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2� 1 ��255� <br /> ❑EED �F TF�UST <br /> ���ntinued� Page � <br /> Substance on, uncterr about or trorr� th� P�op�rty; and �bf any such acti�ity shal[ be ��anducte�i ir� comp�iance with <br /> all applicable fede�af, state, and loca� laws, regulations and ordinanc��, including w�thout �imi�a�ion all <br /> En�iranmenta� Laws. Trustor authorize$ Lender and its agents to enter upan the Pr�p��ty t❑ make su�h <br /> inspectivns and tests, at Trus�vr's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance of the <br /> Proper�y with this se�tion vf the ❑e�d of Trus�. Any �nspecti�ns or tes�s made �y Lender shail be far Lender`s <br /> purposes only and sha[I no� be cans�rued �o crea�e any responsibili�y or liability on the part o� Lender to Trustor vr <br /> ta any v�her person. The represen�a�ivns and warran�ies can�ained herein are based on Trust�r's due dil�gence �n <br /> �n�estiga�ing the Proper�y �vr Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby {�� releases �nd v►rai�es any futu�e claims <br /> agains� Lender for indemnity or contri�utian in the e�ent Trus'�or becomes liable for �leanup or ather costs under <br /> any su�h 1aws; and t�� agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and a�f Cfaims, lasses, <br /> �iabili�ies, damages, penalti�s, and �xp�ns�s which Lender may directly or indirecfily s�astain or suffer resuft�ng from <br /> a breach of this section of the Deed of Trust or as a cansequen�e of any use, gen�ration, manu#acture, starage, <br /> disposal, release or threat�ned release oc�urring prior�o Trus�or's awnership or intere�t in the Property, whe�her❑r <br /> n�t the same was vr should ha�e been known to Trus�or. The pro�isions of �his sectivn of �he ❑eed of Trust, <br /> including�he vbligation to indemnify and defend, sha1� sur�i�e th� paymen�of the �ndebtedness and th�satis�a�tivn <br /> and reconveyance af the�ien of this ❑eed of Trust and shai! not be affected by Lender's acquisi�ion of any interest <br /> in the Praper�y, whether by foreclosure or o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustor sha�� not cause, conduct or p�rmit any nuisance nor c�mmit, permi�, or suffer any <br /> stripp�ng o� or waste on o� to th� Property or any portion �f the Property. Withtiut fimit�ng the generality of �the <br /> �oregoing, T�ustor will not rem��e, or grant to any other par�ty the righ#ta rema��, �ny timber, minerals 4including <br /> oil and gas}, coaf, cfay, s�oria, soif, gra�el or rvck produ�ts wi�hou�Lender's privr wri�ten consent. <br /> Remo►►al of Img�rv�emen#s. Trustor shall nat demvlish ar remoWe any f mprv�ements from the Real Property withvut <br /> �ender`s priar written consen�. As a candition t❑the remQ�a1 af any Impra�ements, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfac�ory to Lender ta replace such lmprn�emenfis with Impro�ements ❑f at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender`s Right to En�er. Lend�r and Lende�'s agents and r�pres�ntati�es may enter upon the Real Property at a�� <br /> reas�nabl� tim�s to attend ta Lender's inter�sts and ta inspeGt the Real Property #or purpases of Trust�r's <br /> �ampliance w�th the terms and cond�t�ons of this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Gompliance with Ca�ernmentai Requiremen�s. Trustvr shall prvmptly comply wi-h afl faws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now or hereafter in effec�, of all go�ernmen�al authorities applicahle to fhe use ar occupancy of �he <br /> P��perty. Trus�or may contest in good �aith any such law, �rdinan�e, or regulation and withhv[d compiiance during <br /> any prviceeding, including apprapria�e appeals, so long as Trus�ar has nvtified Lender in writing prEar t� doing so <br /> and so �ang as, in Lender's svle vpin��n� Lende�'s inte�ests in the Property a�e not jeopardized. Lender may requir� <br /> Trus�tor to post adequate security a�a surety bond, �easonably sa�tis�ac�ory ta Lend��, t❑ protect Lender's interest. <br /> �uty to P�vtect. Trustor agrees n�ither to abandon or lea�e unat�ended the Property. Trustor sha�l do all other <br /> acts, in addi�ion tv those acts set forth abo�e in this section, vuhich from the character and us� o��h� Proper�y are <br /> reas�nably nec�ssary#o prote�t and preser�e�he Proper�y. <br /> DUE C]N SALE- C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's �ption, declare immedia�ely due and payah�� all sums <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upon the sale or transf�r, without Lender's prio�written cvnsent, of all or any part af the <br /> Reaf Property, or any interest in the Reai Property. A "sale or trans�er" means the con����ance af Real Property or any <br /> right, titfe or interest in th� Rea! Property; whether legal, beneficiaf or equitab��; whet�er �vlun�ary or involuntary; <br /> whe�her �y outright sale, deed, insta�lm�nt safe contract, land cvntract, �ontract for d�yd, leasehold in�eres� with a <br /> term greater than �hree �3y y�ars, lease-option �ontract, or tay sale, assignment, ar�ransfer of any benefi�ial in�eres� in <br /> or'�o any land trust ho�ding tit�� to the Rea� Praperty, nr by any other methad vf con�eyance a� an interes� in �he Real <br /> Property. Hvwe�er, �h�s apt�on shall not he exercised by Lend�r if such exercise is prohibi�ed by federal Faw ar by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AN❑ L�ENS. The folfowing pro�isions rela�ing to the �axes and liens on �he PrQ��erty ar� part o#� this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust: <br /> F'aymen#. Trus�vr shall pay when due tand in al� e�ents prior to de��nquency� a�� taxe�, spe�ial taxes, assessm�nts, <br /> charges �in�lud�ng water and sewer�, fines and impvsiti�ns le�ied against o� on accaunt af the Proper�ty, and shall <br /> pay when due a�l claims for wo�k done ❑n ❑r �v� ser�ices rendered vr mate�ial furnis�ed to �he Property. Trustar <br /> shaff mainta�n�he Prop��ty free v�all liens ha�ing pri�rity o��r or equa���the interest of Lender under this Deed o� <br /> Trust, �xcept �or the �ien ❑f taxes and assessments �at du�, except '�ar th� Existing Indebtedness referred t� <br /> below, and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust. <br /> Right to Cvntes#. Trustor may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, or c�aim in connectivn w�th a good faith <br /> dispu�e o�er the abligation to pay, sv iong as l�ender's in�erest in the Praperty �s not jeapardi�ed. I� a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a result of nonpaymen�, Trustor shall wi�hin �if�een {"�5� days af�er the �ien arFses or, i# a lien is �iled, <br /> �rvithin fifiteen ��5� days aft�r Trustor has no�tice of �he filing, secure �he dis�harge Q� the li�n� or i� reques�ed by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender�ash or a sufficient�orpora�e surety bond or other security sat�sfactary t❑ Lender in an <br /> amount suffi�ient to discharge the lien plus any casts and a���rneys` fees, or oth�r charges that eau�d accrue as a <br /> resu�t of a foreclosure or sale under the lien. In any con�est, Trus�or shall defend i�sel�and Lender and sha�l satisfy <br /> any ad�erse�udgment before enforcemen�agains��he Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an addit�ana� obligee <br /> under any sure�y bond furnished in the can�est prv�eedings. <br /> E��den�e vf Payment. Trustor sha�� upon demand furnish �o Lender satisfa�to�y e�idence af paymen�t of the taxes <br /> or as�essmen�s and shall au�horize �the apprapriate ga�ernmenta� o'���c+a� �o deli�er #❑ Lender at any time a written <br /> statement ofi�he taxes and assessments agasnst the Property. <br /> Notice of�onstruction. Trustor sha�l nati#y Lender at �east �i�teen 415f days be�rflre any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any mat�rials are supplied �o �h� Property, i�any mechan�c's lien, ma�erialmen's lien, or <br /> other lien could �ae asser�ed on accaunt of the work, ser�ic�s, or materials and tMe �ost exceeds $1,���.�D. <br /> Trustor will upvn request of Lende� furnish �o Lender ad�ance assu�anc�s satis�actary �v Lender that Trustar can <br /> and wi�1 pay the cast of such imprv�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY ❑AMAGE �NSURAN�E. The fa�lawing pra�isions relating to �nsuring the Praper�y are a par�o��his Deed ❑� <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance v# Insurance. Trustor shall procure and maintain palici�s v# �ir� insurance wi�h s�andard extend�d <br /> �o�erage endorsements on a replacemen� hasis �or the fu1� insura�le �a1ue ca��ring all �mpro�emen�s on �he Real <br /> Proper�y in an amount suffi�ient �a a�vid application ❑� any coinsurance c�aus�, and with a s�andard mor#gagee <br /> clause in favor vf L�nder, toge�her wi�h such other hazard and iiability insurance as L�nder may reasonably requi�e. <br /> Policies shall be writt�n in form, amoun�s, cv�erages and bas;s reasflnably acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> company vr �ompanies reasonab�y acceptable to Lender. Trustor, upon request of Lender, will deli�er to L�nd�r <br /> '�rom time to time the poEi�ies or �ertifica�es of insurance in form satis�acto�y to Lende�, inc�uding s�ipufations �hat <br /> co�erages wil[ not be cance��ed or diminished without a��east thirty �30� days pr�ar written no�ice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance po�icy a�sa shali include an �ndo�sement praWiding that �o�erage in #a�vr af Lender will not be impaired <br /> in any way by any a�t, omissian or de#au�t��Trustor or any vther p�rson. Should th�e �eal Prvperty be �o�at�d in <br /> an area designated hy �he Administratar o�the Fed�ral Emergency Management Agency as a special flood ha�ard <br />