2� 1 ��2� 18
<br /> in�h�Pr�p�rty and rights under thi� Security �nstru�nen�; a�d �d} �akes such aG�ion as L�nder may
<br /> reasonably require�o assure that Lender's interes�in th�Prapert� and r�gh�s under th�s Se�u�r��� �ns�rumen�,
<br /> and Borr�wer's ob�igat�on to pay the sums s�cured�b�r this Se�ur�t� �ns�rument, sha��con��nue unchanged.
<br /> L�nder may requ�re that Borrfl�uer pa�such re�nsta�ement�ums and expenses in one�r more of the fo��awing
<br /> farms, as s�l�cted by L�nder: �a�cash; �b} money order; �c} cert�fied check, bank check, treasurer's check�r
<br /> cashier's Gheck, pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an zns���ut�on v�has�d�pos��s are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, �nstrumenta�i��ar en�i�y; �r�d} E����rani�Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement��Barrower,
<br /> this Securi�y�ns�rumen�and obligat�ons secured here��r sha�l remain fully effect��re as xf no acce��ra��on had
<br /> occurred. H�wever, �his r�ght to reins�ate sha��no�app��r in the case of acce�erat�on und�r Sec�ion �S.
<br /> Z�. Saie af Note; Change vf Laan Serrricer; Nvti�e vf Gr�e►rance. The Note or a part�al �nteres�in�h�
<br /> Note��ageth�r wi�h�his Securi�� Ins�rument} can be sold on�or more times withou�prior no�ic��o
<br /> Borrower. A sale m�gh�re�uit�n a change in�he en��ty �known as�he "�,oan Ser�icer"� fiha�c�l�ects Per�odic
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and�h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�and perf�rms other mar�gage loan servicing
<br /> ����gat�ons under�he No�e, �h�s Secur��y �nstrumen�, and Appl�cab�e Law. There a�so might be one or more
<br /> chang�s of�he Loan Servicer unrela�ed t� a sa�e of the Not�. If th�re�s a change�f�he Lnan Ser��cer,
<br /> Barrov�er will�e given wr�tten n�t�ce�f the change whi�h v�ill sta���he name and address of the new Loan
<br /> Ser�ic�r, �he address to v�rhich pa�m�nts should be made and any o�her�nforma�ion RESPA requires in
<br /> �onnectian�r�th a notice of�ransfer of servicing. If�h�Note is sold and�her�after the Loan is serv�c�d hy a
<br /> Laan S��-vicer��her�han the purchaser�f the No��, �he mor�gage�aan ser`r�c�ng obl�gatians�o Borr��v�rer wi11
<br /> rema�n w��h�he Loan Ser�icer or be�ransf�rred to a successor I.�an Ser�ic�r and are nat assumed hy th�
<br /> Note purchas�r unless a�herwise provided by the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may comm�nce,join, or be ja�ned to any jud�c�a� ac�ion (as ei�h�r an
<br /> �nd��xdua� �����anf or the m.ember�f a��ass} that arises from the other par��'�ac�ions pur�uant�o�his
<br /> Securi�y �ristrumen�or that a��eges�hat the�ther party has breached any pro��sion of, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason af, �his Secur�ty �ns�rum�nr, unti� su�h Borrawer or Lender has noti�ed the other pa.rty �with su�h
<br /> not�ce g�ven�n compl�ance wi�h�he requ�rem�.ents of Sec�ian �5�of such alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> ��h�r par�y her�to a reasonable p�riod af�er the g�v��.g of such no�ic�to take correc�ive act�on. If App�icab�e
<br /> Law provides a time period which must elapse before cer�a�n action can be taken, that t�me p�r�ad v�i�1 be
<br /> deemed�o be r�asonabie for purposes�f this paragraph. The no�xce of a�c��erat��n and�ppor�uni��r to cure
<br /> g�ven�o Borrower pursuan��o Se�t�on�2 and the not�ce of a�ce�erat�an giv�n to Borrower pursuan��o
<br /> SeGt�t�n �8 shall be cieer�e�.�c�sa��sfy th�nc�t�ce a�xci c����r�u�li�y tc� take�or���ti��acti�n provis�ons of this
<br /> S�c�i�n 2�.
<br /> 21. Ha�ardvus Suhstances. As used in thxs 5ect�on 21: �a} "I-�a.�a�dous Suhstances"are those su�stances
<br /> de�ned as t�xic or hazardous subs�ances, pol�utan��, �r wastes b�r En�r�rarimen�ai Law and the fa�lowing
<br /> su�sta.nces: gas�l�ne, ker�sene, other flamma��e or�ox�c petr�leum pradu�ts, tax�c pes��c�des and herb�cides,
<br /> �olati�e s�ivents, ma�erials contaxn�ng asb�s�os or f�rma�dehyde, and radi�ac���ve ma�erials; tb}
<br /> "E�tviranmental�w"means federa��aws and laws of��e�urzsd�c�i�n wher��he Praper�� is Inca�ed �hat
<br /> re�a�e to hea�th, safe�y or environmen�a�protecti�n; (c} "Environmental Cleanup"ine�u��s an�respans�
<br /> ac�.ion, remedial ac�ion, or rem�val acti�n, as de�ned�n Environmental Law; and �d} an "�'nvironme�ztaZ
<br /> Condi�ion"means a condit�on�hat can cause, con�ribu�e�o, or o�herwise�rigger an Environm.enta� Cieanup.
<br /> Barrower sha�� no�cause or�ermit�he presence, use, d�sposal, storage, or r��ease of any Hazardaus
<br /> Substances, �r�hreaten�a rel�ase an�r Hazardous Subs�ances, on�r in the Proper�y. Barra�er shal�no�d�,
<br /> nflr a�iov� anyfln�e�se�o do, an�thing affecting�he Praper�y �a} �ha�is in vi�lat�on of any Enviranmen�al
<br /> Law, �b}which crea�es an Environmentai �ondit��n, or�c} v�hich, du��o the presence, use, �r release�f a
<br /> �azard�u� Substance, creates a condit�an that adverse�y affects�he�a�ue of�he Proper�y. The pr�c�ding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM�N5TRl1M�NT Form 3D28 11�'�
<br /> VMP[r� VMPE[N�j t�3Q23
<br /> Walters Kluwer�€nancial Ser�ices P�ge�3❑f 17
<br />