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2� 1 ��245� <br /> �n��res� fr�m �he da�e of dzsbursemen� at the same rate assessed fln advances under the �an�rac� and sha�l be <br /> payab�e,with�nterest,upan no��ce from Le�der to Borravver r�quest�ng paymen�. <br /> InSpectivn, Lender or �ts agent may make reasonable en�ries upon and znspec�ians af�he Praper�y. Lender sha11 <br /> g�ve Borrawer no��ce a�the�ime of or pr�or to an inspectz�n specifying reasonable cause for th�xnspec�ion. <br /> �andemnation. The prace�ds af any award�r c�a�m for damages,d�rec�ar consequent�a�, xrz�oranection w�tih any <br /> candemna�ian�r o�her taking af ar�y part of the Property, ar for ca�.veyance in Iieu ❑f candemna�ion, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha11 be pazd�o Lender. <br /> In�he even� of a total taking af fihe Property, �he proceeds shall be appl�ed �o the sums s�cured b� �his Security <br /> �ns�rumen�, whether ar na� then due, v�i�h any ex��ss paid to Bnrrower. In �h.e even� of a par�ial �aking of�he <br /> Property in which�he fa�r marke�value af the Praper�y immediately b�fore the taking is equal �o or grea�er�han <br /> �he amount of�he sums by thzs Securi�y Instrumen�immed�a�e�y b�fore the �al�ing, unle�s B�rrower and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in wri�ing,the sums se�ured by�his Se�uri�y Ins�rume�ti sha��be reduced by�he amount of <br /> the praceeds multiplied by�he folloWing frac��on: (a}�he�o�a� arnour��of the sums s�cured immedza�e��befare the <br /> �aking, d�v�d�d by �b} �he fair maarket �alue af�he Prop erty�mmed�ate�y b�far� �he taking. Any b alanc e shal� b e <br /> paid �a Barrower. In �he even� of a par��a1 �akzng of the Praperty zn which �he fair ma�k��va�ue of the Frop�r�y <br /> zmmedia�ely�bef�re the ta�ng is Iess than �he amaun� of the sums secured zmmediately before �he �ing, un�ess <br /> Borrawer and Lender o�herwise agree in wri�ing or unless Appl�cable La�w otherwise pravides, the proceeds shall <br /> be applied�o the sums secured by�his Security�nstrumen�whe�her or no��he sums are then due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is a�ar�doned by Borrower, or if, after no�ice by Lender ta B�rr�wer�hat the c�ndemnor offers �o <br /> make an avvard ar se�tle a claim for damages, Barrower fai�s to respond ta Lender vvithin the m�nimum number flf <br /> days es�ab�zshed by Applicable Lavv after�he date the na�ice is given,Lender is au�horized to collect and app�y the <br /> praceeds, at its opt�on, either t� res�nra��an ar repazr af the Pr�per�y or �o �he sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> Zns�rument,v�r�e�her ar nat then du�. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower otherwzse agree in wri�ing, any applica�ion�f pr�ceeds to princ�pa� sha��no�ex�end <br /> or postpone�he due date of the paymen�s due under th�Con�ra�t or change the am�unt af such payments. <br /> Borrnwer Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender No� a �W'a��er. Extension of th� �ime far payment or <br /> madzfzca��on af amor�i2ation af the suxns se�ured by th�s Security Ins�xrient gra.rited by L�n.der to Borrawer or <br /> any suc�essor �n �nt�rest of Barrawer sha�l no� operate to release the Iiabilz�y �f �he or�ginal Borrower or <br /> Borrovver's successors in in�eres�. Lender shal�no�be required�o�ommence prac��di�zgs against a�y�uccessor in <br /> �nterest ar refuse to ex�end time for paym.ent or vtherwise modif�amar���at�fln of�he sums�ecured by thi.s Security <br /> ��s�rument by reasnn of any demand made by �he orig�nal Borrower or Bvrrower's successors �n ix�teres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Le�.der zn exercising any r�ght or remedy sha�I not be a wa�ver of or prec�ude �he exerC�se of any <br /> r�ght or remed�. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns Bound; Jv�.nt and Severa� L�abx��.ty; Accornmodation Sxgners. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Se�urity�ns�rument sha1�bind and be�efit the successors and assigns of Lender and Barrov�er, <br /> sub�ec� tv the prav�szons of section �i��ed Transfer �f �he Property or a B�nef�c�al Interest in Borrower. <br /> B�rroWer's c�venants and agreern.e�ts sha11 b�jaint and several.Any person who c�-signs�his Securi�y Ins�rumen� <br /> bu� has no persana� ��abil��y under the ���.�rac� �"Ac�omrnoda�ion Signer"}: �a} �� c�-s�gnir�g this Se�ur�ty <br /> �nstrum�n� only to martgage, gran� and convey that Accammada�i�n Signer's �nteres� in the Prapez-�y under �he <br /> terms af �he 5ecur��y Inst�-ument; �b� i� nat persana��y obligated �o pay the sums secured by �his Secuarity <br /> �nstrum�n�.; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and any o�her Borrower may agree�o e��end,na�dify, forb�ar flr make any <br /> accommadati�ns W�th regard�o the term�of�his Se�urxty�x�strument or th.e Cnntrac�without�hat Accammoda�zon <br /> S�gner's cansenti. <br /> Loan Charge�. If�he laan secured �y �his Security I�s�rument zs subject to a �aw which se�s maximum Iaa�a. <br /> �harges, and�hat�aw zs fna��y interpre�ed so tha��he interest or other l�a�a charg�s collec�ed ar�a be collec�ed in <br /> c�nnectz�n vvith �he �oan exceed �he permittied Iim�ts, then: �a� any such l�an �harge sha11 be reduced by the <br /> amoun�necessary�a reduce �he �harge to �he permitted Iimits and �b} any sums a�ready co�Iected from Barrovv�r <br /> whzch exceeded permit�ed limits Wi�l b� refunded to Borrovver. Lender may chaose �o make #his refund by <br /> redu�i.z�.g �he principa� owed u.�d�r th.e C�ntrac� or by maki�g a direct payment ta Barro�rver. �f a refund redu�es <br /> princ�pa�,��e reduc�ion will be treated as a par�ial prepaymen�under the Con�trac�. <br /> Not�ces. Any nat��e t� Borrawer provided for in �his 5e�uri�y Insi�umen� sha11 �be g�ven by de��vering it or by <br /> mailxng�t by frs�c�ass mail un�ess Applicab�e La�w requzres use of ano�her me�hgd. The r�o�ice sha��be directed�o <br /> �he Prope�.y Addr�ss or any o�her address Borrower des�gnate� by na��ce ta L�nder. Borrov�er agrees �a provxde <br /> Lender vvxth$Qrrower's mos� current mai��ng address, as ��may change fram�ime--to-time. Any notice to Lender <br /> �ha��be given by frst class mail to Lender's address sta�ed herezn or any o�her address Lender desigz�ates by nat�ce <br /> ta B�rrower. An.�natice provided for�n�his Securit�Instrum�n�sha�I�e d�emed�o h.av�been gi�en t� Barrower <br /> ar Lender vvhen gxven as prov�ded in�his paragraph. <br /> Govern�.n�Law; Se�erahil�ity.This Secur�ty Instrumen�sha�l be go�erned by federa��a,w and�h��aWs af the s�a�e <br /> af Nebras�a. In the event that any provis�on ar clause of this S ecurity Instrument ar the Con�ract cnnflic�s vvith <br /> Applica��e Law, such confl�ct sha�� nflt affec� �ther pr�v�sians of this Secur�ty Instrurn.en� or �h.e Cantrac�wh�ch <br /> can be g�ven effec�w��hout the conflic�ing provision. To this end the provxs�ans af th�s Security��strumen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrower's�opy.Borr�wer sha11 be g�ven ane c�py of this Security Ins�rumenf.. <br /> Q 2444-2015�omp�iance Systems,Inc.8C54-AD66-2�1S.I 1.3.iQ9$ <br /> Cons�zrner Reai Estate-Securi#y Instr�m�nt DL2�35 Page 3 af 5 www,� <br />
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