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2� 1 ��2�82 <br /> ASS�GN�IENT' �F F�ENTS <br /> ��on#i n ued} Pag� 3 <br /> In�ebtedness. <br /> Ad�erse �hange. A materiaf ad��rse �hange vccurs in Gran�o�'s frnanGia� c4ndition, or Lender be�ie�es the <br /> �rospect vf payment or perfvrmance of the[nd�b�e�n�ss is impaired. <br /> fns�curity, Lender in gvad faith b�fieves i�se��insecure. <br /> RlGHTS AND REMIED�ES�N DEFAULT, Upon the aGcurrence vf any E�ent vf❑efault and at any time thereafter, Lender <br /> may exercise any one vr more af the following r�ghts and remedies, in addi�ion to any�ther righ#s or rernedies prvvided <br /> by law: <br /> Acceierate lndebtedness. Lender�hall haWe the righf at i�s option ta dec�are the entire lndebtedness immediately <br /> due and payable, inGluding any pr�paym�n�penalty that Gran#or v+rou�d be required to pay. <br /> Cvl�ect Rents. Lender sha�# have the r�ght, wi�haut n�#ice to Gran�or, to take poss�ssivn of the Praperty and <br /> Gollect th� Ren�s, ineluding amvunts past due and unpaid, and appiy the nefi proceeds, o�er and abo�e Lend�r's <br /> C05�5, against the Indeb�edness. In furtherance v�this r�ght, Lender shall have al� the rights provided far in �he <br /> Lender`s Ri�ht�o Recei�e and Collect Rents 5ect�an, abvWe. If the Rents are c�llected by Lender, �hen �rantor <br /> irrevvcably designates Lender as Grantor's attv�ney-�n-�ac�t� endorse instruments �-ecei�ed in payment thereo�in <br /> �he name of��antor and ta negotia�e the same and coI�ec��he proc�eds. Payments by �enan�s or o�her users�o <br /> Lender in respons�fo Lende�-'s demand shall satisfy the ob�igations for which the payments are made, vvhether ar <br /> not any proper grounds for the demand existed. Lender may exe�-cise its rights under this subparagraph either in <br /> persvn, by agent, or�hrough a recei��r. <br /> ❑�her Remed�es. Lender shall have all other rights and remedies p�-a��ded �n this Assignmen� or the Note or by <br /> law. <br /> E�ectivn❑�Rernedies. Electivn hy Lender ta pursue any remedy sha�1 nafi exciude pursuit❑f any ofiher remedy, and <br /> an ele�tion t� make expenditur�s or ta take ac�ion�o perform an abliga�ion o�Grantor under fih�s Assignment, af�er <br /> Grantor's failure ta perF�rm,sha�l no�af��ect Lender's right tv declare a d�fauf�and exer�ise its �emedies. <br /> Attv�-neysr F�es; Expenses. �f Lender ins�itutes any suit❑r ae�ion�o enfor�any vf the�erms v�this Assignment, <br /> Lender shai� �e enfitled to reco�er such sum as the Gvurt may adjudge reasanab�e as attorneys'fees at tria� and <br /> upon any appeal. Whe�her or not any caur� ac�i�n is invoi�ed, and �o the ex�ent nat prvhibited by IaVv, all <br /> � <br /> reasonable expenses Lender �ncurs �ha� in Lende�'s opinian are necessary at any time for the prvtection of i�s <br /> in#��est or the enf��cemen�of i�s righ#s shall become a pa�t�f�he lndebtedness paya�le❑n demand and shall hear <br /> i nterest at the Note rate from the date o�the e�penditure u nti[repaid. Expenses cn�ered by th is paragraph inGlude, <br /> w�thvut limitation, however subjec�to any limi#s under applicable law, Lender�s attorneys'fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether ar nat thers is a �awsui�, inc�uding attvrneys" fees and expenses for bankruptcy p�-c�r�eedings <br /> �in�luding efforts tv modify Qr�acate any au�omatic stay or injunc�ion}, appeals,and any anticipa�ed post judgment <br /> �oilec�ion services, the cvst o�sea�ching reaords, obtaining tit[e repvr�s �including f�reci�sure reports}r 5l.lIV�]IL71"5� <br /> repor�s, and appraisa� fees, fifle insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to fhe ex�rent permit�ed by a�ap�icable law. <br /> �rantvr alsa will pay any court costs, in addit�on to ali other sums pra��ded by law. <br /> ELECTR�NIC CDPIES. Lender may cQpy, electroni�ally ar otherwise, and thereafter destr�y, the originals of this <br /> A�reement andlor R�lated ❑acuments in �h� regular course of Lender's busine�s. All such capies prvdu�ed from an <br /> electroniG fiorm ❑r hy any oth�r r�liable means �i.e., ph�tographic image or faGsimi�e}shall in a�l respects be cvnsidered <br /> equi�alen#to an o�-iginal, and Bv�-rQwer he�e�y wai�es any rights or ob�ections ta the use o�such copies. <br /> IVIISCELLANEDUS PR�VISI4NS. The following miscellaneous pra�isions are a part o��his Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignment, �ogether w�th any Related Dvcumen#s, G�nstitutes the entire unde�sfianding and <br /> agreement of the par�ies as to the matters set fa�th �n th�s Ass�gnment. No alte�ation af ar amendment to this <br /> Assignmen� sha[� be effeGti�e unless gi�en in �rvriting and signed by �he party ❑r parties sought ta be charged or <br /> bound by the al�eration ar amendment. <br /> Caption Headings. �aption h�adings in this Assignment are for can�enien�e pu�p�ses vnly and ar�nvt to be used <br /> to interp�et flr defrne�he pro�isians of�his Assignment. <br /> Go�erning Law. This Assignment w'rll be govern�d by federal law applicable �v Lender and, �o the exten� nofi <br /> preempteoi by federal law,the laws af#he State of Nebraska without regard to i�s con�icts af law pravisions. This <br /> Assignment has been accepted by Lender in the State vf Nebraska. <br /> Chvice af Venue, lf there is a lawsuit, �rantor agrees upvn Lender's reques�tQ submi�to th�jur�sdiction ❑f the <br /> cour�s of Hall County, 5tate of Neb�aska. <br /> Join� and 5e�erai Liability, AIi ab�igations vf Grantor under �his Assignment sha1l be ja�nt and se�eral, and all <br /> references tv Gran�or shall mean each and e�ery �rantor. This means that each �rantQr signing belvw is <br /> responsib�e for all ohl�ga�i�ns in this Assignment. <br /> Me�ger. The�-e shall be na m�rger of th� interest or es�a�� create� by#his assignmen�with any ather in�erest vr <br /> esta�e �n the Property at any time held by❑r�ar the benef�t o�Lender in any capa�i�y, without the written cons�nt <br /> of Lender. <br /> In�erpreta�ivn. �'i} �n all �ases where �here �s mor��han one Borrawer or Grantflr, then ali w�rds used in �his <br /> Assignment�n�he singuiar shall be deeme�to ha�e been used in the p(urai wh�re th�contex�and constructi�n sv <br /> req�aire. ��} if mvre than one person signs this Assignment as"Gran�vr,"�he abliga�ions of ea�h Grantor are jotnt <br /> and se�eral. This means�ha� if Lender brings a lauvsui�, Lender may sue any on� or more nf�he G�antors. ff <br /> Borro�rver and Grantor are na#the same persan, Lender n�ed not sue Barrvwer first, and that Bvrrawer need n�t he <br /> jvined in any lawsui�. t3} The names gi�en to paragraphs ar sectivns in this Assignment are far cvn�enience <br /> purpases vnly.They are nat�a�e used t� interpret❑r�defne the pro�isions vf this Assignment. <br /> Na 'Wairrer by Lende�-. Lender shall not be d�emed �o have wa��ed any rights under this Assignment unless such <br /> waiver is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. Nn delay or om�ssion an the par�of L�nder�n exercising any righ� <br /> shall opera�e as a waive�- vf su�h righ#�r any v�her �ight, A wa�ver by Lender o� a pra�ision vf this Assignment <br /> sha�� no� pre�udice �r constitute a wai�er of Lender's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that <br /> pro�isivn or any�ther provisivn af this Assignment. N❑privr vsrai��r by Lender, nor any caurse of dealing between <br /> Lender and Grantvr,shall constitute a wai�er o�any of Lender's rights vr af any o�Granfor's �hiigativns as�a any <br /> future transa�tions. �Il�henever the �vnsent of Lender is required under �his Assignmen�, th� granting �f such <br /> cvnsent by Lender in any instance shall nvt consti�u�e con��nu�ng consent ta subsequent instan�es whe�e such <br /> consent is required and in afl cases such cvnsent may he granted or withheld in the sale discretivn of Lende�. <br /> Nvtices. Any notice required to be gi��n under this Assignment shall he given in writing, and sha�i be effec�ive <br /> when actual�y defi�ered, when actuafly recei�ed by telefacsimif� �unless oth�rwise requi�ed by law}, when <br /> deposited with a nafiianaIiy recagnized oWernight cvurier, or, if mailed, when depasi�ed in th�United 5ta�es mail, as <br /> firs� class, cer�ified ❑r reg�stered mail postage prepaid, directed tn the addresses shown near the beginning af�his <br /> Assignment. Any party may change its address for no�ices under this Assignment by gi�ing formal writ�en nofice <br /> ta the ❑�her par�ies, spe�ifying �ha� the purpos� of �he nQtice is t❑ change the party�5 address. Fqr natice <br /> purposes, �rantor ag�ees t❑ k�ep Lender infiormed afi al! times of �rantvr's curr�nt address. Uniess ❑therwise <br /> pro�ided or required by�law, if there is mvre than vne Grant�r, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Grantar is <br />