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2� 1 ��2231 <br /> in�erest from �he date of disbursement at �he same ra�e assessed on advances under �he Can�rac� and shall be <br /> paya�le,�ri�h xn�erest,up�n notice fram Lender�o Borro,wer r�quest�ng paymen�. <br /> InSpection. Lender or �ts agent may make reaso�.ab�� entr�es upon and inspect�ar�s of the Pr�pez-�y. Lender shall <br /> g�ve Borrower natice a�the time af ar prior to an inspect�ori spec�fying reasar�able cause far�he znsp�cf��n. <br /> Condemnafi.on. The proceeds of an�award or claim for damages, d�rect or consequen�ta�, in co�nection wi�h any <br /> cond�mna�t�on flr a�h�r taking of any par�of�he Proper�y, or far �onveyance �� �ieu of co�.demnation, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha11 be paid�o Lender. <br /> �n �he even� of a tia�al tak�ng of tihe Property, the proceeds sha�� be app��ed to the sums s�cured by �his Security <br /> Zns�z urn.ent, whe�her or no� �hen due, w�.�h any e�cess pai�. to B orrawer. In the event af a partia� �a.king of the <br /> Proper�y in v�hich the fazr marke�value of the Property immedia�.e�y befare �he taking is equal �a ar grea�er�han <br /> �he amoun� of the sums secured by �his Se�uri�y Ins�rumen� imrnedia�e�y before the �ak�ng, u.nless Borrower ar�d <br /> Lender o�herw�se agree in wri�ing,�he sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrumen�shal�be redu�ed by the amaun�af <br /> the proceeds mul�ipli�d by�he f�llo�ing fraction: �a} the�o�al amount of th�sums secured�mmed�ate�y before�he <br /> taking, d�vided by �b} �he fair mar�e�va�ue of the Praper�y immediately before the taking. Any balance shal�be <br /> pazd �a Barrower. In the even� of a partia� �a.k�ng of the Prop�rty in which the fair market�alue af�he Property <br /> immed�a�e�y bef�re �he taking is less than �he axn�u�.t of�he sums secured imme�iia�ely before the tak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borravver a�d Lender o�.herwise agree �n wrzt�ng or unless Applicable La�v n�herwise prov�des, �he prflceeds sha�l <br /> be applzed�o the sums secur�d by�his Security�ns�rumen��wh��her or na��he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Proper�y zs abandaned by Borrower, or if, after natzce by Lender�o Borrawer�ha��he condemnor offers�a <br /> make an a�vard or se�tle a c�a�m far damages, Borrvw�r fai�s t� resp�nd to Lender wz�la�n�he minimum number af <br /> days es�ab��shed by Applicable Law after�he da�e�he n��i�e�s given,Lend�r is au�hor�zed�o colle�t and appl�r�he <br /> proceeds, at �ts op�ion, ei�her to rest�ratian or repa�r af�he Prvperty or to the sums secured ��r �his 5��ur�ty <br /> Instrumen�,vvhe�her or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and BorroWer a�.a.erwise agree in wr��ing, at�y app�ica��on of pr��eeds to przncipa� shall nat ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due date�f�he pa�me��s due under�he Gon�ract flr change the amau.n�of such pa�ments. <br /> Borrower N�t lZeleased; Far�earance By Lender N�� a Wa�v�r. Ex�e�.szan af the ��me for payment or <br /> modif catzori �f amartizat�on �f�he sums secured by �his 5ecuri�y Instrunaen� gran�ed by Lender ta Barrovver ar <br /> any successor in znteres� of Borrower shall na� operate ta release �he �iab�li�y of the original Borrawer ar <br /> Bflrrawer's suc�essor� �n interest. Ler�der shall not be required�a commence praceedings against any suc�essor�.n. <br /> in�erest ar refuse�o ex�end time for paym.ent�r otherw�se madify amortxza�ion of�he sums secured by thi.s 5�curi�y <br /> �nstrument by reason af any demand made by �he arigina� Borrower or Borr�v�er's succes�ars ix� �nterest. Any <br /> f�rbeaxan�e by Lender z� exercising a�.y ri�ht or rem�dy sha��no�be a waiver of or pre�lude the exerc�se of any <br /> right ar remedy. <br /> Suc�es�ors and A�s�gns Bound; Jvint and Se�era� L�ability; Accvmmodat�on Signers. The covenan�s and <br /> agree�m.en�s �f�his Security Instrument shall b�nd and benefit tihe success�rs and ass�gns af Lender and Borrovver, <br /> �uh,�ect ta the prov�sions of sectiar� ti��ed Tran�fer of the Praper�y or a Benef�c�a�. Intere5t �n Borro�ver. <br /> BorrouTer's�ovenants and agreemen�s sha�l be�o���and se�reral. Any person vvho c�-signs�his Securi�y Instz ument <br /> but has no pers�nal �iab��z�y under the �on�ract ("Accornmadation 5�gner"}: ta} is co-szgn�g th�'ts S�curity <br /> �nstrument anly to mor�gage, gran� and Gonvey �ha� Accammoda�ian S�gn�r's in�eres� in the property under the <br /> terms of �he 5ecur��y �ns�rument; �b} is r�ot persona��y obligated ta pa� the sums secured by this 5ecurzty <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�c} agr�es�ha�Lender and any�ther Borravver may agree�a ex�end, modify, forbear or make any <br /> a�commadatiions wi�h regard to the terms of�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�or�.a.e C�n�rac�wi�h�ut�ha�Acc�mmada��vn <br /> Sig�er's ca�.sent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f�he laan secured by thi.s 5ecurity Instr�zment is subj ect �o a �aw whzch se�s maximum �aan <br /> charges, and�hat�aw�s�nally�n�erpreted sa �ha��he znteres�or ather�oan charg�s c�llected or to be collected in <br /> connec���n �vith the loan exceed �he perm���ed lzmi�s, �hen: �a} any such loan �harge shall be reduced by the <br /> amoun�neces�ary ta redu�e the charge to �he permitted��m�ts and �b� any already co��ected from Borr��wer <br /> whzch �xceeded permitted �im�ts vv�l� be refunded �o Borr�wer. Lender may chaase ta make �his refund by <br /> reducix�.g the pr�nGipal ov�ed u�.der the Cor�tract ar by making a direct payrnent to Borrower. If a reflu�d reduces <br /> princ�pal,�he reduc�ion will be�reated as a part�a�prepaymen�under�he Contract. <br /> Nv�ices. Any na�ice xa Barrower prov�ded for �n �h�s 5ecurxty Ins�� shall be g�ven by deliveri�.n.g �t or by <br /> mailing i�by f rst c�ass mazl unless Applicable Law requzres use af ano�her method. The natice sha��be dzre��ed�o <br /> the Pr�perty Address or any ather address B�rrav�rer designa�es by natice to Ler�der. Barrawer agrees to pr�vide <br /> Lender�vzth B�rrower's m�s��urren�ma��ir�g address, as �� may change from time-�owt�me. Any no�ice to Lender <br /> shall he given�y f�rs�c�ass�to Lender's address sta�ed hereir�ar any other address Lender designates by�.o�ice <br /> to Borro,t7ve�. An.y notice provzded for�n�his Security�nstrument sha�l be deemed ta have been given to Borrawer <br /> or Lender vvhen g�vex�as prov�ded in th�s paragraph. <br /> Law; Severability.This Securi�y I�.s�rumen�sha��be go�erned by federa��avv a�xd�he Iavvs of the state <br /> �f Nebras�a. In �he even��hat any provision or c�ause af�h�s Securi�y Instrument or the �on�rac� conflzc�s vv��h <br /> Applicab�e Law, such c�nflic� shall no� affect o�her pro�isi�ns of�his Secur�ty Ins�rument or xh.e �on�ract wh�ch <br /> can be given effec�,w��hou��a.e�onflic�ing prov�s�on. To th�s end the prn�is�ons of thzs Secur�ty Instrument and the <br /> Con�rac�are declared ta be severab�e. <br /> B�rrower's�opy.��rrower sha�I be g�ven one copy of�his Securi�r Instrument. <br /> Q 2��4-��J 5 Campliance Sys�ems,Inc.8C54-1 ZF3-2415.11.3.1098 <br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Sec�zrity Instn�ment DL2036 Page 3 of 5 <br />
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