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2� 1 ��23�� <br /> �H} "L021I1�r mea�as t1�e debt evid��l�ed by t��e Note, plus �nt�res�, late cl�argcs due und��•the Note, and a�1 sums <br /> due under this �ecuri�y Ynstrument,plus �nt�r�st. <br /> �.�} "Rid�rs" means al� Riders �o this Securi�y Ins�r��men� �hat are exec;uted by the Borrower. The follawing <br /> Riders ar�to he�xecu��d by Borrower��heck box as applicab�e]: <br /> � ] Adjustable�ate Rider � � �ondami��iu�n Rider [ � Seco��d Hame Rider <br /> C ] Balloon Rider C ] Pianned Uni�De�elopment R�d��• � ] ��he��s} �spec�fy]: <br /> [ ] 1-4 Family Rider � ] Biweekly Paymen�Rid�r <br /> �J} "Applicable Law" �n�ans all c�ntroiling applicab�e federa�, sta�e and local s�a�t�tes, regulati��ls, ordinances <br /> and administrati�e rules and ord�rs ��ha� ha�e �he effect of the �a�v} as �rell as ali applicabie fir�a�, <br /> non-appealab�e judicial opin�ons. <br /> (K.} "Cornmunity Ass�c�a�ion D[1�5y Fees, and Assessments" meazas all dues, fe�s, assessm�n�s and ather <br /> cha���es that a�-e imposed on Bor�•��er or tl�ze Propet•ty by a c�ndominium �ssacia�io��, homco�v��ers <br /> associat�on ar simi�ar organiza�ion. <br /> �L� "E�ec�runic Funds Tran�fer" means any �ransfer of funds, othet- than a transac�io�� ariginated by check, <br /> draft, or simi�a�• paper �nstrument, which is initia�ed �h�•ough an e�ec�ron�c terminal, �elephonzc instrumen�, <br /> co�npu�er, or magne�ic �ape �o as �o order, instr�.��t, or autho�ize a financia� institu��on �o debi� or crc;d�t an <br /> account, Such term includes, but �s not lirnited to, po�nt-of-sale transfers, au�omated �e�ler Ynachine <br /> transac�ians,�ransfers�nitia�ed by teteph�ne,tivire transfers,and au�omated clearinghouse transfers. <br /> �M} "Escro�v Items" m�ans those items that a�•c des�rxbed in Sectio��3. <br /> �N) "Misce�laneous Praceeds" m�ans a��y campensatio�l, sett�ement, award of damages, or procc�ds paid by <br /> any third party �oth�r than �nsuranc;e prQceeds pazd under the cov�rages desc�ibed in Section 5} for: �i} <br /> damage �o, nr destru�tion �f, the Property; �zi} Gand�mna�ion or o�her taking of all or any pa�rt of the <br /> Property; �i�i} co�xveyance i�� �i�u of c�ndemnat�on; or �iv} m�srepz esentatzons of, or amissions as �o, �he <br /> Wal�ie�.ndlor condition of the Prop�rty. <br /> ��} "Mar�gage Insurance" means insurance pro��cting Lend�r a�ainst �l�e nonpay�nent of, or defaul�: on, t11e <br /> Loa�l. <br /> �P} "Periodie Payment" means �he reg�.11arly scheduled amoun� due for �i� p�•incipal and in�erest �.�nder the <br /> Not�,plus�ii}any amounts under Sec�io��3 af this Security�nst�•umen�. <br /> �Q} "RESPA'� means�he Rea.�Es�a�e Set�lement Prac��ures Ac��12 U.S.C, �2601 et seq.�and i�s xrnplem�nt�ng <br /> r�gul�.�zon, Regu�atian � �1� �.F.R. Par� 1 D24}, �s �hey might b� amended from timc; to ti���c, or any <br /> additxonal or successor legislatian or regulation �hat gaverns the sam� subjec� matter. As used �n �his <br /> S�curity Inst�•ument, "RESPA" refers to all rcquiremen�s and res�rictions t1�at ar�� ir��.posed in regaxd �o a <br /> "fed�ral�y �rela�ed mo�•tgage loan" evczl if the Loan d�cs t�o� qualify as a "f�de�ally reiated mar�gag� Iaan" <br /> under R.ESPA. <br /> �R} "S�cretary'� means the Secr�tary Qf�he United Sta�cs Depar�ment of Housinb and Urban De�elopmen� ar <br /> h�s designee. <br /> t�) "Successor in In�erest of�orrtiwer" m�ans ar�y party that has taken ti�1e to the Pr�perty, wh�ther or not <br /> tha�pa�ty has ass��med Bo�rower's obligations��ndcr�he Not�andlor this S�c�.�z•ity In��rume���. <br /> TRANSFER �F RI�HTS �� THE FR�PERTY. The benef�ciary af Chis Secur��y Instr�x�nen�is IVMERS �s�lely <br /> as nominee fo�• Lende� and Lender's successors and assigns} and �1�� �uc��ssors a��d assi�ns of MERS. This <br /> Sec��rity �nstrumen� secures to L�ender: ��} �he repay�nent af �he Loa.n, and al1 renewa�s, extensions and <br /> modifica�ions of the Nat�; and �ii} the pe�formance af Borrov►rer's co�enants and agr�ements undex this Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen� and �he Nate. For this purpose, Bor�a�v�r irrevocably grants a�ad co��veys to Trustce, in t�-ust, tivith <br /> povver❑f sale,�he following descr�bed property lacated in t��e <br /> Coun�y of HALL: <br />- VE13ft�SKA_Si�t�l�I�amily..F'il.�►LI�ITFCIRVN 1�iS'I'R�MEV'l' iZe►�,9115 <br /> U?U(��-2U 3 5�ot���li�nce Syste�ns.r�1c.957�bG7(]-c�#5b8Qd9-20 I <br /> S�n�fe Family Real E;state-Seci�rily Iristr��3�le�lt DL2�47 Pa�e 2 of I� ww�t�,con�pliancesyste��r� <br /> II���I�1 I�I���f I l�III�al�a�I�f���I I l Il I�I�II �I�II�I�I��I �f����I�i��l�'�f�l��I����(�I���II�[��I�II I'f II <br /> * D L 2 Q 4 7- 8 8 q 1 8 3 fi 8 3 3 -[] 4 0 7 1 d - 3 7 2 k - A H Q R I d 0 1 * <br />