2� 1 ��2539
<br /> Any appl�ca��on�f payments, �nsurance proceeds, or Mi�ceiian�ous Proceeds to principa�due under the N�te
<br /> sha�l n�t extend or postp�ne�he due date, ar change th�amoun�, �f�he Periodic Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Item�. Borrower sha��pay�o Lender�n th�day Periodic Paym�nts are due und�r�he
<br /> Note, unti��he No�e�s paid in ful1, a sum��h� "Funds"} �o provide for paym�n��f amoun�s due for: �a}�ax�s
<br /> and assessments and��her i�erns vvh�ch�an a��a�n priority o��r��is Security �ns�rument as a�ien or
<br /> �ncum�rance�n the Propert�; �b} ��aseho�d payments or grQund ren�s on�he Pr�per�y, if an�r; �c}pr�miums
<br /> for an� and a�� insurance rec�uired b�Lender under S�c�i�n 5; and�d} Mor�gage�nsurance pr�miums, �f ar�y,
<br /> or any sums pa�a��e by Borrower to Lender in��eu of the paymen�af Mor��age�nsurance premiums �n
<br /> accordanc�with the pravisions of Sec�ion ��. These it�ms are calied "Escrow��ems." At ar�gina�xon ar at
<br /> any time during the term of t�e Loan, Lender may requzre�hat�ommun�ty Assac�a�ian I7ues, Fees, and
<br /> A55�55II1�T1�S y If��, be escro�ed b�Borr�wer, and such du�s, fe�s and assessmen�s sha�l be an Escrow
<br /> �tem. Borrower sha�l promptly furnish�o Lender a�l n�tices af amoun�s�o be paid under th�s Sec�ian.
<br /> Borrow�r sha11 pay Lend�r�he Funds far Escrow ��ems unless Lender�vai�res B�rrow�r's obligat�on�� pay
<br /> the Funds for any�r aI� Es�row �ten�. Lender may wa�ve B�rrov�er's o��igat�on to pa��o Lender Funds fnr
<br /> an�or ai� Es�row��ems at any t�me. An�such wai�er may only be in wr��xn�. �n the even�of suc�i wa��er,
<br /> Bor�r�wer sha�i pa�direc��y, when and where pa�ab�e, th�an�.ounts due for any Escraw I�ems for v�rhzc�.
<br /> paymen�of Funds has been waived b�Lender and, if Lender requ�res, sha�� furnish to Lender receipt�
<br /> e�idencing such payment vvi�hin such�ime per�od as Lender may require. Borr�wer's flb�igation to make
<br /> such payments and�o provide re�e�pts shall for a�l purposes be deemed ta be a co�enan�and agreemen�
<br /> conta�ned �n�h�s Secur����ns�rument, as the phras� "cov�nan�and agr�emen�" ��used �n Se�t��n 9. �f
<br /> Borro�er is obligated to pay �scro�v �tems directly, pursuan��� a vvaiver, and Borr�wer fai�s to pay the
<br /> amaun�due for an Escr�w ��em, Lender�nay exer�ise i�s r�ghts under Sect�on 9 and pay such amoun�and
<br /> Borrower�ha��then be obl�gated under�ec�ion 9�o repa�r ta Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke
<br /> �he waxver as t� any or a�i Escrow ��ems at any time by a na�xce g�ven �n a��ordance with Secti�n 1.5 a�d,
<br /> upon such re�oca��on, B�rrow�r shal�pay�o Lend�r aii Funds, and in such amounts, �ha�are�hen required
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, a�any�ime, �oi�ec�and hoid FUnds in an an�.Qunt�a} sufficien��o permit L�nder�o app1�the
<br /> Funds a��he t�xne speczf�ed under RESPA, and �b}no�to ex�eed the ma��murn�amaun�a�ender can require
<br /> under RESPA. I.ender sha�� es�ima�e the amoun�af Funds due on�he basis af current data and reasanab�e
<br /> estima�es of expenditures of fu�ure Es�row �tems�r�thervv�se �n acc�rdance vv�th Appl�cab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an institution whose deposi�s are�nsured by a federa� agency, instrumen�al���, or
<br /> �n���y (includxng Lender, �f Lend�r is an�nstitution whose depos�ts are so insured}or�n ariy Federa� �ome
<br /> L.oan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds tio pay the Escr�w Items no la�er�han th��ime specified und�r
<br /> RESPA, Lender shali not charg�Borrow�r for h��ding and applying�he Funds, annua��y analyzing the
<br /> escrow accaunt, ar ver�f�ing�he Escrow It�ms, un�ess L.ender pay� Borravwer in��res�on the Funds and
<br /> App��ca��e Law permits Lender ta make such a charge. Un�ess an agre�men�is made in wr��in�or
<br /> App�icable Law requires �n�erest to be paid an�he Funds, Lender sha�1 nat he requ�red tfl pay Borrov��r any
<br /> in�eres��r earnings on the Funds. Borrower and L�nder can agr�e�n writing, hov�ever, �hat in��res�shall be
<br /> paid �n��e Fund�. Lender shal� gi�e�o Borrower, vwithout charge, an annual account�ng�f th�Funds as
<br /> requir�d by RE�PA.
<br /> �f�here xs a surp�us of Funds�eld �n escr�vv, as def�n�d under RESPA, Lender shal� ac�ount to Borrower for
<br /> �he ex�ess funds in accordance v�rith RESP1�. If�here is a shar�age af Funds h�id in escr�w, as def�ned under
<br /> R�SPA, L�nder sha��no��fy Borrower as requ�red by RESPA, and Borrawer sha�l pa�to Lender the amaun�
<br /> necessary to make up the shor�age in accardance vv�th RESPA, bu� �n no m�r�than 12 month�y payments. �f
<br /> there is a de�ciency of Funds held �n escrovv, as de�ned under R�SPA, Lender sha11 not�fy Borrower as
<br /> N�gRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�redd€e Mac l.1NIFQRM tNSTRUMENT Focm 3D28 11�1
<br /> VMP[�a VMPfi�N�f�13�2�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ic�s Page�❑f'!7
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