vf��redi#. which obligates Lender to make advances to Rorrower�o Iong as Borrawer complies with all th�terms o� <br /> �he Credit Agreemen#. Such ad�ances may he made, repaid, and remade from time to tEme, suh�ect to the lim�tation <br /> that the to�al outstanding balance owing at any vne t�m�, nvt including finance charges on such balance at a fiixed or <br /> ►rariabte rats or sum as pro�ided in �he Credit Agreement, any tempnrary o�erages, vther charges, and any amounts <br /> expended or ad�an�ed as pro�ided �n either the lndebtadness paragraph or this paragraph, shall not exc�ed the Cr�ed�t <br /> Limi�as prv�ided in the Credit Ag�re�ment. it is the intentian of Trustor and Lender that this ❑eed of Trust se�ures #he <br /> ba�ance vuts�anding under the Cr�di�Agreemen#from time to time from �ero up to the Credit L�mit as provided �n the <br /> Credit Agreemen#and any�n�ermediate balance. <br /> Trust�r presently assigns t❑ Lender �a�sa known as Beneficiary in this Deed o� Trust} all vf Trust�r's right, tit�e, and <br /> interest in and �v all pres�nt and futu�e leases o# t'he Proper-ty and a�i Rents fram �he Property. In additi�n, Trus�or <br /> gran�s to Lend�r a LJniform Comm�rcial Cvde security interes�in the Persona� Praperty and Rents. <br /> TH1S DEED❑F TRUST. �NGLUD�NG THE A551GNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY �NTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS GIVEN TD SECURE �Af PAYMENT �F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B� PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> EACH �F TRUST�R'S AGREEIIIIENTS AND �BLIGATIQNS UNDEfi 7HE CREDIT AGREEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> ❑�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED �� TRIJST. THIS DEED �F TRUST IS G�VEN AND ACGEPTED DN THE FQLL�INING <br /> TERMS; <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Trus�or war�ants that; �a) th4s ❑eed ❑f Trust is ex�cuted at <br /> Bvrrower's request and not a� the request o� Lender; 4b} Trustor has the �fuff pow�r, righ�, and authority to enter into <br /> this Deed o�F Trust and to hypQtheca�� the Prvperty, �c� the provisions o� this CJeed ❑f Trust do nat �on�iic� wi�h, or <br /> result in a defau�t under any agreement or other instrument binding upon Trustor and dv not result in a �iolatian a�any <br /> iaw, regulation, court decree vr order applicable to Trustor; �d) Trustor has es�ablished adequate means of �btaining <br /> fram Borrower on a con�inuing hasis informa�ion about Barrawer's financia� canditi�n; and �ej Lend�r has made no <br /> representati�n ta Trustor ab�ut 6orrower �in�luding uv��h�ut limi�ation the credi�vu�rthiness❑�Barrvwer�. <br /> TRUST�R`S VIIAIVERS. Trustvr wai�es all rights or defenses arising by �eason of any "ane action" or "anti-deficien�y" <br /> taw, or any other !aw wh�ch may #�revent L�nde� #�orn �r�nging any action agains� Trustor, inc�uding a c�aim for <br /> deficiency tv the extent Lender is vtherwise enti�led tv a �laim �or de��ciency, be�are vr a�ter Lender's commencemen� <br /> or completian o�any f�rec�osure ac�ion, either�ud�cia�iy❑r by exer�ise❑f a p�we�o#sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFQRNiANCE. Ex�ept as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust, Borrawer shall pay to Lender a�l <br /> Indeb��dness secur�d by this ❑eed o� T�ust as it hecomes due, and Borrower and Trus�vr sha�� per#orm a!� their <br /> respecti�e o#�liga�ions under the Credit Agreement, this Qeed of Trus�, and th� Related Dacuments. <br /> P�SSESS��N A1VD MAINTENANCE DF THE PRORERTY. �3orrower and Trustvr agree that Bvrrower's and Trust�r's <br /> possessian and use of the Property sha!! be g��erned hy the fo!lowing prv�isians: <br /> Possession and Use. Until the occurren�e �� an E�ent of Defauft, Trusto� may 4�} remain in possession and <br /> contrvl of the P�aperty; t2� use, operate vr manage the P�operty; and R3� �ollect the Rents firom th� P�operty. <br /> Duty t� NlaEntain. Trus�or shaii maintain the Praperty in gaod cond�tEan and pramptfy per#orm alf repairs, <br /> repla�emen�s, and maintenance neC�ssary to preser�e its�alue. <br />