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2� 1 ��25�4 <br /> L7EEa �F TRIJS`� <br /> Laan No: ��'i 295�9� ���I�t��lued} Page 9 <br /> or required by law, if there is more�han �ne Trus�or, any n�tic� given by Lender to any Trustar is deemed to �e natice <br /> gi�en ta all Trustvrs. <br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�VISI�NS. The foll�win� mis�ellaneous pro�isians are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. This Deed o#Trust, together wi#h any Relat�d Documents, �ons�itu�es the entire understanding and <br /> agr�emen� of�he parties as tv the mat�ers set forth �n this ❑e�d of Trust. No al�eration v� or amendmen�to this <br /> Deed ��Trust sha�� be effec���� unless gi�en in writing and signed by�the party or parxies sou�ht ta b� charged ar <br /> b�und by the a[�era�ion or amendment. <br /> Annual Repor�so lf th� Property is used far purposes other than Trustor's residence, Trust�r shall �Furn�sh to <br /> Lender, upon request, a c�rtifi�d s�a�ement v� net operating income re�eived fr�m the Pr�perty during Trustor's <br /> pre�iaus fisca[ y�ar in such form and detail as Lender shal[ require. "Net opera�ing in�om�" shall mean all cash <br /> receipts �rom fihe Property�ess al1 cash expendi�tures made in conne��ian with the operatian o�the Praperty. <br /> Caption Headings. Caption headin�s in this Deed of Trust are f�r con�enience purpvses �nly and are nvt to be <br /> used to int�rpret or define the pro��si�ns of th�s De�d of Trust. <br /> Merger. There sha�l be no merger of the interest or estate created by this Deed of Trust with any o�her inter�st vr <br /> es�ate in �he Property af any time h�ld by or for�he hen�fit o� Lender in any capa�i�y, wi�haut the vvritten consent <br /> �f L�nder. <br /> GoWerning La►rve This Deed of Trust will be gove�rned by federal law appl�cable to Lender and, to the ex�kent nvt <br /> preempted by federal la►►v,�he �aws of the Stafie of�ebraslca without regard to its �on�Flicts o�r�aw prv�isians. This <br /> Q�ed❑f Trust has been accepted by Lender in fhe Sta�e of Nebraska. <br /> Choice of Venue. If there is a IawsuEt, Trustar agrees upon Lender's request to submi�to the jurisdiction vf the <br /> caurts v#HALL Coun�y, 5tat�of Nebraska, <br /> Joint and 5everal.LEabili�ty. AI� v�ligati�ns of Trustor under this Deed af Trust shall b� joint and sev�ral, and all <br /> references �o Trustvr sh�ll mean each and every Trustor. This means �khaf each Trus�ar signing below is <br /> resp�nsible f�r all obligatians in this Deed of Trust. <br /> Na INai�er by Lender. Lender shall not be deem�d to ha�e wa��ed any rights un�er this Deed �f Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�in� and signed by Lend�r, No�elay or�mission on th� part nf Lender in�xercising any right <br /> shal� opera�e as a waiver of such right or any vther right. A wai�er by Len�er�f a prv�is�on ❑f�his Deed o�Trust <br /> shal� not pr�judice or �ons�titute a waiWer af Lender's righ� a�herwise t� demand s�ri�t comp[iance wi�h �hat <br /> pro�isian vr any oth�r p�t�vision o� th�s Deed of Trust. Na prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course af dea�ing <br /> between Lender and Trust�r, shall cvns�i#ut� a wai�er of any o�F Lender's rights vr of any o� Trus�ar's ob��gations <br /> as to any future �ransacti�ns, Vllhene�er �he �vnsen� of Lender is requ�red under �h�s Deed �f Trust, the granting <br /> o� su�h cansent by Lend�r in any instance shall nat cansti�u�e �ontinuing consen�to su�sequent ins�an�es where <br /> such�onsent is required and in all cases such c�nsent may be granted or withheld in the sole discretian a�Lender. <br /> Severability. I�F a cour� af compet�nt jurisdict�on f�nds any pro�ision o# this aeed of Trust ta be iElega�, inva�id, ar <br /> unenforceable as�o any p�rsnn �r circumstanc�, �hat find�ng shall not make the offending pra�isivn illegal� in�a�i�, <br /> or unen�Forceable as �o any other person or circums�ance, if ��asible� the o�fiending pro��sion shall be considered <br /> madified so �hat it be�omes legaf, va[id and en�vrceable. If the offiendEng p�oWis�on canno� �e so modified, it shall <br /> �e consider�d de�e�ed fram this Deed of Trus�. Unless otherwise requ�red by iaw, the illegality� inWalidity, or <br /> unenforceability of any proWision of this Deed of Trust shall not a�f�ct�he lega�ity, validi�y or en�orceability of any <br /> ofih�r pra�ision n��his Deed �f Trus�. <br /> Su�cessvrs and Assi�ns. Sub�ect ta any I�mita�ians stated in �his Deed of Trust an �rans#er o�f Trustar's interest, <br /> this aeed �f Trus� shall be binding upon and �nure to th� bene�Fit a�F the parties, their successars and assigns. �f <br /> ❑wnership o��he Praperty �e�omes �ested in a pers�n o�her than Trustar, Lender, without nvtice t� T�us��r, may <br /> deal �ith Trustor"s successors with ref�rence��this Deed o�F Trust and the Indeb�edness by way v�#orb�arance or <br /> ex�kension withou�releasing Trus�vr frvm�he o�ligations of this D��d of Trus�vr liabEli�y under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is of#he Essen�e. Time is vf the essence in the per�ormance of this Deed of Trust. <br /> 'U�laiWer o� Homestead Exemp#ion, Trustor hereby releases and waiWes all rfgh�ts and bene�Fits �f the homestead <br /> exempti�n �aws of the Sta�e a�Neb�aska as to a�� lnd�btedness se�ur�d by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFlN1T1�NS. The ��II�►►ving �apitali�ed words and terms shall haWe�he follawing mean�ngs vvhen used in this ❑ee� of <br /> Trust. Uniess specifically s�ated �❑ the G�ntrary, all ref�rences to �a�lar amaunts shall mean amoun�s in lawfiul money <br /> o� �he �nited S�ates of America. V1lords and terms used in the singular sha�l include the plural, and the plura! shal� <br /> include the singu�ar, as the contex� may requiree Vllords and �erms not v�herwise defined in this Deed of Trust shal[ <br /> have the meanings attribu�ed to such tarms in the l�niform �ommer�ial Code: <br /> Benefi�iary. The word "Bene�i�iary" means Fi�e PoEnts Bank, and its successars and assigns. <br /> Borrawer. The word "Sorrower" means CHAD W SHRIIVER an�T�NYA L SHRINER and in�ludes ali co-signers and <br /> ca-mak�rs signing th� Note and all thei�successors and assigns. <br /> Deed ❑f Trust. The words "Deed ❑� Trust" mean th�s ❑eed o# Trust among Trustar. Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes wi�hou# �imitation a�l assi�nment and s�cu�-ity interes� pro�isivns rela�ing t❑ the Personal Pr�p�r�y and <br />
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