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<br /> deemed to be notic�given�o all Grantars.
<br /> Powers v�Attorney. The�ari�us agenc�es and pow�rs af attorney conv�yed vn Lender und�r this Assignment are
<br /> granted fvr purposes��s�curity and may no�be revaked by�rantvr until such��me as the same a�e renvunced hy
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 5errerabiiity. !f a court of compefent jurisdicfiion finds any pro�ision of this Assignment to he i�legal, in�a�id, or
<br /> unenfarceab�e as to any pe�son or circumsfiance,tha�finding shall nat make th�v�Fending pra�ision i�legal, in�alid,
<br /> ❑r unenfvrceable as to any other person or�ircumstance. lf feasibl�, �he offending provisian shall be considered
<br /> modified sa that i� beaome,s legal, �alid and enforceable. lf�he�ffendFng pro�ision cannafi be so madified, it shall
<br /> be consid��-ed deleted from this Assignment. Unless otherwise required by lawr �he i�legal��y, in�alidity, vr
<br /> unenfvrreabili�y of any provision o�this Assignment shall nat a'ife�t the legali�jr, �al�dity ar �nforceability of any
<br /> other prv�ision of this Assignment.
<br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subject�o any lim�tations s�a��d in this Assignment on transfer a�Grantar'S interest,�his
<br /> Assignment sha�( be binding upon and �nure ta �he benefit af �he parti�s, their successors and assigns. lf
<br /> awne�-ship of�he Property becames ves�ed �n a persan oth�r than Gran�or, Lender,withau# natice to Gran�or, may
<br /> deal w�th Grantvr`s successars with �eferenc��v this Assignment and the Indebtedness by way ❑f fvrbearan�e❑r
<br /> extension without reieasing Granta�frvm�he obligativns of�his Assignment or liability un�er the fndeb�edness.
<br /> Time is af the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance❑f this Assignment.
<br /> Waive Jury. All parties to this Assignment hereby waive the right to any jury trial �n any activn, praceeding, or
<br /> cvunterclaim brough�by any party against any other party.
<br /> Vllaiver vf Homestead Exemptivn. �rantar hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefts of the homestead
<br /> exemptian laws of the State af Nebraska as#o al� Indeb�edness secured by this Assignment.
<br /> DEFIN�TIDNS, The �ollawing �apitalized words and terms shall haWe the �ollawing meanings when used �n this
<br /> Assignment. Unless specifical�y s�ated �o the cantrary, all references to doi(a�amaunts shall mean amounts in law�ul
<br /> money of the United 5tates of America. VIlards and terms used in the singular shall include the plural, and �he plurai
<br /> shal[ include the singular, as�he cvntext may requi�-e. `I`lvrds and terms na�otherwise de�ned in this Assignment shaIl
<br /> have the meanings attributed to such terms in the �niform Cvmm�rcia!Code:
<br /> Assignmen#, The word "Assignment" means th�s ASS�GNMEhIT�F RENTS, as this ASSIGNMElVT QF RENTS may
<br /> be amended or modified from t�me�o time, �ogether wi�h al�exhibits and schsdules a�tached tv fhis R55lGNMENT
<br /> DF RENTS fira m ti m e�o ti m e.
<br /> Borrawer. The wvrd "Barrower"means Gregory L. G��s and Sand��S. Geis.
<br /> De�ault. The w�rd "D efa u It"means the Default se����th �n�h is Assignment�n the se��ion titled "D efa u It".
<br /> Event of Default. The words "Event o�De�ault" mean any vf the e�ents of defau[# set forth �n this Assignment in
<br /> �he de�ault s��tion of this Assignment.
<br /> Gran#or. The ward "�rantar"means�regvey L. Geis and Sandie 5. Geis.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means�he guaranty fram guarantvr, endarser, surety, ar accommvdatian party to
<br /> Lender, �n�luding w�thout limitation a guaran�y of all❑r part of the Note.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means al� prin�ipal, interest, and oth�r amaunts, C05�5 and exp�nses
<br /> payabie under �he Note or Re�ated ❑�c�ments, togethe� wi�h a�l renewa�s of, extensions of, modifrca#�ons of,
<br /> consnl�dations o�and subs�itutions tor the Note or Rela#ed Documents and any amnun�s expended or advanced by
<br /> L�nder ta discharge Grantor's ohl�ga��ons or expenses in�urred by Lender�o enforce Granfior's obliga�ions under
<br /> this Assi�nment, together �rvith interes� on such amaunts as provided in th�s Ass�gnment. Sp�cifica�ly, without
<br /> limi�at�on, lndebtedness includes the future ad�ances set�Qrth in the Future AdWances p�o�is�an, together with a!!
<br /> interest �h�reon and all amaunts �hat may he indireGtly s�cured by �he Cross�Co�latera)Fzation pro�isian of �his
<br /> Assignment.
<br /> Lender. The ward "L�nder"means Firs�Na��Qnal Bank of�maha, its successors and assigns.
<br /> Nvte. The word "N ote" means any and all �� Borrower's �iabi���ies, abliga�ians and debts ta Lender, now ex�s�ing
<br /> or hereina�te�incurred or created, inc[ud�ng,withou� limitation, afl loans, advances, in��res�, costs deb�s, o�erdraft
<br /> indebtedness, c�-edit card indebtedness, lease o�iigatians, liabilitie� an� obliga��ons und�r intere�t rate pratection
<br /> ag�-eements vr�areign currency ex�hange agreements or comm�dity price protec�ian agreemen�s,othe�obligati�ns,
<br /> and liabiiities o� Borrower tvgether wi�h all mod�fica�ivns, in�reases, renewals, and extensions of the
<br /> aforemen�ivned. Additionally, hereby incvrpvrated as i� �ul�y s�t f�rth herein are the terms and conditivns of any
<br /> pramissary note, agreement �r ather document executed by Bvrrower andlar Lender ind�cating this securi#y
<br /> instrument or the praperty descri�ed herein shall be �onsidered "Collateral" se�ur-ing such pramissary nvte,
<br /> agreement, or other instrument, or any s�milar re�erence.
<br /> P�oper#y. The word "Property" means afl �� �rantor's right, title and interes� in and to all the Property as
<br /> des�ribed in the"Assi�nm�nt"se�tion of#h is Assign ment.
<br /> Related Documents. The words "Related Document�" mean afl p�-vmissory no��s, credit agr�ements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�irvnmen�al agreem�nts, guaranties, security agreemen�s, martgag�s, deeds of t�-ust, s�curity
<br /> deeds, collateral mar�gag�s, and a�l vther instruments, agreements and docum�n�s, wh��her now ar hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in cannectian wi�h the Indebtedness.
<br /> Ren�s. The wvrd "Rents" means all of Grantor's present and future rights, title and interest in, �a and under any
<br /> and al� presen� and future �eases, including, ►n�ithout li�ni�atian, all r�nts, revenue, in�vm�, issues, royalties,
<br /> �vnus�s, accaunts �ecei�able, cash or se�ur��y deposifis, advance �entals, profits and p�oceeds frvm the Proper�y,
<br /> and vthe�-paymen�s and benefits derived ar�o be deri�ed fr�m such ieases of e�ery kind and na�ure, whether due
<br /> nnw or la�er, including w�thout limita�ian Grantvr's righ�ta enfor�e such leases�nd to r�ceive and collect paym�nt
<br /> and proceed�th�reunder. �
<br /> D�CUMENT 1S E�ECUTED�N APRlL�9, 24'I G.
<br /> CRANTDR:
<br /> �
<br /> Gregory .G s
<br /> , �
<br /> �.
<br /> x � �
<br /> Sandie 5. Geis
<br />