2� 1 �� 1975
<br /> Property CondYt�on, Alteratxons and Ins�ection. Trustor wil� k��p the Propearty in goad cvnditxon and
<br /> make aIX repairs tha� are reasanably necessary. Trustor sha11 not commit or a�.�ow any waste, impairment, or
<br /> deteriorativn of the Pr�perty. Trustor agrees that th� nature of the occupancy and u�e wiXl nat sub�tantial�y
<br /> change withou� Beneficiary's privr v�rri��en cansent. Trustor vvi11 not permit any chang� in any li�ense,
<br /> restr�c�ive cov�nan� or �asement wi�hout B�neficiary's przor wrxtten consent. Trustor will notafy Benef��iary
<br /> of aii demands, proceed�ngs, c�aims, and a�tions against Trustar, and of any lass or damage ta the Property.
<br /> Beneficiary ar BenefiGiary's agents may, at Beneficzary's option, ent�r�he Proper�y at any reasonabXe time for
<br /> the purpose of insp��t�ng �he Property. Beneficiary sha11 gxve Trustar notice at the time af or before an
<br /> inspection specifying a reasonable purpo�e far the xnspection. Any inspection of the Propez ty shal�he ent�rely
<br /> for B�neficiary's��nefit and Trustar will Yn na way r�ly an Beneficiary's insp�ct�on.
<br /> Auth�r�ty ta Perform. �f Trustor fazls to perform any duty or any of the cavenan�s contained in�his Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrument, Beneficiary may, wxthout notxce, perfarm �r �ause them ta �e p�rfarm�d. Trustar appoints
<br /> Benefi�iary as attorney in fact to sxgn Trustor's name or pay any amount n��essary for performance.
<br /> Beneficxary's right to perfarm far Trustor shall not cr�ate an o�bligation ta perform, and Benefi��ary's fa.ilure
<br /> to perfarm wi�l nfl� preclude Beneficiazy fram exercxsing any of Beneficiary's other rights under the Iaw or
<br /> th�s Securi�y�nstrument.
<br /> LeasehoXd�; Condomxnrums; P�anned Un�t 13��e�opments. Trustor agrees �o comply wit� the provisions nf
<br /> any lease if this �ecur�ty Instrument Y� an a l�aseha�d. If the Property �ncludes a un�t xn a cand�minium or a
<br /> planned unit development, Trustor will perform aII of Trus�or's dut�es under the ca�enants, by-lavvs, or
<br /> regul atians af the candamin�um or pl anned unit develapment.
<br /> Candemnatx�n. Trustor wil� give Beneficiary promp� notic� of any pendxng or threatened actian, by pr��ate
<br /> ar public entities to purchase ar take any or al� af the Praperty through �ondemnation, eminent d�main, or
<br /> any ather means. Trus�or author�zes Beneficiary to inter�ene in Trus�or's name in any of the abave described
<br /> actians or claYms. Trustor ass�gns to Benef�c�ary the pro�eeds of any award or �Iaim for damages connected
<br /> wzth a condemnatian or o�her taking of a11 or any part af the Property. Such prac�eds shall be cons�dered
<br /> payments and w�I� be applied as pro�ided �n this Securit� Instrument. This assignmen� of proceeds is su�ject
<br /> tQ the terms of any prYor martgage, deed of trust, securi�y agreement or other lien document.
<br /> Insuran�e. Trustar shall keep Prop�rty insured against Ioss by �re, flc�od, th�ft and ather hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably associated vvith the Propezrty due to its type and 1�catxon. This insuranc�sha.�.i be ma�ntained in the
<br /> amaunts and for the perivds that Beneficiary requires. What Ben�ficiary r�quires pursuant to the preceding
<br /> twa sent�nces can change during the term of the Secured Debt. Th� insurance carrier providing the insurance
<br /> shall be chosen by Trustor subjec� ta Beneficiary's approva�, which sha.Il not be unreasonably withheid. �f
<br /> Trustor fai1� to maintain �he coverage des�r�bed above, Beneficiary may, at Benefic�ary's option, obtain
<br /> co�erage to protect Ben�ficiary's rights in the Praperty according to the terms af th�s SeGurxty Yn�trument,
<br /> A11 insurance policies and ren�wa.ls shal�be a�ceptable to Benefic�ary and sha.11 rnclude a standard "martgage
<br /> clauserr and, where appli�able, "loss pay�e c�ause." Trustor sha11 immediat�ly notify Ben�fxciary of
<br /> can�ellatx�n �r terminat�on of the insurance. Benefic�ary sha11 ha�re the rxght to hoid the pvlicies and
<br /> renev�als. �f Benef�czary requ�res, Trustor shall immed�ate�y giv�to Beneficiary a�I receipts of paid premiums
<br /> and r�neWa1 nflt�ces. Upon Ioss, Trustor shall give �mmediat�natice ta the �nsuran�e carrier and Benefic�ary,
<br /> Beneficiary may mak�proof af Ioss if not made�mmedza�ely by Trustor.
<br /> Unless atherwise agr��d xn wri�ing, aXZ �nsurance proc�eds shall be applied ta the restoration ar repair of�he
<br /> Praperty ar ta the Secur�d Debt, whe�her or not �hen due, at Benefxciary's op�zan. Any applicatYon of
<br /> praceeds to principal shall not ex�end �r postpone the due �ate of the s�heduled payment nor change the
<br /> amount af any payment. Any excess w��� �e paid to the Trustar. If the Properry is acquired by B�nefic�ary,
<br /> Trustor's r�gh� ta any insurance policies an.ci praGeedS resulting fram damage to the Property before the
<br /> acquis�tYon shal�pas�ta B�nef�ciary to the extent of the S��ured Debt immedia�ely before�he acquisi�ian.
<br /> F�nanciax Reports and Additxonal Dacuments. Trustor v�il� provide to Beneficiary upon request, any
<br /> f�nancial statement or �nformation Benef�ciary may deem reasanably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br /> delxver, and file any addxtional dacuments or cert�fY�ations that Beneficiary may�onsider n��essary to perfect,
<br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's obl�gatians under this Securi�y Znstrum�nt and Sene�ciary's �ien status on
<br /> the Propert�.
<br /> 5. W Y �F TITLE. Trustar warrants that Trus�or is or w��l be lawfu�ly seized of�he estate canveyed
<br /> by this Security Instrument and has the ri�ht to irrevocably grant, convey, and sell the Prnperty to Trustee, in
<br /> �rust, with power of sa.le. Trustar also warran�s �hat the Praperty �s unencum�ered, �xc�p� for enGumbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. DIJE �N SALE. Benefic�ary may, at �ts option, declare the ent�re balan�� of the Secured Debt �o �e
<br /> immediately due and payable upan the creat�on of, ar cantra�t for the creati�n of, a transfer or sale of aII �r
<br /> any part af the Praper�y. This righ� xs subject ta�he restrictions xmposed by f�dera.� �aw �I2 C.F.R. 59I}, a�
<br /> applicable.
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-Dp�n-End-Cp�sumer-N� OCP-REDT-NE 7121207 1
<br /> VMPD 6ankers 5ystemsT�" VMP-C4fi5�N�J t�T Q7y,�D
<br /> Wvlters Kluw�r Financiaf 5er�iGes Q1994,2a1� I'age 3 vf�
<br />