2� 1 ��2231
<br /> Transfer of th�Proper�y c�r a Beneficial Inter�st in Borrow�r.If a��ar any part�f the Proper�y or any interes�
<br /> in i� �s so�d or �ransferred �`ar if a beneficial interest ir� Borrawer is sold or �ransferred and Bflr��ov�er zs na� a
<br /> natura� person} vvithflu� Len.der's pr�ar writ�en consent, Lender ma�, at i�s opt�on, requ�re immed�a�e pa�ment �n
<br /> fu�� af alI sums secured by �.iis Securi�y �nstrumen�. Ho�ever, �h�s op�i�n sha�I not be exerczs�d. by Lender xf
<br /> exerc�se zs prohib�ted�y federal�aW as of the da�e�f this Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> �f Len�er exercises this op��ion, Lender shall give B arr�u�er notice of acceleration. The no��ce slla�l pr�vide a
<br /> periad of n�� �ess than the �:r�inimum number �f days es�ablished by Applicable Law from�he datr the notice is
<br /> delivered ar mailed v�r��hin ,which Borravver must pay aIl sums sccured by �his 5ecurity �nstrumen�t. �f Borrower
<br /> fai�s ta pay�hese sums prifl:�r tia the expira�ion of th�s period, Lender may in�rok� any rernedies permi��ed by �his
<br /> Securifiy�nstirumen�vvith�ut fur�her no�ice or demand on Borra�vere
<br /> Borrawer's Right to l�.e�nstate. If Borro�rer mee�s cer�ain condi�ians, Borr�wer sha�l have the rzght �o have
<br /> enfarcement of this Security�Instrumen� d�scontinued at any�ime�rior�o�he earlier�f: (a� 5 �ays �or such o�her
<br /> per�od as Applicable Law may speczfy f�r reins�a�em�n�}b�fore sale of the Property pursuant��any pav�rer of sale
<br /> �ontained in this Secur�ty Ins�rument; or �b} �n�t y of a judgmen� enf�rcing this S�curity Ins�rurnen�. Those
<br /> conditians are �hat Barrower: �a} pays Lender a�� sums which th�n urQuld be due under this Security Ins�rumen�
<br /> and�he�on�rac�as if no acceleration had occurred;�b}cures any default of any other��venan�s ar a;�reernen�s; �c}
<br /> pays a�l expenses incu.rred�r�enforcing�his 5ecurity Instruxnen�, in�Iuding,but not�imited ta,reasanable a�tarneys'
<br /> fees t� the ex�en�pezm�tted by�avv; and �d} takes such a�tion as Lender may reasonably require to ��.ssure�hat the
<br /> lien of�his 5 ecuri�y Ins�rum+:nt, Lender's r�gh�s in the Pr�perty and BorroWer's�bligation to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by �his Security Instrumen� s�a�1 continue u�changed. Up�n reinst�.temen�by Borro�ver, this Secur:i�y Znstru.m.ent
<br /> and the abligat�ons secured hereby shall rema�n fully effec�i�e as �f no accelera�i�n had accurred. HoWever, th�s
<br /> rzght to re�nsta�e sha�l no�apply in the�ase of a�ce��ra��on un�er�he sect�on titled Transfer of the Pr�perty or a
<br /> Beneficial Interest in Borr��wer.
<br /> Hazardaus Substance�.B�rravver shall no�cause or permi�the presence,use, disposal, s�orage, ar:r��ease�f any
<br /> Hazardaus Su�astances on ar in the Properry.Barrovver shal�n��do,nor a�l�w anyane else to da,any#:hing affect�ng
<br /> �he Praperty that is in vivla�t�an of any En�r�ronm�nta� Law. The preceding two sen�en�es shall no�� apply to the
<br /> presence,use,or s��rage on�;he Properfiy�f small�uan���ies of Hazardous Subsf.a.nces�hat are general��y recogni2ed
<br /> ��be appropria�e�o n�rma�x�esiden�ia�uses and to maintenance of�he Proper�y.
<br /> B�rrov�er shall promptly give Lender wri��en noti�e of any investigatifln,claim, demand,lawsuit or o�her ac�ion by
<br /> any governmental or regulat:ory agency ar private par�y involving �he Pr�perty and any Hazar�.ous �ubs�a.nce or
<br /> Env�ronmen�a.� Law af vvhich Bflrrower has ac�ual �n.�w�edg�. If Barrower Iearns, or �s no1:�f ed by any
<br /> governmen�al flr regulatory�cuth�rity,that any removal or o�her remedia�iQn of any Hazaxdous Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Property �s necessar�r, Bnrrower shall promptiy take all ne�essary rem�dia� ac�ions in accordance vvi�h
<br /> Environmen�a.I La�v.
<br /> As used zn this paragraph, "��a2ardaus Subs�an�es" are those substances defrned as tnxic or ha2ardaus subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmental Lavv an� the fo�lawing subs�ances: gasa��ne, I�erosene, other flammable or to:�ic petraleum
<br /> products, �ox�� pesticides arid herbi�ides, volati�e sfllvents, ma�eria�s containi.ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive materials. As used in th�s paragraph, "Env�ronr�enta�L�.w" means federal Iav►�s and�aws{�f the state af
<br /> Nebraska�hat rela�e ta heal�r�,safe�y or env�ronmental protect��n.
<br /> Acce�eration; Remedies. L�ender sha�l give no�ice to ��rro�er prior to ac�elerat��n fv�iowin� B�rrower's
<br /> breach�f any�o�venant�r agreement�n this 5ecurity Instrurnent or th�Co�trac�under which �ccelera�ion
<br /> �s perr�itted �but not prior to �cceleratifln under th� �e�tion ti�Ied Transfer of th�]Property��r•a Benefi�ial
<br /> Interest in I3orrower, unle:�s Appli�ab�e Lavv prov�des v�heryvi�se}. The nvtice sha�l specify: ta� the d�fault;
<br /> �b} the ac�fvn requfred tt� curE the defau��; �c� a da�e, x�o� less �han �he r�inimum number nf days
<br /> established by Applicable I�aw fram the date the notice is given to Borrvwer,by�vvhich the defau��must be
<br /> cu�ed; and (d� that failure ta �ure �he defau�t on or before the date specified in the notice nzay resu�t �n
<br /> ac�eleration af �he surns ��e�ured �y this Security Instrume�t and sal.e of �he Praperty. To the exten�
<br /> permitted by law, the nvti�:e sha��further�nform Borr�yver of the r�ght�a reinstate after ac���er�tion and
<br /> the right to br�ng a�ourt a���ion�o as5ert th�non-exist�nce of a default or any v�her defense of�3vrrower ta
<br /> ac�e�erati�n and sa�e.If th��default is r�vt cured on ar befor� th� date specified�n �he nat�ce,�Lender at its
<br /> option may require immec�iate payment in full of al� sums s��ured hy �hi� S��urity Ins�rument w�thout
<br /> further demand and may i�vake the p�wer flf sa�e a�d. any oth�r remedYes perm�itted by Applicabl� La�v.
<br /> Ta the extent p�rrnitte�i b�� Iaw, Lender shali be er�tit�ed t� ��ll.ect all expen�e� �ncurred �n ��ursui.ng the
<br /> r��nedies prov�ded in�hfs S�ection,includ�ng,but no����i.ted to, reasonab�e a�t�rneys' fees and�os��of tit�e
<br /> evi den�e.
<br /> If the power vf sale is�nvo��ed,Trustee 5hall re�ard a n�tice of dQfault�n e�ch c�unty�n whic�� any part of
<br /> the Property is lo�a�ed and sha�l ma���op�es af such n��i�e in t�e manner prescribed by Applicab��Lav�v�o
<br /> Borr�vv�er and �o the �ther perstins pre�cribed by App��cah�e �aw. After the �ime required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Truste� shali gi�ve �ubl�c notic� of sale t4 the persnns and in the manner pre5�r�bed b�� Appli�able
<br /> Law. Trustee,vv��hout demand on Borrowe�r, shall sell th�Property at public au�t�on ta fhe hx;;he�t bxdder
<br /> a�the t�me and p1aCe and u��€der�he terms d�signated in th��oti�e of sale�n Qne o�mnre par�el�and in an�
<br /> arder Trustee deternur�es. Trustee may p�stpflne s�.I� of all flr any parcei af the Property by pub�ic
<br /> announ�ement at the time ��nd place of any previou5ly schedu�ed sa�e.Lender or xts de5ignee m�y purchase
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y a�any sal�a
<br /> Upon re�exp� vf payment o��th� pr�ce b�d, Trustee shal� deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's d�ed �an�ey�ng
<br /> th�Pr�perty. The recitals���, �he Trusfiee�s deed shall�e prima f�exe evidence of the tru�h�f the statemen�s
<br /> �2Q�4-2d 15 CompIiaE.nce Systems,Inc.8C54-1�F3-2Q l 5.t 1,3,i 498
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