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2� 1 ��23�� <br /> pr���cipa�, the reduction will be treated as a pa�•�ial pz epaym�n�witla. ��❑ change� in the due da�e or on <br /> the mon�hly payment a�-nount un�ess the Note hald�r ag�•ees itl �r�ting tio thase claanges. Borrower's <br /> acceptance of any sL�ch refund made by direct pay�nent �a Boz�rflwer will const�tz�te a waivez of any <br /> z ight of actic�n Bor�o�ver might ha��arising ou�nf s�.�ch���rcharg�. <br /> 15. No�ices. All na�ic�s gx�et�by B�rr�wer or Lender i��c�nnection wzt�a�his S�ci�rity�nstrumcta�must be <br /> in w�•i�i���. Any no��ce �o $orrovver in cannec�ion vvith th�s Secu�•�ty Ins�r�.��� s�aall b� de�ined tifl <br /> been�i�e�� to Bo�-�-�vver v�rl-�en mailcd by f�rst class mail or vvhen actually delivered to Bo��•ower's <br /> no�ice address if sent by other means. No�i�e �a any one Boz�ower shall cons���.��e n�tiice �o all <br /> Borz�owers unless App�icable Law expressiy �ec�u�res ot�aerwise. The notice address shall be the <br /> Prop��•ty Address unless Boz-rawer has designated a s��bstitL�te n�tic� addr�ss by not�ce �o L�nder. <br /> B�rrower shall promp�ly no��fy Lender of Ba�-rower's change of addre�s. �f L�nder specifies a <br /> procedure for repo��ing Borr�wer's change of addr�ss, th�n Borrowcr shall or��y rep��-� a change of <br /> address thxough tha� spec�fied p�•acedure. There may be❑nly one desi�nated notice address under�his <br /> Security Instrumen�at any�ne ti�7�e. Any no��ce�o Lender shall be g�ven by deliver�ng it ar by maiiing <br /> it by�rs�class mail�a Lender's address s�a�ed herein�.�nless Lender has designated ar�other address by <br /> not�ce �� Borrov��r. Any notice in connec�ion with this Securi�y �ns�r��ment sha�i not be d�emed �� <br /> haWe been biWcn to Lender unti� actua�iy rcc�ived by Lendcr. �f any notice requ�red by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen� is �.lso r�quir�d under App�icabie Law, thc App��cab�e Law r�c�uir�men� �rill satrsfy the <br /> corresponding require�nent�inde�•�h�s Sccurity Ztastrumcn�. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Se�erabi�ity; Ru�es of�a�struction. This Security Ins��tizm�nt shali be gaver�led <br /> by federa� Iavv and �he lav5r ❑f the jurisdic�ion in which �he Prope�-�y is located. All righ�s and <br /> obligations cantai��ed in this SccL�r�ty Ins��1�z���nt are sub�ec� to any �rcquirements and Iirnif���ons of <br /> App�icable La�, Applicable Lavv mi�ht explicit�y ar�mplicitly allo�v the parties to agrce by c�ntract or <br /> �t might be silent, but such sil�nc:e shall no� be construed as a prol�ib�tion agains� a�,reem�nt by <br /> cont�•act. ���the even��hat any provrsion ar�lause of�h�s Secu�ity I��strument ar the No�e conflicts with <br /> App�icab�e Lavv, suc�l c�nflict shai� not affect o�her pz•ovisions af���is S�curity �ns�rument or the Note <br /> which can be gi��n eff�ct wi�hou�the canflicting provision. <br /> As us�d �n this Secur�ty Ins�r��men�: ta} �vords of �he masc��line gend�r sha�� mean and rnc�L�de <br /> correspand�ng neu�er vvards ar words of thc fen�inine gend�r; (b}vvords i�1 th�singular�ha�I mcan and <br /> include�he ptural and�ice�ersa; and�c) the word "�nay" g�ves so��drscret�on withou�any obl��a�ion <br /> tio ta�e any ac�ion. <br /> 17. Barrawer's Copy,Bo�-rower sha�l be given one copy�f the No�e and of�his �ecurity�nstrl�ment. <br /> �8. Transfer of�he Property or a I3ene#icia�Interest in Borrow�r.As used in t11is Section 18, "I�Z�eres� <br /> in the Froperty" mcans any 1e�a� o� benefi�ial interes� in the Property, incl�.�di�1g, b�.�� no� l�mi�:ed �o, <br /> those bene�cial inter�sts transferred�r�a bond for deed,con�ract for deed, ins�allmen�sales c�n�rac�or <br /> escro�v a�reement, �he in�en� of which �s �he tiransfer of title by Borrower at a future dat� to a <br /> purchaser. <br /> �f�.�� or any pa�rt�f�he Proper�y or any�n�er�st zn the Praper�y is so�d or tr�.nsferrcd�or if Bon ov�cr is <br /> not a na�ural person and a bencf�c�a� interest in Bo��ower is so�d or transferred�vvithout Lender's prior <br /> vvr�tten conset�t, Lend�r may r�qu�re �mmediate paymen� in full of alI sums secured by �h�s Security <br /> Instrurnent. How�ver, this option s11a�� not be exerciscd by Lender if such exercis� is proh�bited by <br /> App�icable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises ��115 op�ion, Lend�r shalX give Bo�-row�r notice of accelera��on. The n�tice shal� <br /> provide a period of no� Iess tha�a 3� days fram th�date tihe notice is g�ven in accordance vvx�h Sectioza <br /> �5 �ith�n which Barrowe�m��st pay a�l surns secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�. �f Borro�v�r fails to <br /> pay tl�ese sums p�-ior to �he expi�a�io��. of�hz� per�od, Let�der may �n�okc any rem�dies pc�rmiCtied by <br /> this Security Instrumen�vvithout fu�-�her notice ar demand on Ba�-�ower. <br /> VF 1312ASK.�-Si�i�lc l�ami�y-Fll��UY�f��ttVl IVS'1'ltf;il�lEV'f l�c��.9115 <br /> �'20U4-2015 Cot7iJ�fiance Sysie�tis.Inc.9S76bG70-c�5b8Ud��2U15.€2.3.1�87 <br /> Sin�le�'at�lify l�eal�state-Seci�rity Instrt�menE I3L20�7 Page t Q c3f 14 ���c�w.carn�liancesyste€r�»n <br /> ��i I�I��I����I�I I�ll�I�I��I���I I� I l�l��II�f� �lr�I�I i�� �Ill�������If I����I 11 I��III�I���I�I�I[�I�I I��II. <br /> * D L 2 0 4 7— $ 8 D 1 8 3 C, $ 3 3 —A k D T 9 h — 3 7 � 4 — A N � R I J 0 1 � <br />