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2� 1 ��2528 <br /> announcemen�at the time and p�ace of any previous�y scheduled sa�e.Lender ar its des�gnee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sal�. <br /> Upon rece�pt vf payment�f the pric� bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed can�ey�ng <br /> the Property.The recx�a�s�n the Trustee's deed shall be pr�ma facie evidence af the truth of the statements <br /> made therein. Trustee shaii appxy the proceeds �f the sale in the fa���wing order: �a� to a�l costs and <br /> expenses of exerc�s�ng the power of sa�e, and �he saxe, x�.��uding �h� payment of the Trustee'S fees actua��y <br /> �ncurred and reasanabie attorneys' fees as perm�tted by Appiica��e Law; �b� to a�� surns �ecured �y this <br /> Se�urity Instrument; and�c) any excess to the person vr persQns Iega��y enfiitied to i�, <br /> Reconveyance.Upon paymen�of a��sums secured by�h�s Securxty�nstrumen�an�termina�ian of Borro�rer's r�ght <br /> �a ob�ain fixrther advances under �he �ontrac�, Lend�r sha�� r�quest Trus�ee �o re�an�ey �he Property and sha�1 <br /> surrender this Secur��y�ristrumen�and a11 cQn�rac�s evidenc�ng debt�ecured by�h�s 5ecur�ty�nstrument to Trustee. <br /> Trus�ee sha11 reconvey�he Property vvzthou�warranty�a�he person ar persons legally entzt�ed to i�. Such person or <br /> perso�s shal� pay azxy re�ordation cas�s. Lender ma� charge su�h person or per�ons a fee for recanveyi�ng the <br /> Praperty,but on�y zf�he fee is paid t� a thrrd par�y�such as the Trust�e} for services rendered and tihe charging af <br /> the fee is permi��ed under Applicab�e Lavv. <br /> Su�St�tute Trustee. Lender, a� i�s opt��n, m.ay from t�me �o �ime remove Trus�ee and appo�n�a successor�rustee <br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an �ns�rument re�arded in the caur�ty in which�his Securz�r�nstrum�n� is <br /> record�d. �L1"i�hau�conveyance�f�he Property, the success�r�rustee shall succeed to a1�the�z��e,povver and duties <br /> c�nferred upan Trus�ee herein a�d by Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> Request for N��iCes.Borravver reques�s that copies vf the r���ice of default ax�d sa�e be sen�.to Barrovver's address <br /> v�hi�h is the Property Address. <br /> BY S�GNING BEL��, BorroWer accepts and agrees tfl the terms and cflvenants Gonta�ned �n a�� pages of thzs <br /> Secur�ty�ns�rument and in any R�der executed by Borrower and rec�rded with z�. Signed and sea�ed by B�rrower: <br /> � _ � , .� � �G � <br /> �~�� � � ! � <br /> (Sea�� �� �Seal} <br /> � � <br /> TERRY L BABCUCI� Da�e T � L BAB��CK Date <br /> � <br /> INDiVID,CTAL ACI�N�WLED GMENT <br /> STATE�F �EBRASI�A } <br /> � <br /> C�UNTY�F HALL } <br /> The foregoing instz�txm.��.� was acknovvledged by T�RRY L BAB��CI� and TR.ACY L BA�3��CI�, <br /> HUSBAND AND �V'IFE, before me on Apr�� 4, 2416. �n Wi�ness whereof, � hereuz�ta set rny hand and, �f <br /> applicab�e,my official seal. <br /> � <br /> My comn�.sszoxz expires: C-� � ��� � �' ' <br /> �F����L N�TA�Y-Sta�e�#N��rask� <br /> �`��� ������'�`���E Id�nt�f�ca�ioz�Number <br /> ���,.�....,. ��r C�mm,�x�.���,�9,���� <br /> ��ffzcial Seal} <br /> ��D04-2�15 CQmpIian�e Systems,�nc.8C54-SA38-2aJS.1 I.3.1098 <br /> C��sumer ReaI Estate-Security Tnstn3ment I]Lz435 Page 5 af 5 www.compliancesystems.�vm <br />