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2� 1 ��23�� <br /> 19. Borrower's Righ� �� Reinsta�e Af�er Acceleratxon. �f Bor�•�we�• m�efs ce�rtain ca��di�ions, Barro�rcr <br /> ��Zall have the x•�ght �� �•e��statcment of a deed af�rust. Tl�ose conditions are that Borrawez•: �a} pays <br /> Lende�• a�� sums which �hen �vouid be d��e under �his Secur�ty Instr�xment and the No�e as if no <br /> a�celeratio�a had occur�-ed; �b} cures any default �f any ather cove��.an�s �r agreemez�.ts; (c} pays all <br /> cxpens�s zncurred �n �nforcing �his Sccu�i�y Instrument, in����ding, bu� not limited to, reasonabie <br /> a�torneys' f�e5, proper�� inspectioY� and v�,luati�n Cees, and other fees �ncL�rred fo�� the �L1I�J05� of <br /> protec�i��� Le��der's ����erest i�-� the Prnper�:y a��d ri�h�� under th�s S�cL�ri�y Inst�-ttment; at�d �d� �akes <br /> such action as Lender may reasoz�ably require to assure that Lende�-'s intierest in the Property azad r�ghts <br /> under this Security �nstir-t.�men�, and Borrovv�r's obli�ation to pay the �ums secured by this Secur��y <br /> ���s�rumen�, sha�l con�i���e unchan�ed. Hovve�e�-, Lendez• is nat required to �•�znsta�e if: �i} Lez�d�r has <br /> accep�ed reins�a�emern� after the conunencemcnt of forecl�sure proceedings within two years <br /> immedi�.�ely pre�eding �he cornrnencem�n� of current foreclosure proceedings; �iz} r�inst�tement will <br /> prec�ud� for�clasure o�� diffcrent graunds i�� the futur�; or�iii} r�instatemen�wil� ad�ersely affec�the <br /> pr�o�•��y of�he �ien created by �his Security Instrum�n�. Lender may requix e that Barrow�r pay such <br /> rein�tatement sums and expenses in on� ar mor� of�he f�i���v�ng forms, as s��ec�ed by Lend�r: �a} <br /> cash; �b� money order; �c� cer�ifed check, bank check, tr�asL�rer's check or cashiez's cheek, pro�ided <br /> any such �heck is dra�vn upon an institu�ion whase deposzts are ins�.Yred by a fed�ral agcncy, <br /> instrunlenta�i�y or entity; flr �d} Electronic Funds Transfer. Upan re�n�ta�ement by Ba�.•ov�er, tl�is <br /> Security Instrumcnt and obiiga�inns secur�d hereby sha11 remaiz� fu�ly effec�i�e as if no acceleration <br /> had oc�ur�-�d. Hawe�er, this rz�h��o re�nsta�e shall not app�y �n th� case�f acce�era�ion unde�r Section <br /> �8. <br /> 2�. Sa�e of Note; Change �f Loan Ser�icer; No�ice of Grie�ance. The Note or a pa�-�ial �nter�st xn the <br /> Note ��oge�h�r wi�h �his Security Ins�rum�nt} can be so�d one or marc tzxnes v�ithou� pr�or notice �o <br /> Barrawer. A sale might resul� in a chang� in �h� ent�ty �known as the "Loan SerWicer") tha� coii�cts <br /> Periodic Paym�n�s due under the No�e and this S�cu�•ity I��strumen�and perfarms o�her maz-�gage loan <br /> servicing obligati��ls und�r�he Note, �his Security Instrument, and Applicable La�r. Ther� also might <br /> be one or more�hanges of the Loan Ser�icer unrela�ed�o a sa�e of the Note. If there�s a chanb�af the <br /> Loan Servic;er, Borra�er vvill be g�ven wr�tten notzce of the c�.anbe which vvill state th� name and <br /> address of �he new Loan Serv�cer, �he addr�ss t� which paymen�s shauld be m.ade and any othcr <br /> iz�fo�-mat�on RESP1�. rec�uires in connect�on with a n���ce af�ransfer of s�rvicii�g. �f the Note is sold <br /> and thercaf�er the Loan is scrviced by a Loan Se��ic�r o�her than the purcl�asex of �he Not�, �he <br /> mQr�gage Ioan ser�icing obligatxons �o Bnrrnw�r will rem.ain with the L�an S�r�icer or be�ransferred <br /> to a suGcessor Loan Ser�icer and are not assumed by�he Na�e purchaser ur�less o�her�vise pro�ided by <br /> �he Nate purchaser. <br /> Nei�h�r Borrower nor Le��dcr may commence,join, or be jo�ned �o any judicia� action (as cither an <br /> indi�id��al ��tigant or the member of a class� tha� aris�s fram th� other party's ac��ons pursuan��� �his <br /> Security Inst�•umen� or t�a� alleges �hat the o�her par�y has breached any prov�sion of, o� any duty <br /> owed by r�ason af,th�s Security�ns�rumen�,untii suc��Bo��ower or Lender has no��fied the o�he�•pa�-ty <br /> �wi�h sE�ch not�ce given in co�npliance with the requirements of Sec�ion 15�af sL�ch a��eg�d breach and <br /> affarded ��� o�hex party hereto a reasonable per�od �.fter the g��ing of s«ch no�ice �o �ake co�-r�cti�e <br /> action. If Applicable Law proW�des a tirne per��d whzch m�.�st eiapse bcfo�e cer-�ain act�on can be tak�n, <br /> �ha� t�rne per�od will be deemed to be r�asonable for pu�-poses of this paragraph. The notice of <br /> accele�•a��nn and appo�-�ut�i�y t� cuz•e give�� to Borrrawer pursuan� to Sec�ia�� Z? and the na�ice of <br /> accelera�ron given to Borrnv�er pursuan� �o Sec:t�an 18 shal� be deemed ta satisfy th� na�ic� and <br /> opportunity�a�ake correcti��action provxsions of thzs Section��. <br /> 2�. Hazardous Subs�ances. As used �n this Section 21: �a� "Hazardous Subs�an�es" arc those substances <br /> de�ncd as �ox�c or hazardous SL1�75��.I�L'CS, �ollutarits, ar v�astes by Environmcntal Law and �he <br /> foltovvin� subs�ances: gasolir�e, kerosen�, other flammabl� or tox�c petroleum products, toxic <br /> �iE13R�►SK�-Sin�lc f�amily-�E1,�►C1NthO1tN#VS'1'ELLM[,V'C [te�.91iS <br /> �:=2(]04-201 S Cc�mpliance Syste���s,I��c.957bb67t]-c4�b8{]dJ-2U 15.12.3.f�$7 <br /> Sin�le Fainily Real Fstnte-Security Ii�sln«nen[D�.20�17 1'a�e[f oC t4 ���i�pliat}��i <br /> �f f Is��I����I 1 I I����I���'11 I��:I I� �II�!I�I�I� I��Il�al I I� �II�I�i�;II��I3 II I f 11��I����I I I�il�I��f I I���I�� <br /> * � L 2 0 k 7 —8 8 Q 'I 8 3 � 8 3 3 --❑ 4 Q T 1 5 �- 9 7 2 G — A N D R I J 4 1 * <br />
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