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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> o �� � � �z � � <br /> � z� � � �rn � — <br /> cr �� � � �ov � cn <br /> rn� rn �� � � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �° � � � � <br /> cr� r� <br /> �o � .�.� Z <br /> o� G� � � <br /> G� Z <br /> � <br /> VIIH E�V �E���D ElD M�41 L T�: <br /> Heart�and 6ank <br /> Hastings Branch <br /> 37�� ❑sborne Dr West <br /> Hastin s, NE 6890'� FDR RECDRDER'S USE�NLY <br /> DEED C]F TRLJST <br /> TH�S DEED (]F T1�UST is dated Apri� �, 2���, amang 1111'i��i�m �. �unste�man, M�chae� A. <br /> 11!lunsterman �nd I�lt�che�e R, �111arn�e, n�t personaI�y but as Trustees on �eha�f af i1Vil�iam �. <br /> �1l[unster�an Re�rocab�e Trust C�ated �arch '1�, ��44� v�rhose address is ��� F�rst Street, <br /> Glen�il. NE ���4'I; a IVebraska Carparat�an �"Trustor"}; H�a�tl�nd Bank, vvhose add�ess is <br /> Hastin�s �ranch� 37�'I asbvrne 1Dr �1llest, Hast�ngs, NE �89�'� ��referred tv beiaw somet�mes as <br /> "L�nder" and somet�mes as "Benef�c�ary"3; and Heart�and Bank� �vhase addre�s is P.�. Box 7. <br /> Ri�erda�e, NE �887D �referred �o belo�r►r as "Trustee"�. <br /> C�NVEYANCE AND GRANT, For �a[uabre cons�deratian, Trus�or ��nWeys�o Trustee in trust, VIlITH P�1NER 4F SaLE. <br /> �or �he benefit o� Lender as 6eneficiary, al! ❑# Trustar's right, titie, and interest �n and ta the fa��ow�ng descr-ibed real <br /> property, �ogether with a!I existing or subsequently erected ar a��ixed buildings� imprv�emen�s and �ix�tures; aII <br /> eas�ments, rights ❑� �rvay, and appur�enances� aI� water, wa�er righ�s and ditch rights �inc�uding stock in utilities with <br /> di�ch vr irrigatian rights�; and alI other rights, roya�ties, and pro�its relating �to �he rea� property, inciuding wi�hou� <br /> iimi�ation a!� minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar ma�tersf {the *�Rea� Prop�rty'*] �ocated �n Hall Gounty. <br /> State of Nebraska: <br /> Th� North �ne-Half �N 1��} vf th� Southeast Quarter {SE ���} afi Se�t�vn Sixteen ���}, in <br /> Townsh�p N�ne �3� North, �ang� Ten {��� 1l�1��� vf the �th P.M., Hall Gounty, [Vebraska. <br /> The Reai P�aperty or �ts address is camman�y kn��r►rn as Agri�ulture Graundr IVE. The �ea� <br /> Property tax 'rdentif��ativn number is 4D4377��314�0�3�9'�3. <br /> CRflSS�-�OLLATEFiALI�ATI�N. In additian �� �he Nate, �his Deed ofi Trus� secures a1� obligatians, dek�ts and ��abiiities, <br /> pius interes� the�ean, af ei�her Trustor or' Borrower to Lender, or any ane ar more af them, as we�l as al! claims by <br /> Lender against Borrower and T�ustor or any ane or mare af them, whethe� no�rv existing ❑r hereafter arising, whether <br /> reIa�ted or unrelated to the purpose of the Na�e, whether �aluntary or atherwise, whether due or not due, direct ❑r <br /> indirec�, d��ermined ❑� undetermined, absoiute or cantingent, ��quidated or unliquidated, whe�her BorroWer vr Trus�or <br /> may be Iiable indi�Edually or �ointIy with others, vvhether obiigated as guarantor, surety, accommodation pa�y or <br /> atherwise, and whe�her reca�ery upon such amaun�s may be or hereaft�� may becvme barred �y any statute o� <br /> limita��ans, and whether the obligation t❑ repay such amounts may be ❑r hereaft�r may he�ome ❑the��rvise <br /> unenfior�eable. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. !n addi�ion to the Note, this Deed of Trust secures all future advances made by Lender to <br /> Borrower or Trus�vr whe�her or not the ad�ances are.made pursuant�v a comm�tment. SQecificallyr wi�thaut�imi�atian, <br /> �his Deed o#Trus� secures, in addit�on to the amounts speci�ied in the Note, a�i �utu�e amoun�s Lender in i�s discre�ian <br /> may IQan to Bvrrower ar Trustar,tagether with all in�erest��erean. <br /> Trus�or presently assigns to Lender taiso known as B�nefiiciary in this Deed v� Trus�� ail o�r Trustar's right, tit�e, and <br /> in�eres� in and to all present and �u�ure �eases o� the Property and all F�ents from the Praperty. ln addition, Trustor <br /> gran�s to Lender a Unifarm Commercial �ade s�curity interes��n the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDIN� THE AS5lG111MENT�F �ENTS AND THE SECURiTY �N�EREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRaPERTY, [5 GIVEN T� SECURE {A} PAYMENT ❑F THE [NDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BL[GATI�NS UNDER THE NOTE. THE RELATED Q�CUMENTS, AND TH[S DEED DF TRUST. THtS <br /> DEED OF TRUST�S C1VEN AND ACGEPTED�N THE FaLLOIN�NG TER11l15: <br /> TRUSTaR'S REPRESENTATtONS AND WARF�ANT[ES. Trustar war�-an�s that: �a} thi� Deed a� Trus� is exe�uted a� <br /> Borrower`s �equest and nat at �he request o� Lender; tb} Trustor has the �ull pav+re�, righ�, and authority t❑ en�er in�o <br /> this Deed of Trus� and to hypathecate the Praperty; {c} ��e provis�ans o� �his Deed o�Trust da not confIict with, ❑r <br /> �-esult in a de�auit under any ag�sement ar vther ins�rumen� binding upan Trustor and d❑ not resuf� in a �ia�ativn o�any <br /> �aw, regulation, court decree a�- order app�icabfe tv Trustor; �d� Trustor has es�abIished adequate means vf ❑b�aining <br /> from B�rrawer vn a �on�inuing basis informatian abou� Bor�awer`s financia! candition; and �e� Lender has made no <br /> �-epresentatian�a Trustor about gorrower {�ncluding wi�hout �imitation the creditworthiness of Borr�wer}. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAIVERS. Trustar waives a�I r�gh�ts or defenses ar�sing by reason ��any "one action" o� "an�i-deficiency" <br /> 1av�r, ❑r any other law v�rhich may pre�ent L�nder fram br�nging any action against Trustor, inciuding a cIaim fv�r <br /> deficiency �o �he exten� L�nder is ❑therv+��se entitled �o a claim #or de�ic�ency, before ar after Lender's comm�ncement <br /> or comp�e�tian o�any fvreclosure a��ion, either judicialfy or by exercise a�a pawer❑f sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND P�RF�RMANGE. Except as❑�herwise pro�ided in this ❑eed of Trus�t, Borrower and Trustar shall pay to <br /> � Lender a!! lndeb�tedness secured hy this ❑eed of Trust as it becames due, and Bflrrower and Trustar shail stri�tly <br /> � perform ai!their respec�ive❑bliga�ions under the Note, this Deed o�T�ust, and the Related D�cuments. <br /> P�SSES51aN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Barrvwer and Trustor agree that Bor��wer's and Trustor`s <br /> passessivn and use o��he Property shall be go�erned hy�he fall�wing pravisians: <br />