2� 1 ��23��
<br /> Address: 2fl 1 f N�RAND ISLAND AVE,Gt•and I�ta��d,Neb�•aslca�88�3
<br /> Le�;a� Desc�•ip�ion: THE N�R.TH TH�RTY-SI� FEET �3d'� �F LaT SEVEN �7}, AND THE
<br /> S�UTH TH�RTY-�NE F��T AND A HALF FEET �3�,5'} QF L�T FrVE �5�, BLa��
<br /> Parcel IDIS�d�nr�il Nu�-nber:4��D45I33
<br /> �"Praper�y Address"}.
<br /> T��ETHER ��TH all �he irnpro�en��n�s now ar hereaft�r er�c�ed �n �h� prope�-�y, and al� easemen�s,
<br /> �ppur�enances, azad �xtures no�v or hereaf�er a part of�he prop�rty. AIl repiacements and addi�ions sha�l a�so be
<br /> covered by �his Securi�y ���s�rume�at. All of the foregoing is refer�•ed to i�� ��Zrs Secur��y Instrumet�� as the
<br /> "Pr�p�r�y." Bo�-rower understands and abre�s tha� MERS holds only legal �ztle �o the interests granted 1oy
<br /> Borrowver in this Secu�ity I��strumen�, but, if necessary �o comply vvith law or custom, MERS (as nominee for
<br /> Lende�•and Lende�•'s su�cess�rs and ass�g��s) has the righ�: to exercise a��y nr ail of those interests, �ncluding, but
<br /> not�imited�o,tl�e ri�h�to foreclose and scll�he Proper�y; a.nd�o�ake any action�•�quired of Lender i�clud�ng,bu�
<br /> no�lim�ted to,releasin�and cance�in��his Security�ns�r��men�.
<br /> B�RR��I'ER ��VENANTS tha� Borrower is lav�rfu�ly seised of the esta�e hereby cot��eyed and has the righ��o
<br /> grat�t and convey �he Property and that the Prape��ty is une��.cumbered, except far encumb�•ances of recard.
<br /> �3orro�vcr warrants and will defend g�ncrally �he t��le to ���e Proper�y against all c�aim� and dema��ds, subject to
<br /> any encu�nbrances af rccord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines un�form cov�nants for na��onal use and non-uniform cavenants wi�h
<br /> limitcd�ariatzons by jurisdic��on�o consti�u��a ut�iform se�urity ir�stru�r�e��t covcring real property.
<br /> UNIF�TI.M�Q�ENANTS,Borrawer and Lender coUenan�and agree as failo�s:
<br /> 1. Payment of Prin�ipal, Interes�, Es�row I�ems,Prepaymen��harges,and La�e�harges.B�rr�wer
<br /> shall pay when du� the principal of, and i�l�eres� on, the deb� evidenced by�he Note ar�d �ate �harges
<br /> due undcr�he Na�e. Borrou�er shall aisn pay funds fflr Escraw I�ems pursuant ta Sec��on 3. Paynacr�ts
<br /> due under the N��e and th�s�Sccu�r�ty Ins�rum�nt shai� be made in U.S. currency. Hovvcver, �f any
<br /> che�k or other instr��ment r�c;ei�ed by Lender as paym�nt�.�nder the No�e or this Securi��Inst�•��rncnt�s
<br /> returned to Le��der unpaid,Lcnder rnay requxre that any�r aX�subse�uen�paym����s due under the No�e
<br /> and th�s Security Instrument be made in one or m��•c of the following forms,as se�ec�ed by Le��.der: (a}
<br /> cash; (b} moz�ey flrd�r; �c} cer��fied check, bank checic, �reasL�rer's ch�ck o� cashier's cl�eck, pro�ided
<br /> any such check is drawn upon an ins�i�utinn �hose depfls��s ar� ins�.ir�d by a federai agency,
<br /> �nstzl�men�a�ity,or entxty;or�d}Elect�•onic Fu��ds Transfer.
<br /> Paymenfs are deemed recei�ed by Lende�• when rec�i�ed at the �ocat�on desxgna�ed ��a the Nate or at
<br /> such athez• �o�ation as �nay be desi�nated by L�nder in accordance with �he na�ic� prov�sions �n
<br /> Sec�ion �5. Lende�•may return any paymen�or partial pay�nent if�he paymen�or pa�-tial paym�t��s are
<br /> �zasuf�icient�o bring tihe Loan�urre��t. Lender may accept any payme�lt or par�ial paymen� insuffic�ent
<br /> fo bring the I,oan curre�at, without wazv�r of any ri�hts hereund�r or prejudice to its rights tio refuse
<br /> s��ch pay�nent or partiai paymen�s in�he future, b��t Lend�r is nat oblig��ed ta �.pply sL�ch paymen�s a�
<br /> th� ti�ne such paymen�s are accep�ed. If each Peri�dic Payment�s app�ied as of i�s scheduled dL�e date,
<br /> then Lend�z• need na� pay in�erest on unapplied funds. Lende�• may hald such unappizcd funds until
<br /> Borrower ma�es paym�nt to bring �he Loa�� currcn�. If Bo�-�awe�- does not do sa vvithin a reasonablc
<br /> period af time, Lend�r shall ei�her apply such funds or return them to Bozrower. If no�appl�ed earlier,
<br /> such fL�nds v�ill be app�ied �o �he ou�standing principal balance under �he Note immedia�ely prior to
<br /> foreclosure. No offse�or claim whi.ch Bor�ovver migh�ha�e now or in the future against Lender sha��
<br /> rel�e�e Borrower fram mal�ing payments due ut�der �h� Not� and this Security It�s�ru�nent or
<br /> pexforming the covez-�ants and a�reemen�s secured by this S�cu�ity�ns�ru�nent.
<br /> V�L3It�,SK.�-Sin�ie l�amily-F'Ilr�U�f1I+DRVI IVS'I'R[:Ntli�1'C Re►�.9115
<br /> �-�.'.U(]4-2t?l 5 Cain�aliat�ce 5ystems,I�i�.9S7bbG70-c4Sb8Uci9-LU l 5,l�,3.1 a87
<br /> Sirigle Family Renl[:s�ate-5�c�irity Instri�ment❑�,2D47 1'a�e 3 of l� �v��w,compliancesystems.cam
<br /> ���I�����I��I��I'I��I��������I�I��I �I����II��� �i��I�I��I �II�I I I i i���I�II�I I��I��i I����I�f��I�I I il��'
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