2� 1 ��2� 11
<br /> DEE[3 �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Nv: 1 D'i Z9432� �Cantir�ued} Page 3
<br /> and recvnWeyance of the lien of�his Deed o�Trust and shall no�be aftected by Lender's acquisition of any interes�
<br /> in�he Pr�perty, whether by��reclosure❑r ofiherwise.
<br /> Nuisance� V1laste. Trustor shall not cause, conduct ar permi� any nuisan�e nar commit, permit, ❑r su��er any
<br /> s��-ipping ❑f or was�� on ar ta �he Proper�ty or any por�ion ❑f�he Praperty. Without fimitin� the generality of the
<br /> �forego�ng, Trus�or will n��remv�e, ❑r gr-ant�a any ofiher party the right to remo�e, any timbe�-, minerals �in�luding
<br /> ❑il and gas}, coa�, clay, scoria, sail, gravel ❑�-rock praducts withou�Lender's p�-ior wri�ten�onsent.
<br /> F�emo►ral v��mpro�ements. Trus�or shall nv�demalish ❑r remove any EmproWements�frvm the Real Prvperfy without
<br /> Lender's prior writt�n consent. As a �andition to the remv�al �f any Improvements, Lender may require Trus�vr�❑
<br /> make arrangements satis�actory to Lender �o replace such lmprovemen�s wi�h Impro�emen�s af a� leas� equa[
<br /> value.
<br /> Lender's Right�v En�er. Lende�- and Lender's agen�s and representati�es may en�er upan �he Real Prvperty at all
<br /> reasvnabie �imes to a��end �o Lender's in�erests and �o inspect the Real Proper�y �or pu�-p�ses ❑f Trus�or's
<br /> camp�iance with fihe terms and candi�ians of fihis Deed af Trus�. ,
<br /> �
<br /> Compliance wi�h Go�rernmen�a� Requiremenfis. Trus�or shall pramp�ly comply with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regula�ions, now or hereafter in effec�, ❑f all governmental au�hori�i�s appli�able �a �he use ❑r ❑ccupancy o�F the
<br /> Proper'�y, including wi�hou� limi�a�ion, fihe Americans VIIi�h Disal�ilities Act. Trustvr may con�tesfi in gaod fiaith any
<br /> such law, o�-dinance, or re�ulativn and withho[d campliance during any praceeding, in�ludin� apprvpria�e appeals,
<br /> sv �ong as Trustor has nvtified Lender in writ�ng prior ta doing so and s❑ [ang as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's
<br /> in�erests in �he Property are nafi�eopa�dized. Lender may require Trustor ta posfi adequate s�curity or a sure�y
<br /> bond, reasvnably sa�isfactary tv Lender,t❑ pratec�Lender's in�erest.
<br /> ❑uty �a Protect. Trus�or agrees n�i�h�r �o abandon vr iea�e unattended the Property. Trus�or shall do all ❑ther
<br /> acts, in additian�❑thase a�ts set for�h abo�e in this sect�on, which fram the Gharac�er and use ❑��he Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary to pra�ecfi and preser�e�he Property.
<br /> T�UE DN SALE-CDNSENT BY LENaER. Lender may, a�Lender`s ❑p�ion, dec[are immediately due and payable a�l sums
<br /> secured by this Deed a�Trus�upon�he sale or trans�er, with�u� Lender's prior wr;��en cansenfi, vf all or any par�o�fihe
<br /> Real Property, or-any in�eres��n the Rea[ Proper�y. A "sale ❑r transfer" means the con�eyanGe fl� Real P�-operty or any
<br /> righ�, ti�le ❑r interest in the Real Praperty; whe�her Iegal, bene�Ecial ❑r equitalale; whe�her �aluntary vr in�oluntary;
<br /> whefiher �y outright sale, deed, instaliment sale contract, land contract, �antrac� for deed, leasehold int�res� with a
<br /> �erm gr�ater than three �3} years, lease�aptian cvnfira��, ❑r by sale, assignmen�, or transfer of any beneficial inte�es�in
<br /> vr�o any [and firus� holding titfe �� the Real Property, ❑r by any athe� method a�f cvn�eyance o�f an in�srest �n the Rea[
<br /> Praperty. I� any Trus�ar is a corporativn, par�nership ❑r limited lia���ity company, trans#er alsa includes any change in
<br /> own�rship of m�re�han twen�y--�i�e percent �Z5°/�} af th�Woting s�ock, parfinership interests ❑r limited liability company
<br /> infieres�s, as the case may be, of such Trus�or. However, �khis ❑p�ion shall no�l�e exerc�sed hy Lender i�such exer�ise
<br /> Es prohibi�ed by federal �aw❑r hy Nebraska law. �
<br /> TA�ES AN❑ L[ENS. The �ol�owing provisions relating fiv the �axes and liens vn the P�aperty are part o�f this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trusfi:
<br /> Payment, Trus�or shall pay when due {and in all even�s priar�v delinquency} all�axes, special�axes, assessmen�s,
<br /> charges �including wa�er and sewer�, fines and impasifiivns le�ied agains� ❑r vn accaunt af the Property, and shal�
<br /> pay when due all Glaims �ar work done on or for ser�ices �-endered ar materiaf �urnished �o the Properfiy. Trustor
<br /> shall main�ain th� Proper�y free ❑f al[ [iens ha�ing pri�rity o�er or equal �tv the interes�of Lender under this Deed a�
<br /> Trust, excep�k f�r �he lien �f �a�ces and ass�ssmen�s nvt due, excep� far the Exis�ing lndeb��dness referred �a
<br /> below, and ex�ept as atherwise pro��ded in this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Righ��a Contest. Trustar may wi�hho�d paymen�❑f any tax, assessmen�, ❑r c�aim in canne�tion wi�h a g�od fai�h
<br /> dispu�e o�er�he obligatian to pay, so lang as L�nder's in�eres�in�he Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises ar
<br /> is �i�ed as a resu�t �f nonpayment, Trus�ar shafl �rvi�hin �ifteen �15} days after �he !€en arises or, i� a lien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �15} days a�ter Trustar has no�ice ❑f�he filing, secure the discharge of the lien, or if reques�ted by
<br /> Lender, deposi�with Lender cash or a su���cfent corparate sure�y bond or o�her securi�y satis�actory�o Lender in an
<br /> amaunt sufficient to discharge fihe �ien plus any costs and attorneys' fees, ❑r ❑�her charges �ha�could ac�rue as a
<br /> resu�t❑f a foreclosure ar sale under�h� �ien. �n any�on�es�,Trustor shall de�Fend itsel�and Lender and shall satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment hefare en�orcemen�agains�the Prvper�ty. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�ivna[ ob[igee
<br /> under any surety band-Furnished in�he contes�p�oceedings.
<br /> Evidence of Paymen�. Trus�or shall upon demand furnish�❑ Lender satisfac�ory e�idence vf payment❑f the fiaxes
<br /> or assessments and sha�i au�horize the appropria�e go�ernmental official to deli�er fio Lender at any�ime a wri�ten
<br /> sta�emenfi of the taxes and assessmen�s against the Property.
<br /> No#ice o# Cons�ruc�ivn. Trust�r shall natify Lender at least fif�een �15} days before any work is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are fiurnished, or any ma�erials are supplied ta �he Proper�ty, if any me�hani�'s lien, materialmen's lien, or
<br /> ❑�her �ien �ould be asser�ed an accoun� ❑-F�khe work, serWices, or ma�erials. Trustor will upan request of Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�anc� assuran�es satis�actvey t� Lender tha� Trusfior can and will pay the cos� a� such
<br /> improvements.
<br /> PRaPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fvllvwing prQ�isions rela�ing to insuring the Property are a part o�this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br />