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2� 1 ��2� 18 <br /> des�gnated a su�s�itute notice address by no��ce�fl Lender. Borrawer sha��prflmpt�y n��ify L�nder af <br /> B�rr�wer's�hange of address, �f Lender speci�ies a procedur�far reporting B�rro�rer'��hang�o�address, <br /> �hen Borrow�r shall only r�part a chanb�of address �hrough that spec��ed proc�dur�. <br /> There ma�be on�y one des��na�ed notice address under this Se�ur�ty�ns�rument a�any one t�zne. Any n�ti�e <br /> to Lender sha��be given 1�y de�ivering i�or by�ing it by f�rst c�ass ma�� �� Lender's address �tated herein <br /> un�ess Lender has�esig�at�d another address by no�ic�to Barraw�r, Any not�c�in��nnecti�n wi�h�his <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument shalt n��be deerned ta�a�e been given�o Lender un�z� actua�Iy received b� L�nder. �f <br /> a.�y notice required by this Secur��y �nstrurnent is a�so r�quired under App�icabie Law, �he Appiicab�e Law <br /> requ�rement wi��sat�sfy the c�rresp�nding requiremen�und�r th�s Se�urity Ins�rument. <br /> ��. Gn��rning Law, Se�erabi�ity; Ru�es af Cvnstruction, Th�s �ecuri�y �ns�rumen�sha��be gover�aed�by <br /> federa� law and�he la�r of�he jur�sdi�tifln xn wh��h th�Proper�y is�oca�ed. AIl rights and�b��gat�ons <br /> contained in th�s S�curity �nstrument are subj�ct to any requ�remen�s and�im��ati�ns af App�i�ahle Law. <br /> Applicable Law might exp��cxtly or impl�ci�ly a��ow �he parti�s �o agr�e by�ontract or i�rn�ght be silent, but <br /> such si�ence shal�not be construe�as a pr�hib�ti�n agains�agre�ment by contrac�. �n the event�hat any <br /> pro��szon�r c�ause of this�ecur�t��nstr�.ment�r�h�Note�onfli�ts v�ith App�icab�e Law, such confl�c�sha�� <br /> nat affec�oth�r proW�s�ans of th�s Security Instrument�r th�Nat�which can be g�ven effec��i�hou�the <br /> eonfl�ct�ng pra�isian. <br /> As used in thzs Securi�y �ns�rument: �a}words of the mascu��n�gender shall mear�and inc�ude carrespond�ng <br /> neuter w�rds or v�ards af the feminine gender; �b}v�ords zn��ze s�ngu�ar sha��mean and �nclude�he plura� <br /> and v�ce versa; and�c} �he word "may" gives so�e d�scr��ion wi�hout any ob��gatxon ta take any action. <br /> '17. B�rr�wer's Cv�y. Borrav�er sha��be gi�en one copy of�he No�e and of this Security �nstrument. <br /> '!8. Transfer o� the Prop��rty or a Benef�cial Interest in Borrower. As us�d in�h�s 5ect�an Z8, "�nt�rest zn <br /> the Pr�per�y" m�ans an� Iegax or b�nef�c�a� xn�erest in the Proper�y, includ�ng, bu�n���imi�ed to, those <br /> �ene���ai interests tran�ferred in a band for d�ed, contract far deed, installment sa��s c�n�ra���r es�r�w <br /> agreement, tht intent of which is the��ansfer of����e by Borr�wer a�a fu�ure date t� a pur�has�r. <br /> �f all or any par�of the Proper�y�r any�nterest in the Pr�per�y �s s��d or trar�sf�rred�or�f Borrnwer�s nat a <br /> natural person and a�enef���a� interest�n Borrower is sold or transferred�w�th�u�Lender's pr�ar wri�t�n <br /> c�nsent, Lender may require�mmediate pa�rn.en��n ful� of al� sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rum�nt. <br /> Hawever, th�s opt�on shal�n�t b�e�ercised by Lender zf such exercise is prohibited b�Appl�cabie Law. <br /> If Lender exercise�this�ptx�n, Lender sha11 gi�e Borrower not�ce of acce��rat�on. The no�ice sha�l provzd�a <br /> p�riad�f no��ess than 34 days fr�rn�he date the no�ice is g�ven�n ace�rdan�e with Sect�nn �.5 w��h�n wh�ch <br /> B�rrower must pa�a.�l sums secur�d by th�s Security Instrumen�. �f B�rrawer fa�ls to pay these sunzs prior t� <br /> the exp�rati�n of th�s period, Lend�r may invoke any r�medies permit�e�by�h�s�ecuri�� Ins�rume�zt v�ith�u� <br /> fur�h�r n�ti�e or demand�n Borrov�er. <br /> �9, Borrower's Right t� Reinstate After Acce�eration. �f Borraw�r meets certa�n c�nd�tians, Borrawer <br /> shal�hav��he right ta have enfarc�ment of�his Security �nstrument d�s�ontinued a�any t�me prior�o�he <br /> eariiest of: �a} ��e days b�fnre sal�of the Pr�per�y pursuan�to any power nf sa�e conta�ned in�hxs Secur�ty <br /> Instrurn�nt; �b} suCh other perzod as App��cab�e Law might specif�far th��erm�nation flf B�rrower's r�ght to <br /> re�ns�a�e; or�c} en�ry of a judgment enforc�ng th�s Security �nstrument. Those��nditions are that Barrow�r: <br /> �a�pays L�nder a�� sums wh��h�hen v��u�d b�due under th�s Security �ns�rument anci the Not�as �f�o <br /> ac���eratian had occurred; �b} cures any d�fau�t of any other cavenants ar agr��ments; (c}pay�a�� exp�nses <br /> i�.curred in�nfor��n�th�s Secur�ty�nstrument, �n��uding, bu�no�linlited to, r�as�nabi�at�orneys' fees, <br /> pr�per�y inspec��on and valua��nn feesy and ather f�es in�urred for the purpose af protectzng Lender's interest <br /> NESRASKA-5ing�e Family-�anni�Ma�l�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11fl1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfitN��t�3�Zy <br /> Wolters Ktuwer F�nancial Ser�ices Page 1�❑f 17 <br />
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