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2� 1 ��245� <br /> Transfer af the Pr�perty or a Benefi�iai Inte��st in Barro�wer.If a���r any par�of the Proper�y or any�n�eres� <br /> in it is sold or �ransferred �ar if a benef c�a� �n�erest in B���ovver is so�d or transferred and Borrawer �s nat a <br /> na�ural pers�n} �rithou� Lender's pr�or wr�t�en co�sent, L�nder r�a�r, at its op�ion, require imr�ediate ,paymen� �n <br /> fu�l af a�� surns secured by �.�.s Secur��y �ns�rument. H�we�re�, this ap�i�n shall nat �ae exerc�sed b�r Lender if <br /> exercise i�pr�h�bited by federal law as of the da�e of this Sec��rity Ins�rument. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses �h�s op�ian, Lender sha�� �i�re B arra�wer n���ce of acceleration. T'he natice shall� provide a <br /> per�od of na� �ess �han �h.e minimum number ot�days �s�abli��hed b�r Applicab�e Lavv from t.�i� date �he no�ice �s <br /> delivered or mai�ed uri�hin which Borrower must pay a11 sur�s �ecured by �his Securi�y �nstrument. �f Borrower <br /> fails �a pay�hese sums prior ta the expiration �f this �eri�d, Ler�d�r may �nvoke any�-emed�es permifited by tihis <br /> Se�urity Ins�rument withou�further na�ice ar dernand on Bflrrt��vt�er. <br /> Borrovver's R�ight to Reinstate. �f Borrow�r meets certain cond���ons, B orrawer sha�I have the rig;h� t� have <br /> enforc�ment flf this Secur��y Ins�rumer�t discont�nued at any�:ime pr�or�o the ear�ier of: �a} 5 �ays ��r such other <br /> per�od as App�icable Law may specify for reins�atemen�}befc�re sale of the Propert�r pu.�suant��any pou�er af sale <br /> con�a�ned in th�s 5ecurity �ns�rument; �r (b} en�ry of a jt�dgmen�t enforcing this Secu.ri�y Instrumen�. Those <br /> condit�ons ar� �hat Borro�ver: �a} pays Lemder a�1 sums vvh�ch �hen Would be due under this Secur�ty Instrument <br /> and the Con�ra�t as if no acceleration had occurred;�b}cures;�ny defaul�❑f ar�y other cavenants ar agreements; �c} <br /> pa�s al�expenses inCurred in enforcing this Security Instrumea�t, including,bu�no���mited�a,reasonabl�a��arneys' <br /> fees to �he exten�permi�ted by law; and �d}�akes such actian as Lender xnay reasonably require to assTare�ha�the <br /> lien of t.�iis 5e�ur�ty Ins�rument,Lender's righ�s ir�the Property and Borrovver's�b�igati�n�o pay�he su:ms <br /> by �h.�s Security Ins�rument shall continue unchanged. Upon:�etnstat�men�by BorroWer, this 5ecurity Ins�rument <br /> and �he obliga�ions secured hereby shal� remain fulXy effect��re as i�no acce�eration had accurred. H�wever, �h�s <br /> r�gh�to rei.nstat�shall no�app�y in the case of a�celeratifln un��er�he section tit�ed Tra�sfer of�he 1'r�perty or a <br /> Ben�f�ciai Interest�n Barrawer. <br /> Ha�ardous Substan�es.Barrower shall nat cause�r pernai.���ie presence,use, C�1S��5�.1, st�rag�, ar re��ase af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or i.�the Prvpert�r.Borrower shall n���d�,�or allavv anyone else to dQ,anythir.�g affecting <br /> the Proper�y tha� is �n viola�io� Qf any Environmental La�v. Th� preceding tw� sentences shall no�t a��p�y �o the <br /> presen�e,use,or s��rage on�he ProperCy of small�uan�i�ies o�°Ha�ard�us 5ubs�a.nces tha�are g�nerally recognized <br /> to be appropria�e to narma�resident�al uses and to main�enanc��f�h�Property. <br /> B�rravver shal�prflmptly give Lender writ�en no�ice of any inti�es�iga�ion,claim, demand,lavtrsui�ar o�her actian by <br /> any g�vernmental ar regulatory agency or pr�vate party znvo�v�n� �he Praperty and any I-�azar�dous 5ubs�ance or <br /> En�ironmental Lativ of which Borrower has actua� knovv].edge. �f Borr�vver learns, or �s no�ifi�� by any <br /> gavernmentaT�r regu�atory au�h�rity, tha�any remQval or athf:r rem�dia�ion af any Ha�ardflus�ubstance affec�zng <br /> the Pr�perty is ne�essar�r, Borrativer shall promptly take ��I� necessary remedial actions in accor�ance w�th <br /> En�rironmenta�Lav�r. <br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Ha�ardaus 5ubstances" are�hose subs�anCes defined as toxic ar hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Environmen�al Law and �he fnllawing substances: gasal�ne, k�ros�ne, other f�ammab�e �r toxic pefirnieum <br /> products, �oxzc pes�icides and herbicides, volatile s�l�ents, �na��rials con�ainirig asbestos or formald�hyd�, and <br /> radioac��ve materials. As used in this paragraph, "Enviranmenta�I.a�" means federallaws and�ativs of�he s�ate of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e to health,safe�y or environmen�al protecti an. <br /> Acce�eration; Remedies. Lender 5ha�� ga�ve n����e �a Barr�vve� pri�or �o ac�elerati�n folluvving ���rrower's <br /> breach of any�flvenant vr agreernent�n this Secur�.ty Inst��um�nt or the�flntrac�under v�hi�ch ac�elerati�n <br /> is perm�t�ed�but n�t prior�o a��e�erat�on under the sect�+�n �itl��Transfer of the PrflpeFty or a Benef��i�a� <br /> In�erest in Barrower, unless App�i�abie Lavv prov�des o�h er�v�v�s��. The nv�ice shal� specify: (a� the default; <br /> �b� th� acti�n required to cure the d�fault; �c� a dat��, not less than �he minimum num�er tif days <br /> established by Applicab�e Law fr�m the date the n�tice�s gi��n t�Borr�vver,by which the default must�ae <br /> �ured; and �d} that fa��ure t� cure the default on or befa�re �he date specif�ed in �he natice ma�� result in <br /> a��e�eration of �he sums secur�d by this Security Instr�ument and sa�e of the 1'ropert�. T� �he exten� <br /> perm�tted hy Iavv, the no�ice shal�fur�her inform Borrow+�r �f the r�ght�v reins�ate af�er acc��erat�on and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court action ta ass�r�the n�n-exi�t�nc��of a d�fau�t or any nfher defense of Be�rrower to <br /> a�ce�era��an and 5ale. If the def�ult is not �ured on ar bef�re �he date specif�ed in �he no��e,Le��der at its <br /> vption may re�u�re �mmediate payra�ent �n full of aIl su�n5 se�ured by th�s Security Instrument wxthout <br /> further demand a�d may i�n�voke the po�ver af sale and a»y vther remedies perm�tfed b�Applicabie Law. <br /> Tv the ex�en� p�rmitted by Iaw, Lender shall be ent��led to ca�lect a�� expenses i�curre�d in pu�rsu�.ng the <br /> remed�es prov�c�ed in �h�s Sect�an,�n�iuding,b�t not lim�t�wd�o, r�asonab�e a�torneys' fee� and co�ts of t���e <br /> QVl[���IC�r <br /> If�he�ovver of sa�e is xn�oked,Trustee �hall re�ord a noti�e of defauit�n each �ounty in�vhich any part of <br /> the Property�s lo�a�ed and shal�mai� copies �f such not�c�a in th�manner prescrib�d by�pp�icab��e LaYv to <br /> Borrower an�t to the �ther persans prescribe�i by Applic��ble Law. AftQr the t�m.e re�u�red by��ppli�able <br /> Law, Trustee sha�i give public notice of sa�e �� the persnns �n� in the manner prescrxbed by .��pplicabl.e <br /> Law.Trustee,vvithau� demand �n Barr�wer,�hali seil the Prop�rty at pub�ic au�t�on ta �he high�st bidder <br /> at the�me and p�ace and under the terxr�s designated in the n�ti�e of saie�n one or more�ar�els a.nd�n any <br /> vrder Trustee determunes. Trustee may p�stpone sa�e of all. �r any par�el of the Prnperty by pubXic <br /> announcement a�the time and place vf any pre�ously sch�wdu�ec�sa�e.Lender�r it�desxgnee may pur�hase <br /> the Praperty at any sa�Q. <br /> Upon rece�pt of payment af the pri�e bfd, Trustee �hali d�:��v�r to the purcha�er Trustee's de�� ��anveying <br /> �he Praperty. The rec��a�s�n the Trustee's deed shall be p�•�ma f��ie evidence af th�truth of the statements <br /> Q 24a4-20I5 Campliar��e 5ystems,Tnc.8C54-AD66-2�15,1 I.3.1Q98 <br /> �ansumer Reai Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL203d Page 4 of 5 www.carnp�rari�esystems.conn <br />