. 2� 1 ��2134
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institu�ion whose depos�ts are�nsured by a federal ag�nc�r,instrumentality,or
<br /> ent�t��inc�uding Len�der,�f i.en�.er is�n institution whose depos���are so insured)or in any Federal Home
<br /> L.�an�ank. Lender sh��l apply the Funds tn pay the Escrow Items no l�ter than the time speci#"��d und�r
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha.li not charge Borro�ver for ho�din�and applying the Funds,annua�ly analyzing the
<br /> escrow�ceount,ar ver��'ying the Escrow Items,un�ess Lender pays Borrower�nterest an the Funds and
<br /> Applicab�e Law permits Le�.der to make s�ch a ch.a.rge.Unless an agre�ement is n�ade in wr�ting or
<br /> Applicable Laur re�ux.res�nterest�a be paid on the Funds,Lender shal�not be ret�uired to pay Borrower any
<br /> interest�r earnings�n the Funds.Bvrrow�r and Lender can agree in�ri�ing,however,that interest sk�all be
<br /> paid on th�Funds.I.ren�er shall�ive t��3vrraw�r,with�ut charge,an annua�a�count�ng of the Funds as
<br /> required by RE�PA.
<br /> If t�aere is a surplus of Funds h�Id in escrc��v,as d�fined under�ESPA,Le�de�sha11 accaunt t�Bona�er for
<br /> the exces�funds in�ccordance�vith RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escro�,as defined under
<br /> RE�PA,Lender sha�l noti�B�rrower as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha1l pay to Lender the amount
<br /> necessary t�ma�e u�a the shortage in a�cvrt�a�n�e with�.ES�'A,but in n�more than ��monthly payments.If
<br /> t�.ere�s a deficiency of Funds held in escrow�as define�under RESPA,Lender sha11 not�fy F3orrower as
<br /> r�quired by R.E�PA,and Borro�ver sha11 pay to Lender the amoun�t nec�ssar,y to ma�e up the deficiency in
<br /> accordance with�SPA,but in no mare than 12 mon�hly payments.
<br /> �3p�n paym�nt in fult of all sums secured by thi�Security Instrum�nt,Lender sha11 prompt�y refi�nd ta
<br /> �orrotiver any Funds he�d by I�ender.
<br /> 4. �harge�;Liens,Bor�ower s��.l�pay all taxes, assessment�,charg�s, �'�nes, and rmpasition�attributa.ble to
<br /> th�Proper�y whiGh can�ttain priority�ver this�ecur�ty In�trument, leasehpld payme�.ts or ground rents on
<br /> the Property, if any,and Community Assn��atian�u�s,Fees, and Ass�ssments, if any.'Ta the extent that
<br /> thes�items ar�Escrow Items,�orrower sha11 pay t�em in the manner provid�d�n Section 3.
<br /> Barrower s�hal�promptly disc�arge any lien�hich has pr�ority over this Secur�ty Instrurnent unless
<br /> Borrower: (a}agrees��writing tt��he gayment of t�e obligation s��ured by the l��n in a man.ner accepta'b�e
<br /> to Lender,but anly s��ong as Barrower is perfarming such agreement; (bj contests the Iien in gaod faith by,
<br /> or defends against enf�rc�ment of the lien�n, legal proceed�ngs which in Lender's opin��n operate to prevent
<br /> the enfa�rce�nen��t of the lie��vhi��those proceedings are pendin,�,but only until such proceedin�s are
<br /> concluded;or(c}secures from the h��der of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinating the
<br /> lien to this Security Instrun�ent. If Lend�r determines that any part of the Pr�perty is subject to a�ien whi�h
<br /> �an atta�n prioritiy a�er th�s Security Instrument,Lender may g��e Borrower a notice identifying the t�en.
<br /> Within ��days of the date on whieh that�otice is g�ven,Bono�ver�hall satisf�the lien or�ak�one or more
<br /> of the action.�set forth above in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge far a real estate tax veri��ation andlor reparting
<br /> service used by Lender in connection with this Loan.
<br /> �. P ro pe�ty I ns u ran�e.Borrower shall keep the improvements no�v existing or herea�ter erected on the
<br /> Proper�y insu.red aga�nst loss by fire,hazards inc�u�ed with�n the term"�xtended covera�e,"and any oth.er
<br /> hazards including,but not limited t�,earthqual��s and fl��ds,for�hi�h Len.der requires�ns�.rance.This
<br /> insurance shall be maintain�d in the amounts(including deductible levels}and for the periods that Lender
<br /> requues. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding s�nt�nce�can chan�e during�he term of the Loan.
<br /> The i�.surance carrier pro�iding the insuranc�s�al�be chosen by$�rnor�iier subjeGt ta Lender��rig�it to
<br /> disapprove Borrov�er's choice,whi�h r�ght sh�ll not be exercised unrea�onably. Lender may require
<br /> Borrawer to pay, in connection with this Loan,either: (a)a one-time charge for flaod zon�determ�nat�an,
<br /> certification and tra�k�ng ser�ices;or(b}a on�-time c�aarge for flood zone determination and certification
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WI7H MERS Form 3428 1101
<br /> VMP� V1V�P6A�NE}(13�2).d4
<br /> W�Iters Kluwer Fina�cia�5eE'vices Page fi of 17
<br /> qQ�3�3545749 4�33 335 �617
<br />