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i <br /> 2� 1 ��2� 11 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: 1��2943�� ���ntNnued� Page 2 <br /> re�ated nr unrelated t❑ the purp�se o� �he Note, whether volun�ary or ��herwise, whether due or not due, direc� vr <br /> indFrecfi, determined ❑r undetermined, absalute ❑r contingent, liqu�dated ar unliquida�ed, whe�h�r Barrower ❑r Trustor <br /> may be �iable indiWidually �r �oin�ly wi�h ��hers, whether ❑bligated as guarant�r, surety, aG�vmmodation party ar <br /> o�herwise, and whether reco�ery upan such amounts may k�e ❑r hereafter may become barr�d by any s�atute ❑f <br /> limitativns, and whefiher fihe ob�igafiion ta r�pay such amoun�s may be or hereafte�- may bec�me ❑�herwise <br /> unen�orceable. <br /> FUTURE A�VAN�ES. In addi�ian �❑ �he Nv�e, �his �3eed ❑f Trus� secures all �u�ure advances made by Lender tv <br />; Borrowe�ar Trustor whether ar no��he ad�ances are made pursuanfi�❑ a commitmen�. 5pecifi�ally, withou�limitativn, <br /> this ❑eed of Trust secu�-es, in addition to�he amounts specified in the No�e, all �uture amounts L�nder in its dzscre�kion <br /> may loan to Borrower or Trustar,�vgether with all in�teres��herean. <br /> Trustor presently assigns fio Lender �alsa known as Beneficiary in �his Deed ❑f Trust} all ❑� Trus�vr's right, title, and <br /> interes� in and tv aIE present and �uture leases ❑f �he Prvper�y and all Ren�s �rom �he Proper�y. In addi�ian, Trusto�- <br /> gran�s to Lender a Uniform Commercia[ Code security Fnteres�in�he Personal Praper�y and Ren�s. <br /> TH1S DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDING THE A5SIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURlTY 1NTEFiEST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSDNAL PR�PERTY, 15 G1VEN T� SECURE '�A} PAYMENT DF THE INDEBTEONESS AND t6� PERFDR1tiJ1ANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �gL1GAT�DNS UN�ER THE NDTE, THE RELATED ❑DCUMENTS, AN❑ TH15 DEED ❑F TRUST. THiS <br /> DEEL7 DF TRUST IS GIVEN ANa A�CEPTED�N THE FaLL�VV�NG TER1Vl5: <br />, <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATE�NS AN❑ WARRANTlES. Trustor warran�s tha#: ta� this ❑eed ❑f Trusfi is execu�ed a� <br /> Borrow�r's requesfi and na� at the reques� ❑f Lender; �b} Trustor has �he �Full power, righ�, and authari�ky�❑ en�er intv <br />� �his ❑sed of Trust and �o hypo�he�a�e the Praper�y; �c} �he pr�visi�ns vfi this Deed at Trust da nat �anflic� wi�h, ar <br /> result in a de�auffi under any agre�ment❑r ❑ther insfirument binding upan Trus�or and d❑ nat result in a �ialativn of any <br /> law, regula�ion, court decree a� order applicalale �o Trustor; {d� Trus�vr has establish�d adequate means af obtaining <br /> firom Borrower an a continuing basis information abau� Barrower's financial Gondition; and {e} Lender has made no <br /> representat3�n�v Trus�or abou�Borrower{including without l�mitafiion fihe�reditworthiness of Borrower}. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAlVERS. Trustvr waiWes ali ri�hts or defenses arising by reason ❑f any "one acti�n" ❑r "anfii�de-�ici�ncy" <br /> [aw, or any ❑ther law whEch may pre��nt Lender firom bringing any actian against Trus�or, including a cfaim fior <br />, deficiency to the ex�ent Lender is otherwise entitfed �❑ a claim #ar defiiciency, befare ar after Lender's commencemen�k <br /> or c�mpletian❑�F any foreclosure action, ei�her judicially vr 1ay exercise af a pvwer vf sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRIUtANCE. Excep�as a�herwise pr��ided in�his Deed o�F Trust, Barrower and Trustar shall pay t❑ <br /> Lender all Indebt�dness secured by �his Deed of Trusfi as it becomes due, and Barrower and Trustor sha�f s�rictiy <br /> perform all�kheir respeGfii�e obliga�ions under the Na�e,�his Deed o�Trusfi, and the Related �]ocuments. <br />� PD55E5SI�N AN❑ C111A1NTENANCE DF THE PRaPERTY, 6orrower and Trus�or agree that Borroirver`s and Trustor'�s <br /> possession and use of fihe Praper�y shall he goWerned by the fo�Ivwing pro�is�ons: <br /> Possession and Lfse. Un�il the vccurrence ❑f an E�ent ❑f Default, Trusfior may {1� remain in possession and <br /> con�rol of�he Praperty; t�� use, ❑perate or manag�the Praperty; and �3} co�Iec�the Ren�s fram�he Prvperty. <br /> Du�y to Main�ain. Trustor shall maintain the Prvperty in tenantable condi�ion and promp�ly per�orm all repairs, <br /> replac�ments, and maintenan�e necessary�a preser�e i�s�a�ue. <br /> Complian�e With Environmental Laws. Trusto�- represenfs and warran�s to Lender that: ��} During �he perivd vf <br /> Trus�ar`s vwnership vf fihe Prvperty,th�re has been no use, genera�ivn, manufacture, s�orage, �rea�m�n�, disposal, <br /> ref�ase or threatened rel�ase ❑f any Hazardaus Substance by any person ❑n, under, abau� ar from �he Property; <br /> �2� Trustnr has n❑ knowledge ofi, or reason t❑ belie�e�ha�there has been, except as pre�iously dis�lvsed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wrsting, {a� any breach ❑r viv[ativn of any En�ironmen�al Laws, �b� any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufiacture, storage, �reatment, disposal, release or fihreatened release ❑f any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> ❑n, under, abou� or from �he Proper�y by any prior owners or vccupants ❑� �he Praper�y, or �c} any actual ❑r <br /> threatened iitiga�ion or �laims ❑f any kind by any persan relating ta such mat-rers; and {3} Except as pre�ivusly <br /> disclosed�❑ and acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a} neither Trus�or nor any tenant, can�tractv�-, agent❑r❑ther <br />; au�harized user o�the Praperty shall use, g�nerate, manu�a�ture, sfia�e, treat, dispose ❑f or release any Hazardaus <br /> Subs�ance an, under, about o�from the Prvperty; and �b} any such ac�i�ity shall be �onduct�d in campliance with <br /> all appli�able �ederal, s�a�e, and local laws, regulations and vrdinanGes, including withou� limi�ativn a�l <br />, En�ironmental Laws. Trus�vr authorizes Lender and its agents ta enter upon the Property �a make such <br /> . inspecfiions and �ests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �❑ determine compliance of �he <br /> Praperty wi�h this seGtivn ❑fi the Deed ❑f Trus�. Any inspe�tions or tes�s made hy Lender shall be �or Lender's <br /> purposes only and shall not be �ons�rued�o create any responsibility or liability on�he part�f Lender to Trustor or <br /> �❑ any other person. The representa�ians and warran�ies cvn�ained herein are based on Trustor's due difigence in <br /> in�estiga�ing the Property for Hazardaus Suhstances. Trustar hereby {'�� releases and waiWes any�uture �laims <br /> against Lender#o�- indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trus�or becomes l�able for cleanup ❑r ❑�kher cosfis under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemni�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and a�, lasses, <br /> liabilitfes, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direcfily❑r indirec�ly sus�ain or suffer resulting from <br /> a breach of�his se��ion v��he I�eed ❑f Trus� or as a �onsequence o� any use, generafiian, manu�acture, s�orage, <br /> dispasal, release❑r�hreatened release occurring prior�❑Trust�r's ownership❑r in�erest in the Prvperty, whether❑r <br /> not �he same was o�- should ha�e been known to Trustor. The pro�isians ❑f this secti�n ❑f the Deed ❑� Trus�, <br /> includ�ng�he obliga�ion to �ndemni�y and defend, shall sur�ive the paymen�vf the �ndehfiedness and the satisfaction <br />