2� 1 ��2528
<br /> can be given effect wi�hout�h�cor�f�icting provzsion. To�his�:nd�h�prav�sions of this Secur��y Instrument and�he
<br /> Contract are de�Iared to be severa��e.
<br /> �orrower's��py.Borrower sha�l be g�ven one copy Qf th�s 5�e�urity Instrumen�.
<br /> Transfer of the Property or a Bene��ia�Interesf in Borro�v�ver°.�f all or any part af�he Prvper�y or any interes�
<br /> in i� is sold or transferred �or if a beneficial �n�eres� in Bor�awer is sold or �ransferred and Borrow�r is no� a
<br /> natural person} vvi�hou� Lender's priar vvri�ten cansen�, Lend��r may, at its opt�on, requi.re �n�e�ia�e payment �n
<br /> fuXX of al� sums secured by this Security Ins�rurnent. Ho�vever, �h�s op�ion shaX� not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�se�s prohibi�ed by federallaw as of�he da�te af this 5ect�rity Instrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises th�s apti�n, Lender shall g�ve B orro�wer n�t�c� of accelerat�on. The na�;ce shal� pr�vide a
<br /> period of not less �han the min�mum num�er of days es�ab�i:3hed by Applicable Law fr�m the date �Y��e no�ice is
<br /> delivered or mailed wi�hin Which Borrower mu�t pay a�� sun:�.s sec�a.red by �hzs Secur�ty �nsl�ru.ment. ���'Borravver
<br /> fails ta pay�hese sums priar ta �he expiration af�his period, Lend�r may invoke any remedies permit�ed by this
<br /> S e cur�ty�ns�rument vvithaut fur�h�r notice❑r demand on B arrtj,wer.
<br /> B�rr��wer�s Right �o Re�nstate. �f Borrovver �x�.eets cer�ain cond�t�ons, Borr�wer shall have the ri�� to have
<br /> enfarcement of this Security Ins�rumen� discon�inued at an�time priar to �he earl�er of: �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Applzcable Lav�may sp�cify f�r reinstatemen�}befflre sa�e �f�he Property pursuant�o any pawer af sale
<br /> con�ained �n this Securzty �nstrumen�; ar �b} �ntry �f a �u.dgmen� enforcing �his Secur�ty �nstrum�nt. Thase
<br /> conditions are �ha�Bor�-ower: �a} pays Lender aIl sums whic:h �hen vvou.�d be due under this 5ecuri�y Ins�rument
<br /> and the�on�ract as if n�a�celerat��n had accurred;�b) cures��ny default of any other c�venants ar agr��m�nts;�c�
<br /> pays all expenses incurred in enfor�ing�his Securi�y Instrume���, in��ud�ng,but na��im.ited to,reas�nabl�at�orneys'
<br /> fees �o �he extent permitted by�av�; and�d} takes such actian as L,ender may reasana�biy requ�.re to ass��re�hat the
<br /> l��n of this Securr�Instrumen�,L�nder's rights�n the Prop�rty and]�orrower's obl�gation to pay the sums secured
<br /> by this 5ecurity Instrument shall �on�znue unchanged. Upon 7�e�nstatemen�by Borrov�er, �his Secur�ty Instrumen�
<br /> and the abliga�ions s�cured hereby shall rema�n fu�Iy effect�yre as if no accelerat�on had occurred. Ho�uve�er, th�s
<br /> rxght t�reznstate sha��not appl�r in the case of ac�elerati�n un+�er�h�section t�tled Transfer of�he�roperty or a
<br /> Benef�cia�Interest in Borrow�r.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�e�.Borrawer shall no�cause ar permi�t:he presence,use, dispasai, s�orage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances fln or in the Property.Barrovver sha�l nc�t do,nar alloW anyone e�se to da,any�iin�g affecting
<br /> the Proper�y that is in vinlation af ar�y Environmenta� Lavv. The preced�ng tv�o sen�ences sha�� n�t app�y �o �he
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage�n�he Proper�y of sma�l quantities of'Hazardous Subs�ances that are general�y:recagn��ed
<br /> to be appropria�e�o norma�res�de��ia�uses and ta maintenanc��❑f�he Pr�perty.
<br /> Barrovver sha11 prornp�ly gzve Lender wri�ten no�ice af any inv�estigation,c�aim, demand,�ativsuit or other a�tion by
<br /> ar�y governmen�a� or regulatory agency or priv��� parCy inv�:�v�ng �he Pr�per�y and ar�y Hazardous Subs�a.nce or
<br /> Environmenta.l La�v af ,which I-3orrov�er has actual knavvledge. If Borrawer learns, or �� na�if�d by any
<br /> governmenta�or regu�a�ary authority,that any remnval or ath��r remedzatifln of any Hazardflus Su�stance affec�ing
<br /> �he Prope�-ty is nec�ssary, Bflrrovver shall pramp��y �ake �:1� necessary remedial ae�ions in accor�ance v�r�th
<br /> Environmen�a.l Lavv.
<br /> As used�n thi.s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ar���s" are those �ubs�ances define�as taxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by Environmental Law and the �'oliowing substances: gasol:�ne, kerosene, o�her flammable �r �oxic petraleurn
<br /> products, �axic pest�cide� and herbicides, v�latile solvents, �na�erials containing asbes�os or f�rmaldPhy�ie, and
<br /> rad�oact�ve materials.As used in this paragraph, "Enviranmer�tal La�v" means federa��aws and Iav�s�f 1:he s�ate of
<br /> N�braska that relate�o h�al�h,�af�ty�r envirfln�nen�al protecti�n.
<br /> Ac�eleration; Rem�d�es. Lender shall g�ve rnotice �a Barr��ver prior ta accel�rat�on fo�Iovving B�orrower's
<br /> breach of any�ovenant or agreernent in this Security Inst�•ument or the�antrac�under wh�ch acce�era�ion
<br /> is per�itted {but nv�pr�or to ac�elerat�on u�der the se�ti��n ti�I�d Tran�fer vf the Pr�perty or a Benefic�a�
<br /> Inter�st�n Borrflwer, un�ess Applicabl� Law provides o�herwis��. The n��ice shall speCif3�: �a� t�ne default;
<br /> �b} th� action requir�d to cure the d�fault; �c� a date�, n�t �es5 than thQ mir��mum numbe:r of days
<br /> e�tablished by Applicable Law from th�date the n�tice is given ��Borrayver,by whi�h the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and (d� that fa��ure tfl cure the defa�lt on or bef�re �he date spe�i�ed �n �he n��ice ma�� result in
<br /> acceieration of the sums secur�d by this S�cur�ty Instr�un�ent and sale of the Prflper�y. To ��he exten�
<br /> perm�tted by law, the no��ce shall fur�her inf�rm BorrowE�r of the right�o r��nsta�� af�er a�c��era�xon and
<br /> �he r�ght to bring a cvurt a�t�on�a ass�r�the non-ex�st�nc��of a defau�t vr an�Qther defense of Ba�rrower to
<br /> a�ce�erat��n and sale. If the default is n�t cur�� an or b�f�r� the da�e speci�ed in �he no�ce,Le��d�r at its
<br /> nptiam may requ�re a�xmmediate payment in f�l� af all su�t�s se�ured by this Security In�trumernt without
<br /> furth�r demand and may xnvoke the p�vver of sale and ax�y �ther remedies permi�ted b�Appl�cabl� Law.
<br /> To �he extent p�rrrutted by �aw, Lende� shall be entit��d �o ���leCt a�l expenses incurred in pu��su�ng the
<br /> remed�es provided in th�is Sec��or�,including,bu� not l�mi��yd to,r�asonable a�torneys' fe�s and c�sts of�itie
<br /> e�ide�.ce.
<br /> If the povver of sale is inv�ked,Trustee shal�record a noti�� �f defau�t in each cou�aty xn�vhxch a�ny part of
<br /> �he Property�s located and sha�l mai��flp�es af such notic�;i��.th�manner prescrib�d by�.pplicab�le Law to
<br /> Borr�vver and to the other persons prescribe�. by Applic��ble Law. After the tim� requYred by��pplicab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�� g�ve public notic� of sale tv �he per5o�s and in the manner prescr��ed by �pp�icable
<br /> Law.�`rustee,with�ut demand an Borr�wer, �hall�ell the Prflp�rty at public auCt��n tfl ��.e h�gh+�st bidder
<br /> at the�ime and piace and under�he tern�as designat��in th��natice of sa�e�n�ne or m�re�arce�.s a.nd Yn an�
<br /> order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone �ale of all �r any par�el of �he Pr�vperty �by public
<br /> Cc�24D4-2015 Compliance Systems,inc.SC54-EA.38-20I5,11,3,1098
<br /> CQnsumer Reat Estate-Se�urity Ir�strument DL��35 Page 4 af 5 www.compliancesystems.com
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