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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �orn � � o <br /> '`� �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> o z� � � �rn � — <br /> � �� � � �� � � <br /> � rn� rn �� � � <br /> � rn� o � =c�i� � c <br /> �o � � � � <br /> �� � r� <br /> �� � �� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> C� Z <br /> � <br /> WHEN REC�RDED MAIL TC]: <br /> �xchange Bank <br /> G!-Allen Drive Branch <br /> 'I ZQ4 A�len Dr <br /> P� Bax 5793 <br /> G�and Island, N� fi88D� F�R REC�RDER`S LJSE�NLY <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> TH15 DEEQ �F TRUST is dated April �2. �D�6, am�ng Tak�ias J. Y�st, A Single Person, ►nrhose <br /> address is 2�4 1N Barteit A►►enue. Don�phan. IVE �8832 �"Trustor"�: Exchan�e Bank, whose <br /> address is GI - Al�en Dri�e Branch, 'i��34 Aller� Dr, P� Bax 5793. Grand Island, NE �88�� <br /> �referred t� t�elaw samstimes as "Lender" and sametimes as "Benefi�iary"�; and Exchange <br /> Bank, whose address is PD Bax 397, Kearney, NE �8848 ��eferrsd ta helow as "T�ustee"j. <br /> CONVEYANGE AND GRAIVT. Fvr ►►alua#��e consideration. Trustor con�eys �a Trus�ee in trust. WITH PQWER C3F SALE, <br /> for the benefst o# Lender as Bene#iciary, a�f o� Trustar's right, title, and interest in and �a the #ol�owing d�scribed rea� <br /> pr�perty, together with all existing or subsequ�ntly ere�ted or af�ixed hui�dings, improvements and fixtures; a�� <br /> easem�nts, righ�s vf way, and appurtenances; af� water, water rights and ditch rights tinclud�ng stock in ut�lities w�th <br /> ditch �r irriga�ivn rightsy; and all ather righ�s, royalties, and profits re�ating ta the real property, in�luding without <br /> limi�atian al! m�nerals, oi�, gas, geotherma! and similar matte�s, �the "Real Pr�perty"} located in Hall �nunty, <br /> State af N ebras ka: <br /> Lat Twenty �2��, in Barteit Subdi�ision �f Part ❑f Lots 7, �5, 'I 6,'I 7 and '18 of the County <br /> Subd�►►��ifln of part vf the 5outn Half of S�ction Fi►►e �5�, `fvwnsh�p Nin� t9} Narth, Rang� <br /> Nine t9y Vllest of the �th P.M., in the Vill�ge ❑f Doniphan Ha!! Caunty, Nehraska. <br /> The Real Prvperty or its address is comrnanly kn�r►vn as �Q4 VII Bartelt Ave, Doniphan, NE <br /> �883�. T'he R�ai Prvperty tax �dentifi�ation number is 4D�'I 8235�. <br /> REVDLV�NG LINE �F CREDIT. Th�s Deed vf Trust secures the indebtedness inc�uding, wi#haut I�mitation, a re�ol�ing <br /> [ine vf credit, which ahligates Lender#o make ad�ances to Trustor sv Iong as Trustvr complies with a�l the terms of the <br /> Credit Ag�eemen#, Such ad�an�es may be made, repaid, and remade from time tn time, sub�ect to the limitatian that <br /> the totai vutstanding baian�e awing a� any on� time, not inc�uding �inance charges ❑n su�h balance a# a fixed ar <br /> variable rate vr sum as pro�ided in �he Credit Agreement, any tsmpvrary o�erages, other charges, and any amounts <br /> expended or ad�an�ed as praWided in �ither the �ndebtedness pa�agraph ❑r#h�s paragraph, shal� no# ex�eed �he Credit <br /> Limst as pravided�n the Cred;t Agreem�nt. �t is tM� intention��Trustor and Lender that this Deed vf Trust secures the <br /> balance ❑uts#anding under the Gredit A�reement�rom time tfl time from zer❑ up to the Credit Limit as pra►rided in �he <br /> Credit Agreement and any intermediate ba�ance. <br /> Trustar presently assigns to Lender �als❑ lcnown as Beneftc�ary in thfs Deed o� Trusty all af T�ustar`s right, title, and <br /> inte��st in and t❑ aii present and �uture leases of the Property and a!I Rents from the Property. In addition, Trustor <br /> grants to Lender a Uniform Cammercia� Code security interes� in�he P�rsona! Prvperty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED QF TRUST, iNCLUD�tVC THE ASS�GN��NT �F RENTS AND THE SECU'R�TY �N�EREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRaPERTY, IS GIVEN TQ SECURE {A} PAYMENT [3F THE INDEBTEDNESS AN❑ �B� PERFDRMANCE OF <br /> EACH OF 7RU5T�R'S AGREEMENTS AND DBLI�ATIDNS UNDER THE CREDIT AGREEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEE❑ QF TRUST. TH�S aEED DF TRUST IS GiVEN AN❑ A�CEPTE❑ ❑N THE F�LLaWING <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANCE. Except as othe�wise provided in this Deed vf Trust. Trustor shall pay to L�nder all <br /> amounts secured by thEs ❑eed of Trust as th�y became due, and shaif stric�ly and in a timely manner perfarm ai� vf <br /> Trus�or's ohligations under the Gredi�Agreement, th�s Deed o�Trust, and the Related Documents. <br /> PD55ES5��N AND MAINTENANCE QF THE PRDPERTY, Trustar agrees �ha� T�ustar's passess�an and us� vf the <br /> Property shal� he go�erned �y�he follawFng prouisions: <br /> Possession and Uss, Until the accurrence af an E�ent of aefiau�t, Trus�vr may �1� remain in possess+on and <br /> control o��he Property, 42} use, ❑perate ar manage�h� Property; and 43� cotl�ct the Rents�rom the Property. <br /> Duty to Main�ain, Trusto� sha�� mai��ain the Prope�ty in gaad �ondition and prompt�y perform all re�a��s, <br /> replacements, and maintenanc�nec�ssary to preser�e its�alu�. <br /> Comp��anc� Vllith En�ironmen�al Laws, 7rustor represents and warrants to Lender that: ��� []uring the period of <br /> Trus�ar's ownershi���the Property, there has been no us�� g�ene�atifln, manufac�ure, stvrage, treatmen�, dispvsal, <br /> reiease �r threatened release af any Ha�ardous Su�st�nc� by any persc�n on, under, ahaut or frvm the Property; <br /> ��� Trustor has no know�edge ❑f, or reasQn �a bel���� �ha�th��e has �een, except as pre�iausly disciosed tv and <br /> acknowledged by Lender �n writing, �a� a�y b���eh p� vialat�on of any Enviranmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> gene�ation, manufac�ure, stvrage, tr�atm�n�, disp��a�v, r�leese ar threatened r�lease of any Hazardaus 5ubstan�e <br /> on, under, abou� or from the Praperty by any priar o �ner$ v� acGupants o� the Property, or �c} any actual or <br /> �hreatened fitigation or claims af any kind by any p�r° �n relating to such ma�ters; and t3y Excep� as pre�iously <br /> dis�losed tv and a�knowledged �y Lend���r�writing, �} nei�her T�ustor nor any tenant, cvntraGtvr, agent Q�ot�er <br /> authori�ed user of the Property sha�i use, generat�, �� anufacture, s�ore, treat, dispose o�ar release any Hazardflus <br />